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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. My cows don't want to have anything to do with anything bovine that has horns that wide, especially one named Clem. I would have to bust out my the plasma cutter and reconfigure the head chute to even think about getting a ear tag in that thing. Happy Thanksgiving all - right before I butchered the turkey for the feast, it squawked "Eat more BEEF". Damn - now what are the chances I find another talking bird?
  2. My thanksgiving plans all got changed as well. My wife always does the whole shin-dig, but this year she is pregnant with our sixth kid so my sister next door took over the duties. The food was edible, but nothing like my sweet momma makes. The good thing was we did not have to clean up and we left as soon as the annoying outlaw/inlaws started to dominate the conversation. I had more free time and I got to go home and feed my cows. They were so thankfull, when I got done they made me a pie - if you were here, I would give you a slice - see last photo.
  3. David - Happy Thanksgiving and keep the jokes coming, my sons and I look forward to each new one - David in Missouri
  4. I have yet to hear this jewel run. I bought it for the log loader and the dump bed, and just planned to junk the rest. The guy that I bought it from is about 1/2 mile the other side of a scale house so I am going to tow it home. That thing is so worn out and rough looking that I would go to jail for a year if the flat hat brown shirt DOT boys caught me driving it. I just bought a tow attachment that snaps into the fifth wheel on the road tractor and this will be a good chance to try it out! I am anxious to hear this thing run now that you tell me about the way the fuel pump works. I'll post a Youtube link if it sounds cool. Thanks for the info - David Backer
  5. Here in Mid-Missouri, I just filled up my blushing brides little wagon with gas-o-lene for $2.97 a gal. Diesel cash price here was $3.91. Close to $1.00 a gallon spread. Paul - How much is a gallon of gas on Long Island?
  6. David in N.C. recommended Tulsa Mack to me a year ago and they are great to deal with. I even have been ordering stuff for other make trucks because they are patient trying to help with older stuff and are good about figuring out what will work - very good about returns and shipping stuff quickly. Some friends of mine have traded trucks with them just over the phone and were very pleased even being so far away.
  7. It better have real GOLD paint for that price
  8. The exhaust manifold and the heads look like an old IHC gas engine. It is headed to the great scrap yard in the sky. It would be a good one to restore if it was a Mack, but who wants a worn out 40 year old International Fleetstar?
  9. Ding, Ding, Ding, David wins the model guessing game, I forgot I took this photo
  10. Wow - that is a cool one, even has a winch - I saw a fancy wooden boat one time with I think the same Hall-Scott engine.
  11. I bought a rough as a cob older International truck today to remove the newer log loader off of it and remount onto another truck - I am looking for a long wheel base Mack for this. The truck model is a 2050A which I am guessing is from the late 60's/early 70's based on the type of gauges and other stuff in the cab. It looks like a 1968 IHC grain truck we used to run. I glanced under the hood and noticed it had a V-8. I just presumed it was an old 345 or 392 gas. But I looked a little closer and it is a V-8 diesel, no turbo. Does anyone have a guess as to what engine it is?
  12. I saw this truck today while truck shopping. It would make a good off road log truck! Did Mack build their own four wheel drive front end or did someone like Marmon build conversion kits for them?
  13. Based on his description I bet that is hydroseeder mulch on the frame rail - I wish it was closer to Mid-Missouri
  14. I always wish they would just man up and post the price on all the listings!
  15. That's awfull - What a load for her parents and the engineer, just like that movie "Stand by me" but with a worse ending. They should have read the sticker before going out on the trestle.
  16. I found this on the ceiling of a railroad truck cab - so true!
  17. I went to the auto auction Friday to get Momma a four wheel drive SUV for winter and I came home with this: The good: New tires Big winch (please note coffee cup made the ride home) Last driver left gloves Tilt wheel Free railroad tie - BRAND NEW ONE! My cows won't know how to act with a NEW railroad tie used as a fence brace post. THE BAD: Rats nest of wiring/air lines - lots of "field expedient repairs" Empty case of transmission fluid - not a good sign Starting fluid under the seat - not a good sign Interior dirty - it was real necessary to put the paper floor mat down to keep clean The Ugly: Detroit Diesel - screams and screams - Note 9 year old boy tromping on the foot feed The whole thing is just butt ugly! I bet it was ugly when new. The railroad wheels don't help the overall look any Truck has six cylinder Detroit diesel - is that a 671? I think three feet of it is up in the cab between the seats. It also has a five speed automatic - never thought they offered that in 1987. I made my 16 year old son drive it, I thought it may be his only chance to drive one with a Jimmy diesel. What an honor!
  18. Rob - That old DM600 has made Mack men out of my 80 year old uncles. It just runs and runs. They had never driven anything more complicated than a 5 and 2 speed grain truck and you always had to figure half your gross weight would consist of wrenches, pry bars and big hammers to work on the truck half way to where you were headin'. They have been hauling three or four loads of logs a week for me on a hundred mile round trip for the last year with that thing with nothing purchased except filters, oil, and fuel. It makes me cringe everytime I see them heading down the driveway because they never shift that 13 speed the same way twice. Their favorite thing to do is to upshift when you get to about 900 rpm into the next gear. That thing lugs so good it really doesn't matter what gear you put it in, even weighing 61,000 pounds like they did one day when I made them stop and weigh it. They just turn their hearing aids off when they get in it and don't pay any attention to what the Mack is doing, they just shift gears when the fancy strikes them. I think the Mack is just doing all it can to take care of those old birds that should have retired long ago! I'll keep my eyes peeled. I wish I knew you were needing a forklift, I was the backup bidder on one Friday that sold at a utility company auction that would have been perfect. I am often a bridesmaid and not the winning bride. The auctioneers around here like me, not because I spend a lot of moo-lah, but because I sure make the next guy spend it.
  19. I finally figure out my password to get on here again and I am looking for a Mack log truck to mount a picker on, and I see you just bought the best candidate out west! Day late and a dollar short - story of my life. DId you get the parts delivered to David okay back this summer?
  20. Is that a factory air cleaner for that model? That would make a nice log truck stretched out. I am in for $201.92
  21. That is one big squirrel! I think the fox would have better luck shooting that rifle if he would at least close the bolt.
  22. This is getting out of hand. They will be driving trucks and using spotlights next week.
  23. I noticed that some of the fine pine he used is black and burned - surely he did not use the Arkansas Hot Wrench to try and cut the wood did he?
  24. I looked up Blue Diamond on the porn-net just now and I never realized they were a real company. I always thought Blue Diamond stuff just appeared out of the smoke and fog at Ritchie Bros auctions. We rented one on a track-hoe (the type on steel tracks, not the type like Jackie Joyner-Kersee) to demolish a house, it worked great once we figured out to push the trash away with the thumb and then clamp down with the bucket, not the other way. I give it two "THUMBS" up.
  25. I got back from a trip today and while I was gone, one of my in-house brain surgeons was supposed to remove a front mounted winch from a utility truck and palletize it for shipment. I forgot to tell him that the batteries for the truck were installed under a door on the side of the front bumper-winch and that they needed to be rerouted. He found them and instead of installing a battery box on the frame, this is what I found. If you need any battery boxes built or any invasive intercranial brain surgery, you can get in touch with him through me. Also, please note the yellow powder on the front of the truck. I bet I also have a fire extingusher that needs recharging.
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