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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Ouch on that one
  2. Those old gauges sure had a nice design compared to today. That thing is pretty straight - I would investigate getting it in running condition where you could at least play with it before you make a decision to repower it. You might be surprised how good it gets along the way it is - Thanks for the photos!
  3. Just do your "snake" practice in private please - and do NOT take any photos
  4. I am watching it right now and it just makes me feel stinkin old! Just like me, everything has sagged some My kids are like "what was Hee Haw?"
  5. Are you saying you might be the next famous guy or are you thinking of getting into handling snakes? I tried to look up the show but I could not find it - what is the full title?
  6. If you buy it, are you going to leave "Donkey express" on it?
  7. Hey - Folks care what you have to say - when you can't find someone to brag on you, just go ahead and do it yourself!
  8. My youngest son let out a silent but deadly one in church last Sunday. Everyone around started shifting in the pews wondering who had cut the cheese. He thought he got away with it, but my wife knew who it was (she has a keen sense of smell), and she reached over and grabbed a hunk of his hair and gave it a jerk so everyone knew who the guilty party was! I used to help shear sheep for a neighbor (that was ALL I did with the sheep by the way) that was so tight, he would go out of the house to go to the bathroom in his garden to help build up the soil. He also got banned from the local Texaco station because he never bought shop towels, he just helped himself to the free ones at the gas pumps. He also used old bed box springs to patch holes in the fence, and he used baling twine to tie up all his gates - I never could tell which side was the hinges and which side was the latch. Next time Momma makes some Chilli Burgers, let me know in advance and I will send you some Backer Beef!
  9. Most importantly - where are you and the trucks located? That might get a buyer for your stuff on here if they live close to you.
  10. It is not so bad if you take the secret little green pills everyday that Ameren forces us to take. Don't you get any? I had an old codger this last week tell me that ever since they built the nuclear plant that his winter firewood did not put out as much heat. He wasn't kidding either, he really believed they had released something in the air that made the wood weak.
  11. Let's see - I am the high bidder, but I am poor and tight as the bark on a hickory tree. How many people are on this site? If I offer each of them 50 cents not to bid on it, I wonder it that would work? I am always either a day late or a dollar short - usually the later
  12. Red Killers's exhaust can only be described as curved - that would be a fun one to have. I just cut up a bed that had that same type of complicated hoist. I never found a ID plate on it anywhere, i wondered what brand it was.
  13. My blushing bride packs a Glock 36 which is a .45 with a slim single stack magazine. She says now that she is pregnant, she has more "room" to hide the gun. She also once a month practices with me on her Winchester defender short barrel, 8 shot magazine, 12 gauge and she wields that thing slicker than a pancake flipper in hot oil. We had a guy come to the door unannounced a couple of weeks ago late at night when I was gone. When she asked him how she could help him through the door, he kind of him-hawed around so she just stuck that shotgun right in his face and he about fainted. He had to sit down on the porch swing and collect himself. It turned out he was a neighbor of the type that thinks he knows us better than he does. When I saw him a few days later he said he was impressed and he wanted to know if she has a sister. Don't come to my house when I am gone and expect to walk right in. My Granny said if you are not a family member, to show up announced was rude (and dangerous).
  14. Sounds like a fun project. Can you post a picture of the whole truck - you can never post too many photos! Where is Rowdy? Did you notice the three leaves on the vine in the photo? It looks like his front porch! I sold a wrecked FL80 Freightliner to a guy last year that took out the 8.3 Cummins and allison Auto and installed it in a late 50's White cabover. That 8.3 with a Allison auto is a pretty simple setup to stick in a old chassis. I bet the cheapest way to go is to like Mark said - buy a running school bus - that way you can drive it home and you will have all the parts right there in front of you. Scrap the rest and it usually will pay for a big percentage of your purchase price - good luck!
  15. Looks good! Don't you wish there were as many Macks here in the show-me state as there are out east?
  16. Ha! It is that way here today - one inch of snow and they call off all the schools. Last year they held school when we had a couple of 6 inch snows - I think the administrators just want a day off. Many many moons ago, our family had a farm by Florissant north of the city - high land values pushed us out but we get back to the old parish church up there some.
  17. Check out this video - it needs a reward for a simple explanation to a complex problem
  18. I need to get in the used oil cap business - he is higher on some stuff than new
  19. I'll first buy both of you a fishbowl of beer at Rigazzi's, then we'll go down to the Bullseye off Manchester and do some target shooting with the local cops, then you south city boys can arm wrestle to determine the price of the cab!
  20. I like to see stuff piled up high! If you would put some 15 foot tall tiptop sideboards on that truck, you could really get a load on!
  21. We mainly feed corn gluten squeezed into pellets smaller than the range cubes. They come from Decatur Illinois and are a great cheap by-product feed for wintering cows. We can handle them in the cube feeder box, but you have to feed them in troughs as it is so small of a pellet and it crumbles into dust - gets lost on the ground. Those old grandma cows come back alive in a hurry when they hear the feed truck comin'! About like me when I hear my blushing bride runnin the Kitchen aid mixer!
  22. The one on the back of the pick-em-up truck has a 12 volt electric starter motor with a belt to the auger. We hard wired it to a switch on the dash. It augers it sideways and then there is a chute you raise or lower with a rope out the window where the feed slides down to land in the trough. I am building one that has a hydraulic motor for the auger that will fit on the front of a skid loader - the boys can operate it pushing it forward without running over a cow in the truck
  23. Jay - when did you drive for UPS? I did in the late 80's - early 90's. We were a pretty rural center, so we got all the hand-me down package cars that wouldn't make it in big cities where they put more miles on them. Did you ever drive one of those little P300's where the gear shift would just pull up out of the floor in your hand when you shifted? We took our driver training driving around in a package car with big glass windows on the sides and seats in the back. Half the guys never came back after we were all told you had to have a good driving record! We had great mechanics that really took pride in good maintenance, but some of the centers I went to were not so lucky from the looks of things. I got stranded in Earth City, Mo one Christmas eve in a ice storm. I was supposed to drive home empty and I was sliding all over the yard so I backed up to the shop and when no one was looking, I loaded up with broken rims, springs, scrap metal and even a couple of transmissions up in the nose. I made it home in time to beat Santa but I got in big trouble the following week when someone came to take photos of all the junk parts before they went to the scrap yard and it was all missing! We were the end of the line for the older junkier trucks, I never saw them sell one, they all got cut in half, and it was high time they were scrapped when we were done with them.
  24. You take a ton of these fine range cubes: You put them in the cube feeder mounted on the back of your pick-em-up truck which feeds them to things that go MOO and you end up with: Which even though it is similar in color and consistancy to chocolate puddin' , do not eat it!
  25. Do you put molasses on the range cubes or just eat em raw?
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