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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I don't know, but I was also wanting to know ---------- just a wee little help on this Jay?
  2. You are right! - when I go the car auction, I always carry a rubber hammer to beat the fuel tank as needed, along with a insulated jumper screw driver and a brass hammer to beat around on the starter!
  3. It sold - to a guy on this forum, so just like granny's antique rocking chair - it stayed in the family.
  4. What is the average size for an order of new trucks?
  5. Good job this time! Little bit of everthing - any of them for sale?
  6. The second amendment will be over with
  7. I think that was a different one - the wheels were different on the one I think you are thinkin' bout
  8. It is being sold by a "hooker", maybe you can work a deal If you have the horsepower to fund it, that would be great sleeper cab truck to restore Hatcity - my dear ol mum grew up in West (by god) Virginia, she still can't say it any other way
  9. I apologize if anyone was offended - I got the thread off track with my reference to "crackage" and the last thing anyone I have ever seen on here wants to do is to offend anyone. But it must be remembered that this is humor, albeit dark. no one in any way, shape, or form, is trying to lead anyone down the merry path towards condoning illegal drug use. If that is what you think, then you are mistaken. This forum is so great because it includes so many different things - Mack expertise being by far the most important, but just like the juvenille humor, Obama jokes, off color jokes, half nekked ladies, photos of spot the wonder dog, profane language, or any other innuendo, it all has its place (except love of a Kenworth) - when you get down to it, all of those things could be construed by people with differing opinions as wrong, so how do you pick the one you don't like? My wife was an english major - the thing that bothers those types most in life is misspelled words - but I find them funny - its all good. Enjoy!
  10. That is what I am talkin' 'bout! That imPRESSes me! I would like to PRESS the button to activate it! It looks like it really applies the PRESSure! That is such a good photo, I must go sit down and decomPRESS!
  11. I think it must be a midwest problem?
  12. Is this the emperors new clothes thread? Only cool people can see it? I guess that is why I am always left out......
  13. That woman is just doing her job, the will of her constituents - unlike obama
  14. I wonder what engine?
  15. That is a beautiful cock of the walk truck!
  16. A life insurance company has this on their site so you can get a rough idea of how long you have to hang around this old world. http://media.nmfn.com/tnetwork/lifespan I got 86 years when I was being honest - but then I did it based on what my lifestyle was right out of school - not so good
  17. How long did he have to stand on the dunce stool?
  18. WTF? That is the craziest thing I have seen in a long time - of course I would read it on here - I looked it up and it is true - crazy, crazy, crazy
  19. No - not an "A", it has a "R", as in tater. A few years ago, I was loading groceries in the van and a older gentleman with a beard down to his knees and no teeth came up and said: "Sonny, you forgot your taters" as he pointed to the forgotten bag on the bottom shelf of the cart. One of the kids fell out of the van he got to laughing so hard. My wife is still livid as now all the kids turn into a barrel of monkeys and say that line whenever potatoes are mentioned.
  20. and build dream catchers out of popsicle sticks - and then lay flat on the floor and allow yourself to BE warm tapioca pudding Damn - I really hated day camp
  21. as in: I be sportin' it FRESH Holmes -
  22. Part it out? - if it drives as good as the old girl looks, put it to work - nice looking truck!
  23. Good news -- I saw it vanish off ebay and I hoped something like that happened -
  24. Photos earn extra points in the cool department - Can you post a pic of the press you shape the frame rails with?
  25. Rob - The Dan Quayle of trucks - he can shift a two stick transmission, but he can't spell potato(e?)
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