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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Duals on back? 4wd?
  2. Come on - we can all handle it, cut loose with the photo!
  3. Ha! Thats no lie!
  4. Several stout bumpers in that photo
  5. Ha! Thats funny - I am glad we have such a great friggin media to keep us informed of what the dumbasses are doing. Khadijah Baseer - what kind of name is that? My people sure don't spell names that way
  6. If they are going to someone that will restore them, even overseas, at least they are being saved and there is a chance they could come back someday. If they get parked in the weeds to rust and fall apart, they will never come back (same as if they were sent to africa and never maintained)
  7. The american people are on the receiving end of that finger gesture
  8. HA! Thats funny - Have you heard the recording of that jackass captain trying to sneak off? Thats pretty lame of him. Good luck gettin folks to what to go out for a spin in that old hulk once they refloat it. I bet they change the name and keep right on floatin'
  9. I have a in-house brain surgeon that I swear could tear up a anvil in a sandbox - no bullets needed. if you need one broken, let me know
  10. I just got home with this Mitsubishi from her maiden trip - poor little ugly Jay-pan truck worked like a champ. I drove it 360 miles to pick up five bucket truck booms I bought and Monday I head back to get five more. It did not use any oil, and has yet to give any trouble. It sure is not a Mack - your foot is on the floor the whole time when loaded and it does not have any "lug" whatsoever. One of my in-house brain surgeons saw it pull in yesterday and he said we looked like something that should be driving in the Sudan or somewhere. But at least I have not bent the frame yet! I thought my sideboards turned out well - Guess what they are made out of - can you tell what is missing from this old combine?
  11. I have bid on several postal MR's on ebay - was that where you got them? Did you feel like the listings were pretty accurate/straight forward? I have wanted to hear from someone who had dealt with them before I really bid what they are worth.
  12. If you want to honestly know what it is worth, provide a accurate description with all the good and bad areas highlighted and stick it on ebay starting at .99 cents with no reserve. That is the only way you find out what it is worth at that point in time. Ebay sells more vehicles than anywhere else. The more times you advertise it at a high price, the less it will bring in the end as people shy away from something they have seen for sale multiple times. Like water in a bulldog drinkin' bowl, with no reserve, the price will rise to the correct level.
  13. Thats gold! Kinda makes you think how stupid we all are to get so worked up about stuff.
  14. I can't get it to work?
  15. One of my family members was a A/C dealer but his "Big" tractors in the 40's/50's were four Case LA models. At least one of them had a 3-71 detroit. One of the hired men forgot to check the antifreeze level when it got cold one fall and the block cracked and they sold it for scrap. I bet that would be a neat one to restore. That was a little before my time, but the hired man still works for him. They are all in their 90's now and all they do is wait around for the mail to show up each day and mow the yard in the summer. He has worked for him for over 60 years - there is a real antique.
  16. I always keep them around to slap them on if you get to doing a lot of dirty body work or especially for welding on the truck. I like having some "sacrificial" wheels/tires around that you don't have to mask off or worry about burning, especially if you may have to move it out of the way before you finish so something more pressing can take its place until another time.
  17. I bet it would handle one of the trailers fine, that way you can get around better if you have to back up. It will haul enough for little jobs so you can use your truck more throughout the year. Paint it up and restore it so it looks good going down the road with the B model pulling it.
  18. Is that yellow arm sticking up on a bale loader?
  19. I agree, and I also think the girl on the right of the ZZ top dudes is too skinny for Rob
  20. I will call them today once I do some measuring. Columbia Freight$haker want$ clo$e to $10,000.00 for a $et. But at least they are predrilled based on the VIN as it left the factory. Some dork at the CIty of St. Louis spilled his coffee while working on the 40/64 expansion and took out a bridge pillar. The truck has less than 30,000 miles on it and has a lot of life left if repaired. It bent the frame rail right behind the front bumper and behind the rear front axle spring hanger into the shape of a Z. It looks like ZZ top was involved.
  21. Well, it appears she is happy about something - Now the question is, did hatcity honestly find this while searching for fishin' gear, or does he have some sort of prior carnal knowledge to know this type of photo will appear there?
  22. Do you have their phone number? I need a set for a 2003 CIty of St. Louis FL80 Freightliner that lost out to a bridge pillar.
  23. Do they both have air gates and full width door so you can spread with them? My neighbor uses a small one like the single axle to spread gravel on long driveways and farmer lanes where the trees are so thick over the road he can't raise a dump bed high enough to get the gravel out. He had to rework the air dump system so that it did not just open all the way. And he has to be sure there is a place to turn around at the end of the drive! If you buy them and then don't like 'em you could dump them off at a auction and get your money back. little devil on the shoulder says:buy it!
  24. Someone needs to help Bigen with his truck - not only is he stranded, but so is my Mack that he is going to haul home for me. Time seems to drrraaagggg when you are waiting for wrenching to start!
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