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Pedigreed Bulldog
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About b61mack

  • Birthday 01/25/1957


  • Location
    Delphi, IN.

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  • Interests
    Mack trucks, Case tractors
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  1. Nice looking unit except for the super singles.
  2. That was the good o days Mike, I hauled grain with my dad 40 years ago, at least you had a roll tarp. threw a lot of those old throw tarps back in the day.
  3. Iowa 80 truckstop has it.
  4. Thanks Paul I pulled the pto off today and the shift fork shaft inside the pto was broke, ordered a new one. 160.00 bucks for a new one.
  5. At work we have a 1990 CH613 with a 2090 and a bottom rear mounted pto, the pto won't engage, the air cylinder goes all the way in but nothing turns. you cant hear the gears trying engage. would the splines be striped out or is there something in there that might be the problem.
  6. I have a 1974 ENDT 675 that has 235hp on the tag.
  7. Hi Tom about 4-5 years ago or so I saw your Large SUV at Portland, IN. tractor show, I was looking for you but couldn't find you. take care. Ron
  8. King Cruise makes cruise control for big trucks. I have had one on my B model for years, works great, gives your foot a rest on long trips.
  9. Al I will check them out when I get out that way, don't need them right now.
  10. I agree with j hancock
  11. Where did you get the stainless ones.
  12. I put a 12000# axle under my B61 and the smaller chambers fit, but don't know the part#s I looked at mine and the holes are up-down yours are sideways. my new chambers look like the ones you took off. the only problem I had was on the auto slack adjuster was tight on the driver side.
  13. I miss all the signs that read ( Mack Trucks Inc.) brings back memories.
  14. Thanks I will check it out
  15. Are they all plastic anymore, Americas Truck Wash & Chrome Shop used to carry stainless that looked better than plastic but they closed there doors a few years ago.
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