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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Come on down - every Sunday is big breakfast day! I will save you a plate! I make a killer sausage gravy. My addled headed cooking theory is that whatever ingredients you like the most in a receipe, you double them. So my gravy has LOTS of MEAT!
  2. I think I am going to be okay. Today she used this: To make these: Damn they were good! I will gladly take the risk of future whacks in the head with a hardwood rollin' pin if having it around means I gets me sum of them biscuits! I did almost get a whack when she caught me with a dirty spoon eating the sausage gravy leftovers right out of the skillet when I was supposed to be doing the dishes.
  3. I had a set of those on an old lime truck - worked good until the first blowout going down the road at only 40 mph with way too much lime on. Tore up the whole side of the cab and I sucked the seat clear up into my stomach before I got it shut down in the ditch on the wrong side of the road. I went and priced new ones - it was cheaper to buy a whole different lime truck than replace the tires - ouch!
  4. Rob - I would give you a "like post" for starting this thread, but that would even your score with other dog in the post whore race, wait, I mean like post race. Happy Birthday Watts and here is to 64 more!
  5. I wish I had been around to help myself to some of the margaritas you made with that icicle
  6. I am trying to figure it out - I have a plan: First, I wait until the birth announcement comes out in the local paper. Second, I flip through the back issues until I find the one for 9 months before and see if there was any big news that day. Third, I calculate the phase of the moon and see if that was to blame. Fourth, I read the almanac to see if that week was a good time to wean calves or not. Fifth, I check the old local train schedules to see if the circus was in town that week - you gotta watch them clowns After all this, the only thing I know for sure after all this research is that it always happens at night, and at night it is dark outside. I am starting to worry that I may not be able to figure this out.
  7. My accountant told her to try and get that done. He got the stink eye. She is due with num 6 on the 13th of June. I am reminded of it daily. We eat two loaves of bread a day - she bakes about 1/3 of them We drink a gallon of milk a day - definitely NOT farm raised - been there, done that We use 18 eggs a day (farm raised) We eat two fat calves a year (farm raised) We eat a hog every four months (farm raised) We also buy a lot of toilet paper If we had to buy all that food, I have no idea what it would cost.
  8. If we can't say Whore, how about Hoe-bag? Is this about wheel simulators or wheel stimulators?
  9. Guess what my blushing bride got for christmas? And it was some over priced thing from King Arthur flour to boot. She even made me hang it up. That is like my grandpa making me pick out my own switch. I tried it out on the dog - not much bounce to it
  10. I tend to agree - I want a working truck to look good, but stil like a truck that earns its keep with all the scratches and war wounds that go along with it. I don't want a truck to look like a "working" woman.
  11. Tru - Dat! We never stop and eat when we pass through there - the mennonites that live around there have a high incidence of three fingered dwarfism. Oh crap! what if it is not in the water, but in the air?
  12. Three leaves let it be! Whats a guy to do that has to use the crapper and finds your door locked?
  13. Easy there tiger - that is me! Ha Ha!
  14. It might handle our little TD9 IHC dozer, but that is about it - you need to buy this - when you go pick it up, I will allow you to stop and buy me a cup of coffee along I-70
  15. It says they bolt on. Do the chrome caps thread on the end of the studs to hold them or do you have them under the outer half of the two piece lug nuts?
  16. I have a little Mitsubishi FE dually truck that I am setting up as a landscape dump for my brother in law. He wants the wheels spiffed up, and they are so pitted that paint is not going to do it. Instead of buying new wheels, I am thinking of these http://www.ebay.com/itm/16-Mitsubishi-5-Lug-Dually-Wheel-Simulators-BOLT-/350129266129?hash=item5185549dd1&item=350129266129&pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr Does anyone have any experience with these? Give me the good and bad - Thanks - David in mid MO
  17. Check out this U model on ebay - those are DOZER ramps, not trencher or skidloader ramps. Will they handle my D8K? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290652458240
  18. That is some good lookin Missouri grown jowl. Hat City can think what he wants, but my peoples eat the *^*#*&^ out of ALL pork parts! Burgers Smokehouse is about 30 miles from my farm. I went to MU with some of the sons of the founder that own it - it was a small family meat shop that just has grown because they still do things right. Resolve to eat more MEAT this year - support a farmer! Happy New Year!
  19. Your brackets remind me of when about a year ago, I moved some large hydraulic presses into a factory after they had them rebuilt. They converted them to run on stationary hydraulic power units located on the other side of a wall for noise reduction. I recommended they buy a big spool of hydraulic hose and run lines with no fittings for each one overhead. Instead, they went to the hardware store and bought some black iron pipe and screwed it all together. They had the biggest leaky mess when they fired it all up! Then they made matters worse by hiring a jackleg to come in and weld the joints together. Well, he burned through several places and then just made extra passes so it did not leak. They did not bother to clean the lines. They fired it up and a week later they had to have the presses removed and sent back to have the seals replaced - all the welding slag on the inside of the pipes tore holes in the hydraulic filters and went on and trashed the cylinders and seals in the presses! In your case - that threaded pipe looks like a good redneck improvement - in their case, they should have listened to the redneck - me!
  20. Once a year, I get my loan "officer" (I never understood that term) out here to the ponderosa and give him a grand tour. At the end, I remind him that he would really not like having to sell everything and expect to come out. Even when your family paid off the land 120 years ago, you don't really own it, you just get to pay taxes to use it. The state took over an abandoned rail line that went through some of our land and made it a walking trail. They are just going to do what they want. All you can hope to do is stay under the radar (or that some radar tech fell asleep looking at antique truck mags and pics of womens shoes and its off line).
  21. That is fuunneee! I just blew coffee through my nose
  22. I agree - they will never get farmers around here to lay off the old trucks. For entertainment during harvest, on the last load we haul some days, I take the boys with me and we sit on the side of the road just outside the ADM soybean squeezin' plant and watch the old farm trucks go by. There are a lot more old classic farm dogs then you realize still running. They just stay hidden 10 months of the year in a shed. The local NAPA store does a huge business in the fall before harvest selling master cylinders and brake parts where they froze up or leaked since the trucks last rolled.
  23. The real miracle in this is that the finance company agreed to pay the overdraft charges - that usually requires an act of congress (or a screamin' woman) I am with you on the warm day - don't tell my cows, but I am sliding out for a little free time today as well in the sunshine I always give a vehicle I just paid off a complete detail - rid it of the dirty film of bank ownership
  24. My uncle tells stories of doing the same thing with his Sherman tank in Korea - he says we have no idea how cold things can really get
  25. I think the truck came from up north and when they sent it down south, they sent a Carpet Bagger with it.
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