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Everything posted by leversole

  1. I never liked Kyle because of his snotty attitude, but after last night I think he is the best instinctive driver on the track! (from a JR. fan!)... NASCAR fixed the two car draft and I like it! the 500 is gonna be a nail biter and loaded with action!
  2. I sure would like to run across one of those 20" steering wheels....I could have a seat back instead of plywood! Anyone? I have money!
  3. Damn...I was wondering if he got clever and somehow tied the steering wheel to the reigns...THEN noticed the "guy" driving!
  4. Look closely, that aint even one HORSEpower!
  5. I dont know where the unemployment money comes from (state ot fed) but why not have everyone work for it? To get unemplyemnt, you gotta get up everyday and go to work for the same government agency that is paying your bills? We are paying, why not get something in return, not talking about slave labor, but cleaning litter, painting , infrastructure work, there is LOTS to do in this country! The people that are out of work through no fault of their own would be happy to do it, and would feel better about themselves, the ones that are abusing the system woulndt change, but at leaset we would be getting something back for our tax investment! But it wont happen because of the bureaucracy involved in the oversite because the entities are so top heavy...
  6. I thought all of the B model split hoods were aluminum...my B-615 hood is aluminum...
  7. Truck was a tandem (dont remember which?) I think the trailer was a tri-axle...I am going to email him and get more details!
  8. I have a weight ticket around here somewhere from riding with my cousin on a trip to the tipple...over 205,000 gross...it was mostly first gear uphill...I could not believe he had that much weight on! He said he would go to prison if they caught him!
  9. THe trucks over there are amazing...in Tokyo, EVERY truck shines like a new penny! Chrome everywhere, cleanest things on the road I have ever seen...some of the big FUSEOs are pretty cool looking too! And WhiskeyMack is right, they make trucks in about twenty different sizes! Even the tires are perfectly clean!
  10. Its already gone? Musta sold locally!
  11. Yeah it was 60 here in central PA! Unbelievable!
  12. H parts book on EBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mack-H-61ST-Parts-List-/230739804723?hash=item35b92a0233&item=230739804723&pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr
  13. Looks like you did what I did...bought a Road King and slowly turned it into a dresser!
  14. That is f'ing cool!!!!
  15. Just 8 days ago we got snow dumped on us! A week later it is in the 50's and all of the snow is gone!
  16. My window isnt in the same league as Dave's, but the sound of the 675 with no muffler is so sweet, I would plumb it into the cab if I woulnd not suffocate! I have heard from some that they prefer the look of a single exhaust on a B, but I am going to run duals as soon as I build a nice custom frame mounted mounting system! One of the roads I "play" on has 6 single lane 90 degree blind curves! And a steep hill to climb! Loads of fun!
  17. Is that Rob's Gorilla camo for hunting?
  18. I was going to use a mixture cable from Aircraft Spruce (it kinda looks like the same setup on an R or RW), then I was going to try to repair mine, as the handle has a hole and another hole, looks like you could push the correct size inner cable through, then bend a 90 through the second hole...would have had to figure a way to get the outer cable housing to stay on the handle housing, looks like you could rig some sort of clamp...BUT THEN, I found a good one in a scrap yard! Once you get your apart, you will se what I am talking about
  19. Remember your camera! We love pictures!
  20. No snow here! It was 50 and sunny today...went for an hour ride this morning....came back and put the second "modern" service chamber on the front rear, went for another ride...went "off roading" some of the back roads around here are gravel and packed dirt, didnt do it on purpose, but got back on the pavement (if you can call it that), nuthin bu pot holes! had to creep for a while! Even went through town, some Id-EE-ot wanted me to test my braking action, after she pulled "back" into her driveway, gave her a "WTF" look as I was grabbing gears to get back to speed! It was all fun though...sure would be nice to take it on on the freeway like Dave in his super superliner, but alas, 52 mph (dont like to push it hard) I might be a hazard to traffic!
  21. What? Since when is joking about something condoning or referening its use? Come on, it is a JOKE!
  22. Is the chassis a tandem? What ratio? which steer axle? Thanks
  23. Have to keep my eyes peeled...they are one of our Sheetrock carriers...
  24. Dammit! I broke my monitor when I tried to turn it upside down so I could read this!
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