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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. That is really well written.
  2. I think you better go slow with that one, Bennster - she thinks you go fishing with a paper clip
  3. Good to see you working on it everyday. It may not seem much, but even if you do some little thing, it all helps you get it finished. A guy that buys my aluminum scrap always says: "If you save a dime here and a dime there, it will add up to a new Cadillac"
  4. He may not use the smell-pretty liquid lotion, but that powder - OHHHHH MYYYY, how soothing that feels on the nether-regions!
  5. It must be a U model, a DM would never come apart that easily.
  6. Vinny - If you send me rain, I promise to leave your spelling mistakes alone? Hatcity - get ready to take over.......
  7. I need a Mack H model hauled from Reserve, New Mexico, 87830 to Fulton, Missouri, 65251 or really anywhere in Missouri would work. No hurry on pick up. The seller said he can push it up on a trailer. Here is a photo: You can call me at (573)219-6611 David Backer Here is Mark's post from a month ago when he offered to drive it - does the offer still stand? "Tom,i'll just need some new batteries,couple packs of cigarettes,thermos full of coffee,and i'll DRIVE it up to Jersey! deal?"........................Mark
  8. Happy Birthday gents! You share it with: Jessica Simpson - - Hot one Nikola Tesla - - Smart one Phyllis from the office - - not so hot one Herman Munster - - not so smart one Hope you have a good one!
  9. Did you notice if they have cupholders for your employee's beer bottle?
  10. Well I stand corrected, I thought it was all closer together - it all fits under the end of my thumb on the map you know - how many folks can there really be under there?
  11. That works both ways Vlad - I appreciate your vison of things in your part of the world.
  12. Paul - how far do you live from the Brooklyn Bridge? The kids and I are reading a chapter every week or so of David Mccullough's book on how it was built - great stuff! Our big plan is to go see it when we finish it - we expect the $1.00 tour when we show up at your door?
  13. I just spoke to Rob and his nephews Ben and Vinny. They all three said they would give you a kiss on your cheeks the next time they see you. I will let you determine what set of cheeks are to be kissed.
  14. I always pee between the same slats on the back deck. My wife was watering the flower pots the other day and asked why there was a big brown spot in the yard. Must be those basset hounds. I like to pee outside, but there is nothing as nice as a airconditioned Kohler elongated porcelain bowl to rest your cheeks on when you have to drop the deuce. I spent too many years in bum-f&%k egypt clearing power lines where you had to hold on to a tree while you took a dump to keep from falling down the cliff to enjoy pooping outside. That soft multi layer toilet paper that the blushing bride buys sure beats a used McDonalds napkin or the tail of your shirt.
  15. What are the two upright things on the front bumper for? Did it start out as a firetruck? The tabs welded to the front bumper look like a place to hook on a tow bar?
  16. Ha! I like it. Greetings!
  17. I should clarify my last post - throw the wires away, not vinny - keep him and use him to sweep the shop, pick up tools, etc.
  18. We just replaced a rear spring pack on a International with that system. My in-house brain surgeon panicked when he cut the wires while cleaning years of grime off the axle housing. I let him suffer for a few minutes of angst, then I just reached over the frame and starting yanking it all out. Throw it away.
  19. I have been wondering what happened to Timothy on here so I sent him a message - here is his response: "I've been working my girlish figure right off for the past weeks working nights 70 plus hours in Vermont and Maine. Not home much right now. Please tell the BMT family I say Hello! and miss you guys. Will talk soon! Tim" He must be addled from the heat and breathing asphalt grindings if he thinks he has anything Girlish about his figure that we would be interested in...........
  20. The Menards started showing up around here about 4 years ago. I went in one to just take a look around and came out with that sink-instant hotwater set up. I use it every morning for my tea and I will shoot the person that tries to take it away - no more staring at the damn teapot waiting for the noise.
  21. You share your big day with: Kevin Bacon Toby Keith and my favorite: Marty Feldman Hope you had a good one! Happy Birthday! It's Marty Feldman. I fixed it for you. Rob
  22. Tell us more? I always thought the way they sound when you start them sounded kind of cheap.
  23. That is the most intelligent written and spelled thing I have ever read on here!
  24. My 12 year old left this morning for a week long boy scout camping trip. I took him last night to Wally-World and the Bass Pro shop to buy some new gear. He has been saving up for it with the money he has earned mowing and raking hay for me this hot summer. It is amazing how much time and energy he spent trying to determine what to buy because he was paying for it all! Those greenbacks are harder to pull out of your wallet when it was sweat that slid them in there.
  25. Vlad - The ozarks are an area that is made up of southern Missouri and the top 1/4 or so of Arkansas. Check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ozarks We tend to use the Ozarks as a derogatory term, but I really shouldn't. The south side of the Missouri river is still a very strong German Catholic area that is clean, pretty much crime free, and a great place to live. But once you continue south of there a little ways, it is like you jumped off a cliff when you enter the Ozarks. The land is not very productive, it is hilly and forrested, and just never was as populated or well off as the rest of the state. But there is a great independant streak in the Ozarks I always admired. We worked down there for 10 years clearing power lines and it was amazing the cross section of people you would run into. Land has always been cheap because you could not do much with a lot of it, so it attracted lots of oddball types and retirees from other areas. Now the biggest thing going is tourism. The Lake of the Ozarks and Branson, Missouri draw in hundreds of thousands of visitors which has really changed the dynamic. Come to Missouri, I will give you a grand tour!
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