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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. NO! You are not supposed to eat the rubber -
  2. I've had my share of homebrewed frame straightening with the trusty Enerpac, but this is way beyond me. I had a local traveling frame straightener come look it over and take a gander and he found lots more damage than I did in places that are nowhere near the impact. It has a really thick double frame and it has twice as many cross members as some. It even has those really stout pipe and socket bolt on stiffners, like a CCC chassis has, every few feet. He said it is so stiff that it made it worse - no give to it. When a friend said to call the "traveling" frame straightener, I pictured some english accented, derby hat wearing carpet bagger with a monocle - this guy had on Aramark clothes, spoke with our local twang, and a pocket protector - long way from Sherlock Holmes.
  3. Those look great - I took your advice and down and dirty checked all the cross members on the truck I was wanting to rerail and they were all tweaked. When I got to measuring, one whole side of the truck was 3/4 of an inch further forward than normal, all the way to the back with stress cracks, flaked paint and bends. Its a parts truck now. Good to know about that place.
  4. I have for sale a good running Detroit 453 engine. It is installed in a Hydroaxe forestry tractor. I have the whole machine for sale and listed on ebay - check out item: http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1555.l2649 Or I also will sell just the engine for $2700.00 Put it in a pickup! I can crate and ship - you pay the freight - email for a quote
  5. "A domestic rights brochure was left for the family, the police report said" I claim our domestic right to be as loud as we feel the need
  6. Dude, its like got some crackage - - - - - - - - - Heh, heh, heh, he said crackage Dude, let's make a table wit it out of glass so we can like, make the "lines" better
  7. None of my beeswax, but did they tell you what they paid for it?
  8. Putting it back together is not nearly as fun
  9. We have a 1500 acre farm split in half by I-70 in Mid-MO and we have been hearing this kind of nonsense for the last 25 years. First they want to widen it, then they want to build truck only lanes, then they want to build a wall down the center, then they want to build a railroad down the middle, now they want toll booths. All I know is that when they finally pick up a shovel and do something except posture and yak about it, I will die off in shock. Smarty pants engineers keep calling every year and meet with us and show us maps and then nothing ever gets done. All that has been done is they have installed safety cables down the comedian so we no longer can drive dozers and combines across to the other side without going around to the exit. We have a couple of water wells, one on each side of I-70 that are hooked together with a pipe under the highway. The engineers never can understand how this is there without someone knowing about it. Lots of things, good and bad, are known to happen in the dark of the night.
  10. You will remember what it is when you get up multiple times during the night to go pee pee - bladder capacity.
  11. Keep goin' - keep goin' - don't stop the scraper stories yet - we only exist today to help you get all your scraper angst out. The SLA (scraper lovers anonoymous) meeting is at randyp's house tonight at 8:00.
  12. I don't understand - do you or do you not like scrapers? - you are so am·big·u·ous
  13. We should go chain up the door to Rob's little radar tarpaper shack and install one of those neat-o internet jammers around it. Then we can charge him the $2100.00 to let him out and get his porn-net back on. We might have to leave him in there for 24 hours while everyone on here roots around in his shop for B model trim, Mack V8 parts, spray guns, and Allis Chalmers hot rod lawn tractors.
  14. Jimi Hendrix and fire trucks in the same thread - this is great stuff
  15. What was fun was when those hot hydraulic lines right behind you would blow in the summer time. Loud, Hot, Dirty, Rough riding, take your pick on what it was that pissed you off, they all did me. Last month I drove by a place where an old Allis scraper I used to drive was being cut up for scrap - made my day.
  16. Bid that one up - the owner is a good sort of fella
  17. Can't help you with the linkage - but I like the WD!
  18. Good cause - I gave an extra $1.00 in hopes they keep you locked up LONGER. Do you have cuffs on or a ball and chain? What color is your jumpsuit?
  19. What's under the tarp? What's under the tarp?
  20. Hey - Thats a fine idea. We have lots of chickens and eat lots of eggs. I wonder if you can get your bags all ready and then freeze them ahead of time? Can you freeze eggs?
  21. If the tank is solid and meets a pressure test, and the pump is good, it would bring more than that to the right guy. I don't see how Doug could have run out of shit to pump in that state.
  22. I don't know the particulars, but I have bought a couple of trucks from dealers in Cali-fornicate-ia that were being sold because they can't be used there anymore because of emissions laws. They ran great - not a thing wrong with them.
  23. This video should be banned - I can tell from the sound and the smoke that he is running fuel with Sulfur in it - he must be some sort of Republican.
  24. I do the same thing - and it is amazing to other people what I can get done inside the bank just because the tellers know me. I will sometimes get a check that they misspelled my name or some other problem, and it just sails right on through. I smile, I laugh, I ask them about their kids - not because I am calculating future need - but because people are worthwile - they are worth talking to - I like it when people take the time to visit with me, so I visit with others as they also like it.
  25. Quite a wordy description - not I think I have seen this before on ebay with a bed or a roll-off set up?
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