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About Johnboy

  • Birthday 12/17/1946


  • Location
    Ravena, New York

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  1. I'm looking for a diagram for air lines on a dash control valve and wiper motor I have a H67 same a s Bmodel
  2. Name: MACK B61T Tractor (1959) Date Added: 07 July 2009 - 07:42 AM Owner: John Green Short Description: Have disassemble renewed parts repaired body panels, painted and reassembled TIME TO ENJOY NOW !!!!!!! View Vehicle
  3. I have a 711 was a turbo when I installed it in my truck eleiminated turbo. my problem is that I have bleed all line to remove air have fuel in rack but can't get fuel to the injectors no mater how much I hand prime seems to have no fuel have checked rack function as far as cam and spring operation when I crank engine get no fuel. any suggestions!!!! Would any one have a scematic of the interior of the fuel rack and govenor
  4. I recently changed oil in my B61T with a 673 engine my problem is that I have very little oil pressure since I changed oil I also changed the filter canister in the lubrifiner do I have to put oil into the lubrifiner also my manuals list a oil capasity for the engine and also capasity for the lubrifiner I know I;m missing something any info would be appreciated. Thanks JohnBoy
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