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  1. Cat had to play catch-up!
  2. At least the tractor is the right color green!
  3. 1965, you may still have the original 505c programming. Have a dealer check the program. We have two '13 CHU 613's that were 445c's when we got them with 1660 torque. The early 505's had the same torque rating. The 505 + rating didn't come out till sometime in '14. When we bumped them to the 505c+ they were like a new truck. Cost about 1800 to bump them. The dealer we had do it, thought that ours were to old to get the + rating but we got it somehow. Don't know if it will go back to a '12 model or not.
  4. On our '13 CHU's they came out behind the fuse panel door by the clutch pedal. You may also have to take the little cover off under the dash just inside the drivers door
  5. Ok, I don't pre-fill the filters, I just use the primer pump. It is kinda slow though. Thanks again.
  6. So our truck with the miss would probably not be covered under warranty as the standard engine warranty ran out in April of this year? It would probably be wise to install the tank filter kits on our other identical truck? It is one build unit ahead of the truck with the miss but has a lot less engine hrs. They both pulled dumps with fracing sand before we got them so they had a fair amount of pto time.
  7. Mackpro68, thanks for the info! Do the new style injectors seem to take care of the problem long term? That is interesting about the tank vent filters. Is dirt going through that the regular filters aren't catching? Thanks again!
  8. We have a '13 CHU613 MP8 that has developed an intermittent miss. Just over 166000 mi. on the truck. The driver doesn't think it has been doing an increased number of regens. He said that it doesn't seem to miss quite as bad if he is running on cruise vs running with the accel. pedal. He was watching the % throttle application screen and the miss started in the upper 60 %'s. Said it seemed to get some better if he accelerated more. I changed both fuel filters again just to be sure there wasn't something going on there. The truck has one of those fuel conditioner filters on it and I did find that the last time that filter was changed the gasket from the old filter was still under the new filter. So far no codes have come up. We had the overhead run just to eliminate that as a possibility as well. They didn't find anything off much there. It runs well and pulls strong otherwise. Thoughts anyone? Injectors and cups or faulty acc. pedal? Thanks for any help.
  9. Exactlly! I'd like to do a similar setup but instead of a saw run a pump and wood splitter.
  10. Your delayed throttle response may be due to the delay built into the jake brake accutation for the cruise control. We have a '99 Ch613 with the 460 and if you have jake on you can feel a real delay in throttle response when shifting. To try it just turn the jake on with the truck parked and accelerate/deccelerate as if you are sifting gears then try it with the jake off and see if it makes a difference.
  11. Other dog, you need to ask Hi-side how he likes his. Specially since it was turned up. Were able to get the 505c+.
  12. We had a similar problem on a '99 E7-460 in a Ch. Replaced the ground relay on the firewall. Don't think we've had issues since.
  13. How did I stumble on this? Just happened to be brousing BMT an saw " Yellow R-Model" at the bottom of the page. Happens to be the very truck I drive. An '81, 300 and a 9sp.
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