We have been using SCR & EGR D13 in Australia since 2008 (when we went to US04 emissions) in Volvo product and just EGR with Mack MP8. Next year we go to US07 & Mack will drop EGR all together in Australia - bar Cummins 15 litre. The MP8 will be a pure SCR engine (no EGR) rated at 535hp. There are prototype Titans runnig now with MP10 SCR at 700hp - the test units may be even screwed out a bit more than that - probably will be released in 2012. The US should have never gone to EGR until US10, and just used SCR until then. US04/07 SCR engines are basically well tuned pre US04 spec - nice clean efficient fuel burn / no soot and the NOx gets wiped out in the exhaust pipe. I am guessing you could have got a E7 to meet US04 & probably 07 if you went to SCR not EGR. Our expereince over here is SCR D13 @ 520hp is heaps more reliable than a MP8/D13 EGR at 500hp. All the bolt on crap goes wrong - coolers, VGTs, fan hubs, injector tubes, sensors etc. Whereas with a SCR motor - no VGT, no coolers, no bigger fan / radiator - just a tank, small pump, injector & 2 sensors in the exhaust = less can go wrong. BUying / filling up with urea is a real inconvenience. But it is less inconvenient than having your truck break down all the time. Most owners have 1000 litre tanks in their yard.