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Keffer inc

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Everything posted by Keffer inc

  1. If thats the case, try leaving the trans in low range, but flip to high range without shifting, then try spitting it.
  2. Cool deal, my dad's '94 always had a rough idle for 5 seconds after start up, I guess thats just normal for our trucks. but my '99 doesn't so I don't know.
  3. True, breaker could be faulty. Try searching which breaker controls the two, (likely same one) and try replacing. It seems to me though that the code should have done something using the breaker power from the lightning bolt computer..
  4. I don't know by experience, but I see no problems with them as long as your cargo is the same, like already said, cleaning would suck, They would likely slow loading and unloading times as well...
  5. I've done it before, The front axle when locked, works the same as a single axle truck. I made a 500 mile trip like that once. I unplugged my buzzer for that though..
  6. If you can't read the codes, I guess I would go to mack and get them to pull the code. Probably will point out the issue right away. You did try and read them with the cruise control on/off botton in the OFF possition right?
  7. Thats my number! How cheap is cheap?
  8. I have a Mack CH613 with a 350 HP E7, Mated to a Spicer 10 speed. The transmission started to pop out of gear Monday afternoon when I was leaving town, did it here and there 20 minutes apart. By the time I reached Beckley, WV, it wouldn't stay in 10th gear without holding it in gear, also lost that position in low range, 5th does the same. I will stay in gear if I'm coasting down hill but with any gas, it pushes out into neutral. (with force, its not just falling out) Seems to also use secondary air pressure when I driving, only when I driving. If I park in low range, or high range, it doesn't leak... strange.. So unless someone knows of something cheap, Its going to Tidewater Mack for either a transmission rebuild or a reman (What do you'll think?) for around $6,000. Any thoughts would be great! Thanks.
  9. Sorry for being late, yes, that was parts only. Quoted in December.
  10. Ive been down shifting at 1200 too. Go about 25 mph up sandstone mountain in WV. Im going to try 1400 too
  11. I procrastinated and call last night, waiting for response.
  12. How much for the tach? My needle is broke off and hard to see at night glued back on.
  13. Have you thought of doing an in-frame kit while you're that far into it? My last quote from Mack ( including New poisons) was about $3,300. Comes with almost everything ( she claims anyways, I haven't done it yet)
  14. oh okay, they are way smaller than I pictured, my bet is they did come from the old turbo, down the drain tube. I thought they looked way to big in the first picture.
  15. Likely not from the turbo I would think, the turbo drain pipe is quite small. But its hard to judge how big those parts are. What motor are talking about? I was thinking if it were on my E7.
  16. I haul containers, and almost never use the same chassis more than a week. I have a spare chassis and truck tire. Can they be strapped under the chassis using regular straps sucking them up to the frame? Will dot around va and NC frown upon this idea?
  17. Hey dirtymilkman,do you run your truck in Ohio (near wv) on route 35? I think I pasted you Tuesday night?
  18. Sweet, Thank You. Will call tomorrow
  19. Yep, That wasn't bad at all. Thanks for the help.
  20. I've installed thermostats in pickups and smaller vehicles, but I want to replace mine on my '99 E7. Definitely looks different, will it be easy to figure how to install or is there any tricks? basicly im asking does it go back exactly how it came out? The big hole through the thermostat is why I question the level of difficulty.
  21. Use new hardware for sure! A set of bolts broke off one of mine, probably last owner re used those bolts. $1,200 for towing and the shop to remove my turbo and extract what remained of thone two bolts.
  22. These were my trucks. My first was the '98 F150, then the '85, now the '05
  23. Wire insulation could have rubbed together raw against another wire, never know. I would make sure the ground is good, check all fuses related to that sensor, then Chase wires ad the last step.
  24. Will DOT say anything if you just tee them? Ive want to do this too when the service chambers go out.
  25. "Power reset without key switch" is what code 9-2 is. Low voltage triggers this code I suppose. When I get home tonight ill try to list the fault code assignments
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