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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I was trying to describe to a guy today what happens when a double frame on a truck is rusted badly between the frames. This old DM has a good photo showing just that - about the 9th one down. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/?cmd=ViewItem&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649&item=160710408829&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT The driver not only likes his PTO lever sideways, but his radio as well - better reception? or he drives laying on his side.
  2. I smell leather, I think dirty, large, sweaty, hairy, smelly Belgian horses, which has nothing what-so-ever to do with my blushing bride and her wardrobe! We uns was always too pour fer leather interiors in dem truks
  3. I think the Rob fab shop needs to start assembly line production of stainless straps along with plastic heater vents
  4. Damn - I wish I had thought of that - leave half the rear tires off and they last twice as long? Is that a hard hat he is wearing?
  5. What year is it and what engine?
  6. Rob - there is a guy north of you just over the Wisconsin border that I bought a ex-fire truck Mack engine from, that deals in used fire truck goodies. I will see if I can find his number - I was really surprised what he gets out of little pieces of special trim and what-not. He buys them and drives them home and then sells them the Johnny Cash way, one piece at a time. Little devil whispering in your ear says:Trust me - just go ahead and buy it.
  7. Congratulations! I am just pleased you are getting married to a woman as verified by the hand photo. I hear there are others out there in La La land (some even drive other makes of trucks) that have not figured out that it takes three to get married: one man, one woman, and God. You will do well - my wife is Sarah with an H on the end and she puts up with my hijinks just fine. If she has put up with you for thirteen years without a rock on the finger until now - she is a keeper!
  8. My self proclaimed purpose is to just start the bidding so the seller does not get discouraged and take it off ebay!
  9. Bob - I just checked out your g Bob - I just checked out all your cool photos - Those ones of the Demming log show made me think I needed Finley Hays to sit beside me and narrate it all!
  10. My 16 year old son that helps me with ebay listings will just reuse the same listing info for 10 different items - which is smart and saves time. But then he will forget to change the shipping weight on one and on the next one forget to change the size and then it turns into that old party game where you whisper into someones ear and by the time it goes around the circle and gets back to you it is totally different. It really gets bad on free listing days when I am standing behind him like at the horse races yelling for more speed and he is trying to list 50 items to save me some jack.
  11. Someone has kids that need pocket money so he has them raid the salvage yard and then he has them come up with the ebay listings themselves as a teaching moment - I know, it has happened to me the same way.
  12. I had an old Cline that was similar - poor ole thing is now being sold back to us a little at a time in the form of hydraulic fittings (made in china)
  13. You got me all lathered up first thing in the morning - I just wish they had more frame behind the rear wheels to mount a log loader - nice heavy trucks!
  14. I am with Bullhusk and David (nice name) on this issue! They found a bunch of nesting swallows (sorry Rob) under a bridge near me and had to wait to replace it for six months - guys sitting around doing nothing is not economic growth. We also don't have to play by international rules unless the government chooses to do so. Our government often is the creator of the problem they are trying to fix. But fuel was only #7 for American exports last year, behind #1 airplanes, #2 semiconductors, #3 cars, #4 pharmaceuticals, #5 car parts, and #6 industrial machinery. Fuel exports were up 124 percent for the year though - next year who knows?
  15. That is a good video - the brush grows a little every year when things no longer roll I had to watch it a second time to enjoy the music
  16. That thing is blindingly (is that a word?) sharp! Good looking truck!
  17. Austin Powers! Here is an official definition: Etymology no shit (“an expression of amazement”) + Sherlock (“a stereotypical detective with an extremely high deductive ability”) An expression of amazement followed by comparing the interlocutor to the detective Sherlock Holmes, as if a great discovery has just been made. This expression is, however, used ironically, to point out that the interlocutor merely stated the obvious. no shit, Sherlock (vulgar, colloquial, sarcastic, somewhat derogatory) A way of telling someone they are communicating what is obvious, unquestioned, and beyond doubt or need for reason (compare, Sherlock Holmes).  [quotations ▼] 1976, Emmett Grogan, Final score, page 264: "No shit, Sherlock. Take another look, see how they come to be bent." 2006, Barry Morgan, Never Tell Them You're Dying, page 127: My copilot uttered, "I think we are headed for the bridge." No shit, Sherlock.
  18. We went and saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie last night - I thought that was you
  19. We have a place on our farm where we tore down a old house with a nice wide gravel lane and entrance way. If the truck numbers start piling up where she can see them from the ponderosa, like when it is too muddy to hide them in the cow lots, I park them there for a week or two. I wait until we all drive by there and then the conversation goes like this: Blushing bride: "Is that red truck new? I thought you were not needing to buy anything else right now?" Me: "Oh, that is one I have had for a while, you just never had the pleasure of seeing it yet." Blushing bride: "Hummmm" Kid #1 after a elbow to the ribs: "Yeah, that has been here a long time, its not new" Me: "Honey I would clear it with you before I bought something that I don't really need" Kid #2 after a nod of my head: "Yeah, I remember that one, dad really did not want to buy it, but he had to have it for the FARM" Blushing bride: "oh, okay, I thought it was just one you were going to play with or sumpin" Kid#3 after a elbow to the ribs from Kid #1: "Yeah, Dad bought that to use, he got it at that auction a long time ago for only $100.00." Blushing bride: "WOW, that is a really good deal!" Kid#4 after a gentle nudge with my boot: "I don't feel so good, can we go home now?" Blushing bride to Kid #4: "Oh sweetie, I am sorry, we don't have to look at these old trucks, lets go home." Kid#5 later that day "Dad, when do we get those milkshakes you promised us?"
  20. I am finishing putting a clutch in my DM today - if you guys are sittin' around twiddling your thumbs, get down here to help! I need some very wise, calm, intelligent, experienced truck mechanics to help. So if you know any, loan them your car and send them down.
  21. My answer is to drag home so many to resell, that she does not know which ones I plan to keep - I know the last thing in the world I want is to be married to someone like me, so I better appreciate the blushing bride that already is used to my hi-jinks!
  22. I find it is a lot easier for me when driving a truck I am not used to, especially an older one like that, to drive it loaded or pulling something to get the shifting down. It just seems to make things happen smoooother. All engines and transmissions are different, and like Robbie says, it just takes time driving the truck between the paint stripes to get it down. That info and a quarter will NOT buy you a cup of coffee.
  23. If you have the horsepower in your wallet and the time and fortitude to bring home one every year on this day, you will have quite a stable of Macks! Happy New year!
  24. Were you trying to make tea with those leaves from around your front porch?
  25. That guy is after my heart - old Macks for trucks and old v-dubs for cars. I have been driving a VW diesel rabbit that would fit right in there
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