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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. That is a sharp truck - I like the color.
  2. You must not have known about it as you were in your pre-awkward disco stage
  3. I would give my right nut for that oilfield truck
  4. I think it is, and the latest rumor is that he just bought a huge spread down in the lone star state where he makes his wife plow the fields as he is too cheap to buy a mule. I wouldn't mess with him - he is cRAzY
  5. If it is a steep hill and requires a lot of gear jammin', slammin', shiftin', smokin', lip bitin', and all kinds of other in' type work, I just pull out my trusty map from the glove box and turn it upside down, that way you is going downhill - right?
  6. I'm like the scarecrow in Oz - "if I only had a brain" I bought it for the mun-mun wheels it had on it, I have a guy that buys them from me, I just am embarassed to been seen delivering them. I really only paid scrap price but it still should have been brought to my attention.
  7. Why is it when I sell something on the internet, I take tons of photos, describe it in tiresome detail, and make it look worse than it is so the buyer is happy, but then when I buy something sight unseen, I get this: All I hear is: daily driver, little old lady only drove it to church on Sunday in Arizona, never left the garage on a rainy day, yada, yada, yada. Nothing about the lack of a key. Good thing I was buying it for the fancy wheels - now I have to junk the rest, how can I sell that to someone?
  8. Sold out already for 2012? EXPAND! LIke Doritos - MAKE MORE! Wow - that is a good problem to have
  9. You must be going "Green". Green as in the color of your fingernails full of fumunda cheese after scratchin'
  10. The best law my blushing bride ever layed down was that the kids never get a TV or computer in their rooms. All electronic activity has to be performed in the wide open, easy to see whatcha doing spaces of the living room, while we are in there as well. That guy did the right thing, he just should have crowned himself King and his wife Queen of the house a long time ago - raising kids does not work when the kids get a vote in how its done.
  11. Send me the info if you can - You had better first get you a mule to go with your right to vote and your 40 acres. Oh wait - you are already married, I doubt if you need another nag.
  12. We had a couple of forestry trucks like those Chevy's. They had cab guards over the whole top of the cab so we couldn't buy those ones they came out later with the big hard hat bulge on the roof. They gave you a lot more head room, but looked gay going down the road.
  13. I ran a dragline at a quarry that had a Waukesha six cylinder gas in it - that thing drank so much gasoline it had fuel lines the size of a heater hose. I was loading rock from a dump spot into a surge bin - back and forth all day long. Someone, I am not saying who, got tired of the hand throttle jarring loose so it was wired wide open - it took ear plugs with ear muffs over the top. The local Amish sawmills still use a lot of them. That looks like you have a great start on your restoration! I am going to have to look up the history of Waukesha...............
  14. I would come along and do all the driving and buy all the fuel, but I have to wash my hair and have my weekly bath tonight. Send pics!
  15. I had the same problem in one I removed a bed from, if you wear a ball cap with that stupid little button in the middle of the top - you will soon have a dent in the ol' noggin right beneath it
  16. Are you the one on the far right with the fuzzy collar?
  17. You ol' boys best be a gittin your sweetie pie sumpin for Valentines day if you-uns wants to keep her
  18. Well that is my new saying - no longer "slap your momma". Now when I see something that really gets me going I will bust out "Slap the dash"!
  19. HA! Yeah right! Before the internet, I could go to all the local surplus auctions and just buy like a mad man with no competition. Now if the auction is online, I go home with half as much. But it is a two edged sword. It took a lot longer and a lot more work to sell the stuff without the internet.
  20. I think Robb came to his senses and realized he was going to be working to put a Peterbuilt back on the road so he raised the price enough to cover his guilt - maybe he talked the guy into buying a new Mack
  21. I bet that was a good trip - the more time spent with their dad (and trucks) the better! Those boys will always remember trips like that - the more time we give up to spend with our kids, the better grown ups they will become.
  22. Good for him - an employee of mine just lost his mother, and to have a wake, a simple funeral, and have her cremated cost over $7000.00 that he and his siblings had to borrow to get it done. What a joke - what happened to earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust? Gather up however many pieces I am in at the time and lay me in a cardboard box in the ground so I can add to the tilth of the soil.
  23. You are wise beyond your years - wait, you are only 11 years old right?
  24. Great lookin truck - photo of interior? You and I must have the same grandmother - "always take good care of your play purtys so they will last"
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