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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by b61mack

  1. How did you come out on the sleeper.
  2. There is a guy 40 miles south of me that has a 69 GMC 9500 for sale. it was a show truck a few years ago, 8V92, 60" bunk ( KW ) I think, KW 4 spring ride, not a bad looking truck, don't know what he is asking for it.
  3. I hope he still has it and can help you out. its been a while, good luck
  4. AT work ( county highway dept.) we have 6 2007 Internationals 7600 with the 4000 Allison auto, we have had more trouble with wiring going to the transmission than anything else. every year they are looking for bad spots in the wiring because it throws codes or wont move PITA.
  5. If you go back way back in the for sale there was one posted, it was a can-am style sleeper with the windows above.
  6. Still looking for an AC bracket for a 865-866 if anyone has one for sale. Thanks Ron
  7. Try this place www.fleettruckparts.com
  8. A friend of mine that ran a Mack dealership told me how to turn the RPM up on a 88 R Model with the 1800 RPM Maxidyne with the 6 speed air shift 5.55 Mack rears. I don't know if it was the right way or not but it worked. now turns 2100 and downshifts at 1200-1300. there is a plug on the backside of the pump ( kinda hard to get to ) that you take out maybe 22 mm , have someone turn the engine over while you look in the hole and you will see a slot with a pin in the center, use a long flat screwdriver push it down and turn clockwise about 5-6 turns to start with then you have to turn the engine over and do the other side of the governor( 1/2 way around make sure you turn both sides the same amount ). I don't know if it is good on the 4 valve heads to be turning 2100 - 2300 or not, this was a farm semi and worked good. someone on here should be able to tell you the long term effects on a 4 valve head.
  9. That looks like a switch and cover for a 15 speed Roadranger, they have deep reduction on the dash, is it hooked up?.
  10. I never ran one on the road but liked the sound of them ( not an E9 but hey its a V8 Mack ) and to tinker around with. and I hated to see them go to scrap when he got tired of keeping them around, about a year ago he got rid of a 864 don't know how much he got out of it. have you been driving yours??
  11. I may have gave too much ( $ 800 each ) the guy at the truck salvage said they ran good. they both came out of F Models, ones a 77 and the other is a late 73. (at least I have enough parts to keep one of them running, I have 4 now) I wish one or both were 866s. which is the better engine of the two the 865 or 866. I never known how to post pictures, I got a new camera I might try sometime. Thanks Ron
  12. I don't know yet, I was kicking the idea around maybe putting one in one of my RS700Ls. the 72 runs good and has the Page & Page Dial-A-Ride suspension with Mack rears but I was going to use the 73 that has a spun rod and put a 97 cutoff with 3.65 rears with a RTO 13 speed Roadranger behind the 865, don't plan on hauling anything with it, cabs need replaced on both of them. too many projects, not enough money. I have been thinking about buying them since last year and bit the bullet yesterday, they are complete including clutch,starter,power steering pump, alternator.
  13. I bought 2 of them yesterday, one still has the safety seals still on the fuel pump. I thought all of them were turned up at one point in there life. I was just wandering cause they look like a big piece of iron with all the accessory on them
  14. Anyone on here know what the weight is for a 865 v8. , I assume the 866 weighs the same.
  15. You still would need a compressor on the engine unless you use one from a motorhome then you would need a power source for 110 volt.
  16. I didn't think Cummins had charge air cooler until the 90s, Mack came out in the early 80s maybe 81.
  17. I was thinking someone on here said the guy that has Thumper ( the gold Superliner ) was building a Superliner with a MP8, that must be the one.
  18. The 90 CH613 4 valve E 6 350 1M2AA06Y3L008945 I hope this will help you.
  19. The 90 CH613 4 valve E 6 350 1M2AA06Y3L008945 I hope this will help you.
  20. Are you talking about the slack adjuster, that's what is missing.
  21. Was it built up with a 2 valve or a 4 valve engine, at work we have a 90 CH with a E6 4 valve and a 91 CH with a E7, let me know I can get the vin # tomorrow if the 90 would work.
  22. I maybe going out on a limb here but I would say maybe 90 % of Mack guys buy a Mack for the Mack engine and rears, the old 237s and 300s were hard to beat back when you used to see them on the road all the time.
  23. I have a 300+ in my B61 and every time I put diesel fuel in mine I put Howes ( diesel treat ) or ( meaner power kleaner ) or use Power Service ( diesel kleen ) with cetane boost in the silver bottle. half a bottle in each tank, I never fill up without putting fuel additive in the tank with todays fuel.
  24. That looks like the same sleeper that I have on my 58 B61. same window and door, 24" deep.
  25. You might call Kevin All he might be able to help you 607 434-1063.
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