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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. I quit looking at his other items when I hit the used lug nuts for over $50.00. Once again, I guess if you are hard up it would be a little different.
  2. I bought some used stuff from him before and while it was pricey, that MUST be a misprint. If they sell for that, lets open up a tank shop.
  3. If I fly up there and rub up against you, when I go home will someone give me a truck? You had better run out and buy some lotto tickets - you are one lucky guy - No telling what you will get for Happy New Year!
  4. I have the same problem - I went to bed Christmas night with leftover beef tenderloin from one of our fat calves in the fridge, I actually woke up to pee at 4:00 and thought about how good it would taste served cold on a biscuit in the morning. I wake up and it is gone and no one knows where it went. All I got was a empty plate on the middle shelf with some liquid and peppercorns floating around. At least I had somthing to sop my biscuit in.
  5. A couple of truck dealers I have bought from in the past in Nevada are benefiting from this trash. If they are benefiting, then a lot of working men are hurting from it. I just bought a 10 year old chipper truck from Las Vegas that has 26,000 miles on it and is real clean. A municipal garage traded it in on a GAS engine one to be legal. They said they are tired of the rules being changed and then they have to jump to comply. They could have kept it another 15 years and still had less than 100,000 miles on it. Would have saved John Q taxpayer a lot of money!
  6. Here I go again - The problem here with the rise of all the animal rights whack-o's is that they don't really believe in God. God gave us the animals to use for our benefit. The main difference between them and us is that they do not have souls - they will never share the cool deal we have with us being made in the image and likeness of God. Don't get me wrong - I love my pets and they mean a lot to me, but when they die, that is it, game over - no soul, no heaven. This is a tough one to swallow sometimes, especially when you try and explain death to kids. The animals fulfilled their purpose, to feed and clothe us, and keep us company. When the whackos start putting animals on the same plane as me and the rest of my family, that is when they go wrong. With the benefits we get from all the animals also comes the responsibility to treat them with kindness and promote their well-being so that they can more easily fulfill their usefull purpose which is once again to feed us, clothe us, and companionship. I love to hunt, and so do my sons, but until they are old enough to know how to kill a deer with one shot, they need to practice on targets. If you kill it, it needs to be cooked and eaten. It is the same when we butcher chickens and hogs, kill them with a smile as you are letting them have a purpose. As a farmer, it is to my benefit to take care of my animals - but the best thing I can do is eat them when I am hungry, and sell them to make money to support all the other needs of my family - people always come first! The further that we as a country get away from having actual experience raising and caring for the animals we eat, the more whackos there will be. My dad used to say that we are getting too far away from the food chain. When you think your food just magically appears out of a can, why would you see that the purpose of animals is to support us? These whackos just don't have enough to do in life if they spend their time and energy on the crap they do. They could sure help a lot of poor people and families with all the donations they send fringe groups like PETA. Once again, my flak jacket size is 2XL Tall.
  7. I just looked at the photo again and I had missed the two hooks hanging down on the front by the radiator, about even with the middle of the headlights. Those must be winches on the front - I doubt if a fire truck had those. The bell plays tricks with my poor eyes - is it a bell or a light by the factory wall?
  8. I am needing a level wind attachment for the front winch of a 5 ton log truck we use as a forwarder. Got any?
  9. I got so sick of gettin in hot water from my blushing bride about her finding fingernail clippings, razor clippings, and little short and curlies laying around the bathroom, that I have started doing all hygene related activites in the shower. I even bought one of those non-fog mirrors with the water running through them to hang in there so I can see what I am doing. It saves a lot of grief, but I have to buy twice as much drano.
  10. olivetroad goes by...........................................olivetroad Get on there and buy some of my junk! A portion of every sale goes to a non-profit organization................me
  11. I married a good woman - she agreed to do it with only a little groveling and whineing on my part!
  12. Someone closer better buy that winch truck. I sell those PTO winches for more than that -
  13. We installed a small brass gate valve in the shutter line of our DM so we could get by in real cold weather when the automatic shutterstat failed and we waited on a replacement part. That kept them closed when you wanted to as long as your air lines and fittings were leak proof.
