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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by b61mack

  1. I am sure Hanenkratt Grain put new doors on it when they had it a few years ago. they still have there old 72 R685, truck parts no mater what brand are too high.
  2. I have sat beside that truck in the grain lines in Lafayette, IN. a lot in the 70s thru the 80s and drooled all over it each time. looking forward to seeing it at truck shows.
  3. That's it, the number on the fender gave it away, they took real good care of there trucks, they had all Macks until the mid 2000s then they bought Freight Shakers. Brown Farms out of Lafayette,IN bought it from them and they kept it looking nice. then I saw it in the Indiana Auto&Rv for I think $ 6500.00 a few years back. I was always wondering what happen to it, I am glad you saved it from the exporters. good luck.
  4. Nice RS700L does it have a name on the horn button. there is a grain company ( Hanenkratt Grain Co.) in Monticello, IN. that bought one just like that one new, short wheelbase, Dayton wheels, 237, 5 speed, 4.17 rears on camelback. I think the one they had was a 75.
  5. You might have to put thread sealer on the end of the studs in the head, some of the holes go all the way thru and leak oil.
  6. I had a RTO14613 that did that, the gears for high and low were wore out. when you came up to a stop sigh it would be like in neutral then you would step on the gas it would go back in.
  7. I thought it looked like a Rawhide too.
  8. I have a 1964 factory service manual for the 864, the cubic inch on that engine is 863.94 but they call it 864 and 255hp, torque is 639 at 1700 rpm. the 865, 866 is 866 CID. when did the twin turbo 864 come out.
  9. I guess I didn't miss anything either.
  10. I don't know if it is true or not but I heard they put up a security fence at Baltimore.
  11. It could be a broken spring under the fuel line in the pump. there is the nut that the fuel line screws into that you have to take off and the spring is under there. had one break on a 300+ Robert Bosch pump.
  12. There was a 72 White 9000 in McLean IL. just west of I55. it was sitting at an excavator business( but cant remember the name ) a couple years ago he was asking $2500, 250 Cummins, 10 speed Roadranger, twin screw on velvet ride. he said it only had 100,000 miles on the truck. I will see if I still have his phone number. Don Winstead & Sons Excavating 309 874-3377.
  13. do you know how much will be asking for the bunk when you take it off.
  14. Mike that's the same thing I was thinking, had good time though.
  15. Are they charging $ 25.00 to stay in your truck next year like they did in Springfield this year.
  16. I always thought that blue & silver Superliner looked the best.
  17. OK, nice looking Chevy I guess I cannot remember seeing one. Thanks for posting a picture of one.
  18. I always like the looks of the long hood 9500 GMCs, did Chevy make a version of the 9500. I know the Titan/90 but never saw a Chevy long nose conv.
  19. I tighten the slack ajuster tight then back off 1/4 of a turn, and make sure the collar cons back up to lock it. it the collar doesn't come back up the brakes could back off.
  20. When I need something plated I send it to Advance Plating & Powder Coating in Nashville TN. they do show quality work, but not cheap.
  21. Maybe when they raised the cab in the mid to late 70s.
  22. Have you sold the visor yet, if not my brother is interested in it. Thanks Ron
  23. I guess I would do the same thing. old parts are getting harder to find so you got to do what you have to do to get what you want, glad they still had it. good luck.
  24. Some of the older TRWs had play in the box until you started it up, don't know what model though.
  25. The talbert trailer factory is 50 miles from where I live, they had a 1938 Talbert at a truck show a couple of weeks ago that I was at. is that a 50 ton lowboy, looks good.
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