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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. That was what I thought when I first read it - those Kegger days are long past!
  2. My son did an experiment for science class - wanted to find out how long it took for different foods to grow mold and spoil Twinkies won hands down - full of chemicals, but oh do they taste good
  3. Olivetroad


    It was hard to see in the photos, but are those stainless or aluminum covers over the indented places on the sides of the bed? I would look under them, almost all the trucks this poor man has bought with them on had problems with the bedsides they were hiding.
  4. When I worked at UPS, a guy wrecked a package car and they had to take photos of it going into the crusher. They were pretty serious about the whole deal. I am surprised any escaped their clutches. We had one catch on fire somewhere when I was helping out behind the counter and that was real handy for a couple of weeks to have an excuse as to what happened to someones lost package. If every package had really been in that little truck that was claimed to have been by all the centers, it would have taken a set of doubles to haul it all!
  5. Olivetroad


    Randy - I have had some sort of dealing with that guy on ebay before but I don't remember what it was - his name is Rick and his number is: (903) 794-9921 I only give you this top secret info in the hopes you remove the gay lookin sun shield off that fine Mack if you buy it. I also require that you have matching mud flaps within 60 days of purchase.
  6. I think I can safely say that no one has ever taken a look at me and thought I was that "kinda" guy! I bet David in N.C. can say the same thing. There are no gay Davids on this site, I repeat; there are NO gay Davids on this site.
  7. The last time I was in texas, I made the mistake of going to the shiner bock brewery and I needed a truck like this to haul the empty beer bottles I drank home. My head still hurts when I think about it. I also got a headache from looking at ugly mexican crossbreed cattle!
  8. Happy Birthday! you share it with George Foreman - did you ever do any boxing?
  9. Paul Bunyon must buy his shoes in the USA..............
  10. Those were good american made shoes, I went in Penny's the other day to price some loafers and they were all junk - bring back the buster browns. If they ever stop making my style of red wing boots and Filson clothes in the USA I am going to just go naked. But I promised to be a good boy and not post any more naked pics of me on here, so don't worry.
  11. We had a Brown shoe factory here in Fulton where half the town worked - long gone. Now the factory makes bullet proof vests, at least it is open.
  12. I was wondering the same thing! My youngest son got a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas this year. We already had to take it away - he got to shooting the chickens.
  13. I sing damn good in the shower and at church when no one can hear me, but I would never sing good about a volvo GM had this up in Detroit
  14. If the hours/miles are right, this looks like a pretty straight truck if you need one http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/?cmd=ViewItem&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649&item=280802877230&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT
  15. Does he work on anything? I have an old Cat crawler that needs the mag redone.
  16. Just don't hire some guy named Ferris Bueller to help set it up.
  17. Now he really knows what a wedgie is! He is still pulling Key Imperial striped fabric out of his ass
  18. Supports 400 pounds without the spring - fat folks need love too Yeah - what the holy hand grenade where you seaching for to just "stumble" on this ?
  19. My sons decided to play with a digger derrick we just got in before we cut the boom off. I told them if my blushing bride caught them, she would lynch us all. That just gave them an idea: That looked a little too real! I am just glad my 16 year old likes to wear overalls
  20. It seems wrong to even call this Mitsubishi a dump truck - but it is a truck and the bed dumps These jay-pan trucks have a different frame width than normal. They are only 29 3/4 inches wide versus 34 inches. I had a good used flatbed I wanted to mount, but I first had to move the main frame rails in on both sides and reweld in place. Then I got a wild hair and decided to put a hoist under it, so I took one off a wrecked truck that had a nice hoist and subframe for "easy" mounting. Well, I found out I also had to narrow the subframe, cut two inches off each side of the hoist, and then reweld the whole thing. I used a 12 volt hydraulic pump off another truck. It turned out pretty well. Now I just need to paint it and install my new fancy schmancy wheel simulators and it will be all pimped out and ready to go to Texas and help move 300,000,000 yards of dirt in a month? Can it keep up with its older brothers?
  21. Great thing to look forward to - my boys and I just saved it to record - Thanks!
  22. That is ha ha funny! But I would put money down that you have driven a bus before.
  23. That's right, do not use the wrong type wheel on your truck, even though they may bolt up - they will move and wear out your wheels and studs and you will end up with a big pro-blem-o! I one time put a stud pilot budd wheel on a truck with hub pilot wheels just to try and limp home, and 10 miles later I had a junk wheel and I had to replace all the studs. The way you tell the difference is a stud pilot wheel has a angled slope around each hole for the outer lug nut to seat into. The hub pilot type wheel does not have a angled hole on the beginning of the wheel holes, it is just a hole and the nut used with it is not a two piece nut. Keep warm over there -
  24. Thats the spirit! Keep it! Fix it up! Spend lots of time and money on it! - I'm glad you got it runnin'
  25. Ole Blue is for sale - has some potential http://cgi.ebay.com/...=item3cc08d2006 When the words "Factory Rebuilt" are in "quotes" does that mean they did a better job?
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