  14. Sounds like farming during the Carter administration
  15. I think if I return the book I already read that the blushing bride gave me, I can talk her into this one as well - thanks!
  16. After scratching, do you smell your fingers like that gal on Saturday Night Live used to do?
  17. I totally agree. I was a proud card carrying member of my Teamsters local when I worked for UPS years ago and we needed the union to protect us from unreasonable supervisors. BUT, we worked our asses off to earn the excellent pay and benefits and were glad to have a job. I don't always see that anymore when I pull into a union shop. This is off subject, but I wish I had some photos of those half retired Diamond T's and other old yard dogs I would still see in the late 80's at some of the depots.
  18. I always get a bang out of for sale posts: "it is scratched and worn from just laying on a shelf" - Huh?!!! when I lay around on my couch (shelf) I don't get scratched and worn I really like it when they leave the fasteners in place for the photo on the "new" part
  19. Rob - The first thing I always do when I get one of these in is sell the goodies off them like the feeders and hoppers. These were out of a St. Louis factory that made sprayer parts like for Windex and they had overhead lines to feed the machines the plastic grindings. I have already sold all the electric motors, heaters and shot feeders off these. I have pretty good luck selling the little bitty machines complete as they still are in demand for small jobs like yours. I sold one last month that was a 50 ton machine out of a safety glasses manufacturing plant and was small enough to haul on a gooseneck trailer that would have been ideal for small batches. It was all manual material feed and simpler than most. The problem will be the cost of having someone make you a die. They sold the farm next to me off in 10 acre lots and I was disappointed, but the good thing is a guy there opened up a small machine shop and he makes dies for companies. He made a buddy of mine a die to make guitar picks with a OBI press I sold him. Pretty cool stuff but crazy expensive. If I see any auctions with small machines around, I will let you know.
  20. I walked out of church yesterday and it felt like spring - I am starting to wonder if we can make to then without any snow. My dad died on the first day of spring - he lived long enough to tell me how much he liked the warm weather that day! Warm weather just makes me feel like doin' something.
  21. I have two 350 ton injection molding machines that are getting ready to go under the Arkansas Hot Knife. Call me quick if you want to start up your own plastic factory. Oh wait - there is a reason that anyone can go out and buy 10 year old injection molding machines for scrap value - lack of work!
  22. God gave us all freedom - freedom to do what you want. But with that comes the responsibility to be aware of how your freedom affects others own right to freedom. Individual choice does not extend to denying others their own freedom. Abortion is the way people kill other people that are too small to defend their own freedom. Ronald Reagan said: I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born Mother Teresa said: If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people to not kill each other? Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. For the record - I was not the first one to bring up the A-word If you are handing out flak jackets, I need a 2XL Tall
  23. I was cutting a school bus in half with a chop saw and it caught on fire. Once those seats caught, there was no putting it out - made a black cloud that looked like the tornado in The Wizard of Oz. My mother in law was shopping in Jefferson City thirty miles away and she saw it. Since we already had a big ole fire, I went ahead and threw every old tire in the inferno we had laying around. The local fire department sent three trucks and wanted to arrest me when I would not let them through the gate. They called every government agency they could dream up but none of them showed. One of them from the Department of Natural Resources called and said they had experienced problems in the past trying to enforce things in my "backwards" county so they tended to concentrate on more "progressive" counties. I said good deal, isn't that what we want - you guys to stay away? It must be working when we stick to our guns. One of the local sherriff deputies that got the over-excited fireboys to leave asked if he could bring a few old tires to drop off.
  24. That is the easiest way to get old tires off junk rims!
  25. Diesel will do just fine, if it does not burn hot e-nuff to hide the evidence, we'll throw on some ol' bald tires and get it going. Wait! The thought police are everywhere with Obama being in office and all - So I only say this about the burning of the tire for fun. I would never burn a tire, that would be wrong. (But don't come lookin at my burned brush piles after a pitch black night)
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