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About dover

  • Birthday 04/22/1980


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    Elko NV

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  1. Does anyone have any ideas on the manufacturer of the jack? I need to find a rebuild kit for the gear reduction box. Thank you, Ben
  2. Ok lets try this again. Here are the pictures.
  3. It wouldn't upload from m my phone so I pasted it. I guess I'll have to jump on the computer.
  4. Can anyone tell me what brand this jack might be? It's on a early 70's Hobbs flatbed. The two speed gear box needs rebuilt and I can't seem to find one that looks like this.
  5. Good evening everyone, Its been a while since i've been on the site. I have an early 70's hobbs 40' flatbed that I picked up for $600 over a year ago. It had 6 of the 8 tires in 50% or better condition so I figured why not. When I hooked it to the truck a while back and charged the tank the brakes would lock up. I figured it was a relay valve leaking internally to the service side. It is a single tank with no spring brakes. I was able to get it home by leaving the trailer circiut uncharged and hoping the friendly NHP trooper that stopped me for a flat spot on the trailer didn't decide to crawl under the trailer. It worked as I only got a ticket for the bad tire. I ran new lines from the front to the tank and bought a new valve. I put the new valve on last night and now it's not charging the tank when I put the air to it from the cab. When I pull the Johnson bar it charges the tank and locks the brakes. I have service hooked to service and emergency to emergency. What am I missing? I know its not in the truck because it works fine with the other two trailers. Thanks Ben
  6. Sorry for the late acknowledgement. I had a busy week. If anyone has ever been to the big city of Elko Nv the party was at the Star Hotel, the best steak ever. Thank you all for the well wishes.
  7. Its not the same guy, I knew the guy I bought mine from. I might have to check out his other lists.
  8. That's funny, I picked my B73 up in Battle Mountain as well. It must be the mack town of Nevada.
  9. The screamin jimmy comes to life at about 3 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZoU4qPxR78 I couldn't figure out why he kept grinding the gears, then it hit me, he's shifting with the wrong hand. I'd miss them all too.
  10. Id pick that up in a heartbeat for 2500.
  11. If that was my truck there wouldn't be a next time for him!
  12. Welcome aboard. There are lots of very knowledgeable people here. I'll be the first to say, we like pics. Trucks or women, were not picky!
  13. We had the tread separate on our work f250 last night. It was a wild ride at 75. Our damage wasn't as bad as that.
  14. We West Coasters miss out on all the fun!
  15. I tried to go look at the stuff in Carson City last July but I didn't get in touch with the guy until two weeks after I was back on the other side of the state. Did they say if there were still a lot of parts left?
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