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Everything posted by Olivetroad

  1. Is this better grandpa? It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. One human hair can support 6.6 pounds. The average man's penis is two times the length of his thumb. Human thighbones are stronger than concrete. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet. Women blink twice as often as men. The average person's skin weighs twice as much as the brain. Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it. Women will be finished reading this by now. Men are still busy checking their thumbs.
  2. It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. One human hair can support 6.6 pounds. The average man's penis is two times the length of his thumb. Human thighbones are stronger than concrete. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet. Women blink twice as often as men. The average person's skin weighs twice as much as the brain. Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it. Women will be finished reading this by now. Men are still busy checking their thumbs.
  3. STOP! Take those out of your ears! Didn't you ever see The Wrath of Khan Star Trek movie? Those are alien insect implant devices that will at the proper time relase a worm that will bury itself into your brain and control your actions. Well...............wait just a minute here. I bet you are okay, I don't think there is much left for them to bury themselves into grey matter wise? Can you download other soothing sounds on them? Like a Detroit screamin'? I at least would remove them when you sleep - the wife may send you sub-bub-lime-i-anal messages like: I really enjoy dusting furniture. I always pick up my socks. Do you want to go shoe shopping? Beer just tastes bad. Diesel fumes really stink. I think the wife needs more jewelry. I vote we go eat at that new tea room.
  4. My favorite is any shade of green other than neon. I tried the: Oh, great, I feel better since we have here in the room the "machine that goes BING!" Monty Python reference during my wife's C-section last month. Nurse Ratched did not find that funny either.
  5. Happy 4th! I am being forced happily going with the family to some friends of my wife's home for some sort of party where we have already been warned that it is too hot to BBQ. WHAT? That is what the beer and iced tea is for. I bet $5 that I am the only guy there with calluses on his hands...............
  6. AAAAHHHHHH - the fun of being an en-di-pin-dant bid-nes man! Any photos? Any U models? Post the pictures please of his boot headed up your rear?
  7. That's the truth - I did not know his real name until just a few years ago. Everyone called him "Woody". He was my auction partner for years - he would go anywhere at any hour of the night - he was like a good buggy horse - ready to go on a moments notice. His favorite drink was tomato juice. He would can over 200 quarts every summer. You know.......when I see it typed out.......I have some crazy genes floating around in my soup.
  8. To quote Jocko - This thing is sweet! To quote Ben - This thing is sick! To quote Vinny - Theis thung be aewesomme! That is a sweet/sick/awesome looking truck..........
  9. Do you have a photo of it? I have never seen one, how do they differ from a 290 as far as looks?
  10. Nice to see they are made in the USA - http://calicolightweaponsystems.com/home/index.php?page=9mm I hope it is more balanced than I would think it would be with 50 rounds on top? I shot a MP5 before at a range in St. Louis that rented them out. That looks like the closest thing I can legally own.
  11. I have never been to Australia, but I liked L. Frank Baum books as a kid.......... Is the country just real flat and open? How in the world do they manuver those trains? Do they have depots outside the cities where they take them apart and divide up the loads?
  12. You got that right! Oh wait - I think they are red dot indians - not hickory bow indians. I bet it helps having a tired out engine with half the compression it left the factory with? They need a brass compression release petcock like Grandpa's old John Deere.
  13. He lives in Illinois, they have to be ready to shoot around corners when folks trickle down from the Chi-town
  14. I am no oven perfectionist with ribs (or pereriorgiesess), but I think the blushing bride sometimes sears the ribs real fast in a skillet and then cooks them slower at a lower heat? Does that make sense? I know she bastes them pretty often. She does NOT use cardboard in the kitchen since the fire back in ought-six.
  15. Good to have you back! - did you stick to the grapefruit only diet like the doctor recommended? One as large as you should be able to shed 150 pounds in a week of water weight. Could you sell the lost weight to the Vinnster as counterweight for the U model?
  16. That was a terrible flood - our county's southern boarder is the Missouri River and it sure destroyed the small towns and farms along it. Some relatives of mine had founded a small little farmer run bank back in the 1870's and it was destroyed in the flood and then a larger bank bought its assets, basically killing it. The flood was a good excuse for the older population to move to a bigger town, and the little towns just never rebuilt like before. I bet you did a lot of good up there for a lot of my fellow Missourians, thanks for the service you gave!
  17. Beautiful! Better than a new one!
  18. In '93 I was in a damn johnboat unhooking electric lines that were only 6 feet off the flood water and shooting floating propane tanks while you were doing what? This is not fair...........
  19. Olivetroad


    It forgot how to rain - is that caused by some secret radar testing you were involved with?
  20. I believe the article - I think we are in for it - I think our Government has blood on its hands. I plan to cast my vote for a new administration, but I really think we are in for a bad depression no matter whom we elect in November. I keep asking myself, what do I do to plan for the future of my immediate family? What can I do to prepare for what is coming?
  21. I am going to rent one of those the next time I go to a range. I have wanted to try one out and compare it to a .45. I like the idea of them, and everyone says they are cool, but I have not found anyone that actually owns one to tell me what they think. I caught my 8 year old daughter roller skating in the living room this morning in one of her good dresses - she said it is too hot outside to fall on the concrete - I have the answer - DON'T FALL! My house has so many dings and scratches in the walls from crap like that. My wife is turning into an expert drywaller from the constant repairs. Since I shot the last thief that was on the place, I have had no more problems - my wife and I both hate thieves so much now that we kind of miss the thought that one might drop by unannounced so we can break out the firesticks.
  22. Have you tried U-ship.com? I use that site a lot for moving stuff that folks are not in a hurry for and just want it down cheaply and I have no complaints so far.
  23. Is there a cave painting somewhere that shows dogs cooking their food?
  24. Happy Birthday gents! You shared it with: Truth teller - Thomas Sowell Boxer - Mike Tyson Olympian - Mike Phelps All those Mike's born today have a lot of fight! I hope you all had a good one!
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