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  1. Look like a Volvo VHD with a MACK grill....not so impressive
  2. The new MP-10 is a VOLVO engine wearing MACK colors....
  3. Yes it's in Quebec Canada. For the language I do my best to post in english, but it's not so easy for me because i'm french canadian. and he site linked is in french , but a picture speek by itself ...
  4. If somone of you are in search of a B61 check this link ! http://www.lespac.com/search/detail.php?PH...pe=0&etat=0
  5. Good idea, but not possible. 90 % of my model are build on customer command and left home a few days after they are complete. I have only, two to three model at home at this time. Not a big group, but I will take a few pictures and send it here in the next month.
  6. Here is some pictures of my latest creation 1975 Mack R 600. From my point of view it's my most beautiful model ever ! Over 130 hours of work ! Now it's time for payback, I need your commentaries !
  7. Over thirteen for the pas ten years !! You can see most of all on my web site. http://pages.infinit.net/mcoul/index.htm Have a nice visit !
  8. Here is a picture of my wonden 1975 R 600 just before I start to paint it. I think it will be finised in august.
  9. Need some infos for the dog on the B model replica !! What scale ? Where can I find them ?? I need three of them for my R model ! Thank's
  10. Show on picture below is my most recent projet. Almost 1/2 complete. It's scratch built from woden pieces all hand made and with only the help of 1 picture of the real one and some dimension input of orther real Mack Truck taken in some corporate brochure. It will be complete at the end of july. I'll post 1 other picture at this moment. Fell free to comment my creation. Thanks !
  11. I'm a wood model truck builder, and I'm in search of a spec sheet for a mack r600 for year 1974. To see what I'm talking about look at the pictures #2. It's a spec sheet of a CX 602 model. the first one is a picture of the truck I have to build. I also need some info. and pictures of the rear suspension. I knows it was 38 000 lbs Mack suspension and the truck was used for logging. Motor was a Maxitorque 237 hp. I hope someone of you can help me Thanks !
  12. Thanks!!! that's exactly what I'm looking for !!
  13. I'm a wood model truck builder, and I'm in search of a spec sheet for a mack rd800 sx for years between 1990 to 2004. To see what I'm talking about look at the atteched file. It's a spec sheet of a CL 703 model. If you want to see my truck go to this adress. http://pages.infinit.net/mcoul/index.htm I hope someone of you can help me Thanks !
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