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Everything posted by jm3isme

  1. i will ask him about it, thanks for the direction
  2. thanks fellas! i looked at that steinbauer, and that seems like the way to go!! almost like pittsburgh power but for a mack! if i do wind up getting it i will definitely keep ya all posted!!
  3. we have a 2005 mack granite with a 460, 18 speed, 4.35:1 ratio in the rears.... its a dog, had mack put a different program in it, it ran noticibly better but just want more!!!...i tried searching from time to time on google to try and find companies that make any aftermarket performance upgrades (programmers, turbos, injectors, anything!), but have yet to find anything. i have also heard rumors about tinkering with the air sensors on the intake to fool the engine to work harder, but that seems like a hoak, i never noticed anything more from it... so im asking any you guys out there if you have ever came across any tricks or any website that has anything to add any more power to an ai 460. thanks, Joey
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