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Everything posted by Svin

  1. MP10 for the Australian Titan. http://www.truckworld.com.au/News/Mack_Trucks_releases_sales_start_for_MP10.aspx Whats the difference between the australian and the U.S. titan except the grille and the air intake? Greets.
  2. Here a few older titan's http://www.roadtransport.com/blogs/big-lorry-blog/2011/07/mack-trucks-down-under-on-yout-1.html
  3. Here some pics. http://www.iepieleaks.nl/
  4. the Paccar 12.9L MX engine is a DAF engine developed and build in Eindhoven (Netherlands) in europe with DEF 410 460 510hp. International do not use the DAF but MAN engine (Germany). 11 and 13L in europe up to 540hp with DEF.
  5. Also green for Volvo-Penta,Volvo busses and Volvo construction equipment. UD trucks is using the D11 for a while.Color??????????
  6. A Kenworth with a DAF engine?????????
  7. You don't want to see this! http://www.volvotrucks.com/trucks/na/en-us/news_and_events/news_releases/_layouts/CWP.Internet.VolvoCom/NewsItem.aspx?News.ItemId=92244&News.Language=en-gb A Volvo VN 630, powered by a D12 engine, recently retired with celebrity status among the drivers and mechanics of AAA Cooper Transportation (ACT). The truck logged 1.5 million miles in seven years without an engine overhaul.
  8. Benz and MAN have continued to profitably meet customer demand for V-8 powertrains while also meeting evolving emissions standards. Scania's new V-8 reaches Euro-6 and I'm confident that Benz and MAN will as well. Why doesn't Mack take advantage of its decades of V-8 engineering expertise and introduce a "pedigreed" Mack-designed EPA-2010 V-8 engine? If stricter EPA emissions standards indeed killed Mack's E-9 V-8, how have Scania, Benz and MAN been continually able to upgrade their V-8 engines to meet tightening emissions standards? Scania's new V-8 reaches Euro-5 and not euro-6 on this moment. Mercedes euro-6 engines (next year) are only six in line (DD world engine) just like Volvo. Greets Svin.
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