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Everything posted by leversole

  1. He should have kept them in a Jar like someone we know!
  2. How in the h#ll do you get into the sleeper?!?
  3. That engine is almost Identical to mine (even the gold!)...noticed the starter seleniod is on the side of the starter, never seen one like that!
  4. Two girls and thier BOX! I love it....Oh the possibilities!
  5. Thanks! Let me know!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=Vkrqca1ndWE
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptzQeMLe8fw&feature=related
  8. "Tell Bill Cosby to have a Coke and a smile and shut the F*CK UP!"
  9. Little boy blew...he needed the money!
  10. "Hickory Dickery Dock....."
  11. A nice Ford too...a 56?!? Can't see if it has a chrome bar going up the roof to be a crown vic!
  12. Is there a part number? I can call the local Mack Dealer...prolly die of sticker shock!
  13. Thanks! Dont know how I missed this!
  14. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!! In some states, that would need a wide load permit!
  15. Thanks! Was thinking of that...split it in the middle, install and weld back up?!?
  16. Looking for a crossmember 32 1/2" wide...looking for the type that goes between the cab crossmember and the rears... Thanks Leslie
  17. Anybody have a few of these (the one on the right) laying around? Broke a stud and lost one... The two parts houses in town had nothing, the Mack dealer gave me the closest thing he had. It is a lot bigger, but it seems to fit...
  18. On my evening romp yesterday, starting smelling deisel pretty strong in the cab...I know that sometimes the manual pump on the injector will puke a little then stop, so I wasnt too concerned and continued tearing up and down the back roads... Got home and looked, and it was spewing out of the secondary fuel filter (drivers side attached to the firewall, dont know why!)...Anyhow, I check and it was tight, tighened a little more and found the the "fountain" turned with the filter... Ended up replacing, it was only about 20 hours old, think it either had a pinhole between the gasket and the seam or a leak in the rolled seam on the top...it was a Baldwin, wondering if anyone has encountered this before... The cool part is that a half full fuel filter makes a GREAT tiki torch! I shoved a shop rag in it and sat it on top of the burn barrel! I should have gotten pics!
  19. Peter Pecker picked a peck of pickled peckers?!?!?
  20. Still looking for the correct belt size! Went to two aftermarket truck places...they said they had never heard of "B" size! Mack dealer didnt help either, wanted the 11gbh* number from my engine! Couldnt even look it up by truck and model! Does soemone have one they can measure the width? I found B size belts online and they are 21/32 wide...wnat to verify before I order.. Thanks
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