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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I would have already bought it if it was not for the rubber bed. You won't find one cheaper if it runs out good.
  2. Ha - that is exactly what I think sometimes, but it usually is that I pay and someone else reaps the benefits - but a lesson bought is a lesson taught!
  3. I have heard the THWACK sound of a breaking phone line many a time! The good thing about cell phones is that I don't feel so bad if I tear down a land line - they can still talk.
  4. Greetings David! From one David to another, you are welcome around here!
  5. I also had a shorter bed just like this on a Isuzu 33,000 GVW cabover truck. That was the handiest truck I ever had for driving around inside of buildings. But it was a 1987 year truck and it just got to where it was like pulling teeth to get parts to keep it up. The best rollback I ever had was on a different Paystar. It was a 1979 with a 350 Cummins and had been bought new by a local John Deere dealer to haul farm machinery on. It had a 30 foot machinery bed with a three foot hydraulic tail. We removed the restriction fitting from the hydraulic lines going to the tail. You could unload junk cars and then take the tail and "flip" them backwards and they would really roll out of the way! I sold it to a guy in North Carolina, and I have seen it reappear on ebay a couple of times - I bet it is still hauling.
  6. I take that as a compliment! I bought that truck to use the wheels and seat on my crane truck, but I ended up coming across other ones already off. It already is selling for more than I paid for it - so I am pleased. I have a good 350 cummins engine that I guess I should have put in that truck, but when you get to looking at the single frame, that crappy rear suspension, and all the missing little items that you may or may not be able to get from Kenworth, I just did the smart thing and wrote it off. Life is too short to go around chasing Kenworth parts and then having a light duty truck when you are done. All this truck did was make me further realize the advantages of Macks!
  7. The advantage I liked about these beds was that with a real heavy press, you would never have the front end of the truck come off the ground! I really liked the one I had, simple to maintain. Once you got used to how the bed worked, you got to where you knew how to use the rear outrigger to raise and lower the front of the bed as needed, you just had to think about it as being backwards from a normal rollback with the tilt cylinders in the front. But it was a deal where you had better not let just anyone borrow it or get their hands on the controls to "help" you out. There is nothing more embarassing than being at an auction rigging machinery and have someone unexperienced flop that bed down with a slam onto the truck frame!
  8. I have been watching that truck since the last time it was on ebay. I had that same bed on a Paystar and moved a lot of machinery with it. I wish I still had it. My worry with this one is the "rubber" bed. I don't think my machinery dollies and skates would do real good on that floor.
  9. I am selling this junk Kenworth on ebay that must have been owned by Junior Samples - BR549 on the hood http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230731334191&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Haven't you always wanted to own a Kenworth to have around to throw rocks at?
  10. Ever since I saw this post about trapping, I have been waiting for the first BEAVER comment - it only took 5 hours for everything to go SOUTH (down there you know)
  11. We mow grass with a 8N ford and a 6 foot finish mower - that tractor will do your job nicely - plus it is nice to have one with a little history to it.
  12. Shhh! Remember - they are like owning a moped (or a kenworth) - no one has to know what goes on............
  13. You got a steal on those for $400.00 - a bargain at twice the price! You are really a "picker god" if you also get to haul home the wheel rake
  14. I can't stand a messy rewire job - yours looks great! I have an employee that intentionally leaves zipties with long tails on them all over everything just so he can laugh at me as I run around with side cutters snipping them off. I heard we are going to have a warm one again here in Missouri on Monday - I hope you get more done so we can view the progress!
  15. Everyone needs a dependable trapping partner! My 83 year old Uncle still runs his trap line every day - he made a beautiful coyote coat for his wife years ago - before it was no longer cool to wear fur. Where are you from in Montana? I have been to Whitefish and Kalispell a couple of times - once for the whitewater and once to see Glacier National Park before it no longer has any glaciers.
  16. Boys and girls - the word for the day is: MOOLAH I think the part where I do not have enough moolah is going to come into play on this, especially when you dial in the amount of moolah the freight will cost to get it home. I have a nephew in Greenbelt Maryland that I have never got to visit yet, because plane tickets cost so much moolah, so it might be a East coast road trip excuse to go see him? But that truck should and will bring more moolah than I want to spend - I always shoot myself in the foot - I don't spend the moolah on the one that doesn't need much work, I buy the basket case because it is cheap and then spend way to much moolah on the back end. Moolah is cattle farmer and mafia goon talk for money - it also is the name of the female wrestler, do you remember The Fabulous Moolah? You get lots of useless information for your moolah here baby!
  17. Coffee back through nose onto laptop - Thanks a lot
  18. Does anyone know much about the early reefer trailers or where I can find info? I cut up a couple of newer reefer trailers this last week which are becoming backup units for some local butcher shops and a wealthy dudes deer camp. I got to wondering what engines were used in the first reefers and how all they changed over the years. I have seen real old railroad box cars with little 2 cylinder detroits in them - was that similar to truck trailers?
  19. and not the ones where everthing else is big along with the hooters
  20. I used to use a third party computer bidding service that would bid for you right at the last second. It failed to place my bid for me once on a real good deal and I stopped using it. I prefer to fly by the seat of my pants anyway. Organization just gets in the way of my artistic expression. If you want to see some cold hearted, throat chokin', mean spirited snipin', you should see how women act on auctions for clothes and crap. My wife is almost scared to bid the way some wenches act over a $2.00 shirt.
  21. Are you all kidding me? There is something wrong way down deep if you is eatin' doggie treats. Oh wait - maybe that is the Bulldog in you! I have to admit that I ate just a wee bit of purina horse chow one time on a dare. Whinney, Whinney, Neigh, Neigh
  22. Mark - You need to pay me to bid on stuff for you, I would only charge you 50% or so of the final purchase price - what a bargain. Then, I would wait until after the thing sold, and if it turned out to be a piece of junk, I would say that you had bought it, and if it was real cherry, I would say that it was me that bought it. How about that deal? Someone on here does need to buy that little B model, based on the other items the guy has, I bet it is in better shape than he even describes it as. How come all the good things come up for sale right after I am finally breathing again after paying my property tax bill?
  23. Did you hear about the two anteanna that got married? The wedding was boring, but the RECEPTION was amazing!
  24. Oh yeah - who can forget "Sunshine Cornsilk" - I think she also did the skit about advice on how to get a man?
  25. I am going to make sure you always spell it the same way so when Webster's calls you will be ready
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