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Everything posted by alcoon61

  1. I am getting a intermittent 8.2 code maybe every couple weeks or so. Seems worst on cold starts I get it more regular and after warmup it quits and engine smooths out. I asked a mechanic at a small diesel shop about it here while he was working on a fuel leak a several weeks back and he made like it was not a big issue. He said it was probably a solenoid, (Coil?) sticking. Any ideas what he is talking about or what I am looking at to fix this problem. Winter is starting to come on and it seems to be getting more agravating this past week? Thanks, AC
  2. Found cause. Pinhole in signal line near compressor. Plastic lines running unprotected and tie wrapped to the frame and had worn a flat spot on one side and eventually a hole. Another mack engineering booboo. 2 quick connects and a 6 inch piece of line to repair. Cost $11.
  3. Got er replaced. No major ordeal except the factor bolts had those crazy nylon nuts on em and while on your knees between the frame and drive shaft made it twice as hard as it should have been. Threw em away and put on simple machine bolts with lock washers. Only place that had the valve instock was Mack? It was a simple hadley valve. $61 They are on ebay for $35 but when you need it now you always loose.
  4. I have a cab leveling valve hissing air after the truck is shut off out the exhaust port. When all my pressures come down to about 60 lbs it quits. I think it is not sealing off good. Is there anyway to clean these. Or does it just need replacing? What should I expect to pay for one. It is on a 07 cxn613 vision with sleeper.
  5. Sure wished I could find the sweet spot on this mack. I have tried every speed and rpm imaginable. If it wont get it empty its not going to get it
  6. What is PAI's website? I really dont have a problem with the local Mack dealers service dept other than I really feel hosed down with their prices. Depending on salesman if you get shop price or retail. Now the service dept is a different story. Manager is dishonest and had to fight with them for six months to get refund on a 2 month old altenator that fried my batteries and cost me over a grand on the road. Finally got my money but sure wouldnt let them work on my truck or my lawnmower for that matter. We was in the market for 2 trucks when this went down. They cost themselves 2 sales on trucks because of this. This almost made me steer clear of Mack all together but my partner is Mack to the core so I decided I would give it a try.
  7. We bought 2 of these 07 visions. The other truck gets much better fuel mileage. Pulled a 15k load from baltimore to the southern ms. this past week and averaged 8.8 mpg. Other truck gets 6.5 to 7 loaded heavy. We too have 13 speeds. They came out of the same fleet, (Warrior Express) and are specd alike. Mine will not get 7 mpg empty on flat ground. Something has to be out of whack with it. I too like the truck but the fuel mileage alone will force me to part with it if I dont get it up. I really didnt expect it to get detroit mpg, but again I didnt expect it to be as low as it is. I have tryed every type shifting possible and everything from 55mph roadspeed to 75 mph. Howes and Lucas fuel conditoner, and nothing seems to matter much.
  8. Thanks for all the info. I went to the Mack house and bought a filter kit. cost me $80 but it had all the filters. got er serviced and ready to roll out in the morning. This is on a 2007 aset 427 but on the door is states it is a 2006 engine. What is the recommend oil change interval i have read some that I find hard to believe and I picked up a aset pamphlet in the mack house in cincinnati that shows 50k intervals. I dont think going that far would be a good idea. I got out of a detroit 430/470 about 2 months ago that I had been in 4 six years. I am really disappointed with the power in the mack. We laugh about them running ok but really are sissy trucks. Can these be upgraded to 460 and if so what is involved. Parts guy at Mack here talked like it could be this morning. Fuel mileage really stinks too. Getting around 5.7 with a 43k dry van load normal train mid south, and at best 6.5 with 10k lb load. May need a overhead not sure when the last one was ran and I just got the truck. If I have to live with it like it is for the next 3 years it is going to be miserable waiting to get to the next trade.
  9. I am searching for information on this type filter. It looks to be factory installed on this cxn613. I believe it is a aset engine (427). How often should this filter be changed? I had the truck serviced at the speedco a month or so ago and they told me they dont change those. What is this filters purpose? I have never seen one on my other trucks (detroits) but this mack I bought has one. I am starting today doing the service myself due to I had to go to 5 different oil change shops and nobody had all the filters. I refuse to use the service department at my local Mack dealership due to a recent problem I had with them in the past. If service was free, I wouldnt go there. Honesty and customer respect still means something to me. They do not know the meaning. But thats another issue. Does Baldwin, Wix, luberfiner make replacements for these centrifugal filters? How do you change them? Any info would be a big help. Thanks, AC
  10. what tank are you refering to?
  11. Any idea on how much these kits cost? (ballpark)
  12. Whew new bug every week We developed a cold water leak this week in Chicago over night. Leaking a quart or two of antifreeze out overnight. Does not leak and dries up when engine is warm. Having trouble locating and pinpoint leak for sure. I am suspecting the thermostat O rings and I think I may have a thermostat not opening up correctly due to frequent fan cycling also. I have changed several automobile t-stats, but never the big truck. Is this a pain and fairly complicated or not that bad? I am guessing they are in the box on top of the engine being fed by the waterpump? Are both T-stats in the same housing? How expensive is a thermostat kit? Having an idea of what I am diving into sure helps vs going in and feeling my way through! I appreciate the help and information I get on this website. Its is really nice. Thanks, AC
  13. Thanks for the replies and info. I will dig into it this weekend. Gonna go ahead and order a filter for the dryer.
  14. Well not sure what I have gotten into here. I have gone from a freightliner mechanic to a Mack mechanic. My air dryer is blowing off every minute and 40 seconds or so. No noticeable leaks. Replaced the governor today. Nothing changed. After a lot of reading I am suspecting a problem with the unloader valve. I think this is a wabco compressor but not sure. How hard is it to repair the unloader in these? Cant find much literature on these like bendix has. I am getting a lot of water from the air tanks daily when I drain them. I checked the power to the dryer and have 14 volts. I omhed the two prongs on the dryer and could not get a reading at all. Does this mean the heater element is bad? Mack does a good job of painting over id labels and etc to make sure you come to mack for parts. If anybody has a source to look up by vin please send me the part numbers and make for the dryer and compressor. The last six of the vin is 014310. I know I sure would like to put my foot in the seat of the pants of the engineer at mack that dreamed up putting the dryer directly under the bunk on the frame a foot or so below my pillow. "Nothing but genuius" Sounds like a rifle when it goes off. Any other suggestion or help with chasing down a solution would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Andy
  15. I am getting this warning code intermittingly a couple times a day. Anybody have any idea what it is telling. Brakes are fine passed level 1 dot inspection 3 days ago with flying colors. Kicks the cruise off when it does it.
  16. It has a 13 speed eaton fuller tranny.
  17. I just purchased this Mack a few weeks ago and am encountering some type of electrical problems. My speedometer will start going crazy while going down the road and kick out the cruise control. Using the accelerator when this happens the truck will run fine. Sometimes the warning light stays on for a while and I can hit the brake momentarily and it will shut it off. This problem is intermittent. I have managed to learn to decipher the code and it is a 4.1. Yesterday it ran fine all morning and I ran into a little shower and then it started really acting up. Speedometer going stupid and cruise would not hold for 5 miles. I think it is a sensor problem or something loose. Can anybody tell me where to start looking? I also have a abs light that comes on sometimes and sometimes it stays out for days. Thanks!
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