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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Ever since we ran a pump down to the pond and got runnin' water in the house, I jus can't keep her out of the tub
  2. When we first got married, I bought my blushing bride a big assed bottle of White Linen smell pretty perfume. I have gotten her one every year for Christmas for the last 18 years. I have yet to have her smell bad. I sometimes rub around on her bath towel it smells so damn good.
  3. WOW! It only went up $45,000 in four years. Someone better buy it before it hits $125,000 when Obama finishes his second term. While he is in office, everything just goes up and up, including the fuel tax.
  4. If I just eat a bite of that stuff, about an hour later my pee will foul the whole house up. It is about like having green peppers on a pizza - it contaminates the whole thing. One of my kids tried to do a science project on how fast the smell will appear after I eat it, but my blushing bride put a stop to it - I think she was afraid I would start refusing to bathe and take up weighing my fingernail and toenail clippings. David in Missouri
  5. What if it smells like asparagus?
  6. It is rough but it does have the optional red, white, and blue paint on the cab/hood and also the very hard to find optional storage box for your hard hat in the center of the dash. Ha, Ha - David in Missouri
  7. Wasn't that info covered in the new "modulator" training? Someone was asleep at his school desk after a long night of radar fixin'
  8. Congratulations on the milestone! I always say that I would hate to be married to someone like me - to make it work, I bet you have the same situation - a good wife!
  9. and he is talking back to the himself that is talking back to otherdog
  10. Are there two or three of you now? I need some help on a car of mine - does Jimmy come to Missouri?
  11. Fake or real - I just can't decide if she bleaches her hair or not
  12. We had a local guy that had a one man band excavating company that had a truck like that for years. He also had a Ford tractor like yours with a backhoe attachment that he pulled around town to jobs by just hooking the bucket over the tailgate and raising the front wheels off the ground. He did that for years. The local cops would have a fit today.
  13. Yes, it is a air intake heater that uses diesel fuel. You hold a button in on the dash for a minute or so and that opens a tiny fuel valve and sprays diesel onto a hot coil which burns the fuel in a sort of small combustion chamber in the air intake. The tractor also has a electric block heater, but I never use it. If it is cold, it fires right up if you use the air intake heater. I have always wondered when it will quit working or start a unwanted fire, but no pro-blem-o yet!
  14. I bought a new TN75 Ford New-Holland farm tractor in '04 that has the same preheater set up - it works great.
  15. I am pleased that you have gotten with the program and you did not post on here what you found out when you asked Mr. Chicken Snake who he voted for in the last presidential election.
  16. I drove a early 90's DM dump truck yesterday with a 8LL Roadranger transmission that is for sale. When you would shift into any of the top row of gears, if you allowed it to, the shifter would slide past the normal position until it would fall against the heater and dash. The transmission gear itself stayed engaged properly, but the shifter itself would fall out of place and then when you wanted to shift to one of the lower row of gears, you had to search around to find the slot to let you go back to neutral. Any ideas? I have removed a lot of top covers on these to inspect gear condition, but I have never touched one with a wrench. Does this sound like a problem in the transmission itself or just in the top cover and shifter?
  17. Remember to carry more moolah with you to fill them up
  18. It is mye opiniioon that spellling is overrattteeded
  19. I shot at a Coyote last week out the winder of a four wheel drive with my 7mag and missed the first shot. He jumped straight up and pooped his pants (if he had been wearing any). The second shot was after I got the truck stopped straight up his backside. I hit him right in the pucker spot and he rolled head over heels. There was no entrance wound whatsoever - right up the poop chute, but his whole front chest was missing. Hard to survive that! My sons decided that if he had not soiled himself and cleaned out his pipes, the exit wound would have been smaller.
  20. Joe - Sorry to hear about your job going downhill - The least thing any boss can do is be honest with his help and let them know what is coming. What town in KY are you in? I have a sister in Lexington. She used to live in Bowling Green and also Frankfort. I am looking for a long wheel base DM to mount a log loader on, can you send me some photos? Thanks - David in Missouri
  21. We bought a brand new track hoe from Cat years ago because we "thought" we had a contract for a couple of years worth of work. Three weeks into the deal we could already tell the way the wind was blowing that it was not going to pan out like it was supposed to. We sold the hoe real quick and were able to break even on the deal. We had removed one of the mirrors off the machine and forgot to give it to the buyer, so we hung it on the shop wall and wrote next to it: Gaze into this mirror and ask the person you see, do I really need to buy this new piece of equipment?" It slowed us down many a time when we were contemplating a large purchase.
  22. randyp - We had a dead calf the other day out back. I neglected to get a photo, as dead cows around here are not real photogenic, especially in mid August. I do kind of like it though when you find one with all four legs sticking up in the air like a grounded baloon. Kinda reminds me of the bullfrogs they blew up in the Shrek movie. But here is a photo of what happens when the culprits that killed the calf meet my Winchester Defender - Note that the one in the top left corner was nibbled on by a coyote last night. I'll get him too one of these days - I am out of cow pie photos, at least fresh ones. They go sour after a few days in the camera unless you stick 'em in the ice box. David in Missouri
  23. Bob - I lucked out and also found my blushing bride this little Ford Escape which smoothed her over and she forgot about the Jimmy diesel. It is neat as a pin and drives like a new one and she is very pleased with it. I have to confess that I did somehow neglect to tell her that it came from the same railroad the Jimmy did and it has 283,000 miles. Somehow when she got it, the digital dash was stuck on the trip meter and she can't figure out how to switch it to the odometer to find out how many miles it has and I am refusing to help. Please don't call her and help her figure out how to toggle it over!
  24. I poured my shop floor 8 inches thick which was overkill, but the four inch thick apron we poured on one end has cracked in several places and I bet I replace it in a few years. The six inch apron on the other end is still perfect. I had a D8K at the time and I would pull a hyster lowboy with the Cat on it into the barn with no cracking. If you can spring for the extra thickness, I would go with 6 inches. That also gives you more wiggle room for the rebar to not be too low or too high. The best thing the guy did that helped me was force me to install metal strips he called keyway into the edge of the aprons with bent pieces of rebar in the holes. Now when I get some extra dough, I just dig out the end and straighten the rebar and it is ready to pour without having to drill holes for the new rebar to tie into the old slab. My concrete knowlege and 50 cents will not buy you a soda anymore. Unlike women, with concrete, the thicker the better.
  25. Thanks for the support! My wife and I are both 41 and she is concerned about our age, but I just think it is good to know that all the plumbing is still working fine. The coolest part about this one is that this will be the first baby where I have a 16 year old son that I can coerce into changing diapers (hopefully). No diaper change-ee = No car insurance-ee If we only had the kids we thought we could afford, no one would.
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