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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by b61mack

  1. I got mine the other day, congratulations Mike and Howard. I talked to Howard at York, the ole Mack made the long trip to York, PA and back to Iowa, hell half the fun going to a long distance truck show is driving. just wish Mike could have made it. Thanks other dog for posting it.
  2. A Dynatard is nothing more than a noise maker, a Jake on a E6 Mack is a little better. Watts sells Tecbrake same as Jakebrake. you might give them a call, they can get some hard to fine parts.
  3. If it is a jake it would have a spacer about 2-3" under the valve cover with a wire going thru the plate, if dynatard it would have a wire on top of valve cover. a 2 valve will have a stamped steel valve cover.
  4. what started the fire Mike or do the know.
  5. Like Al said he has to blame someone, it is never his fault.
  6. Thanks Thomas
  7. Obama is blaming Indiana for all the illegal guns coming in to Chicago.
  8. Try Watts Truck sales, they can get hard to find parts.
  9. A few years ago Watts Truck Sales ( the one that has this site) ordered me one, there not cheap. just the little curved hose was $ 100.00.
  10. Axle Surgeons do that kind of work, they do brake spiders too.
  11. What size are the front tires.
  12. That's it, seems like nice people to deal with.
  13. Brian When I bought the Double Eagle sleeper it was in Fairfield, Ill. on US 45 on the south side of town, cant remember what the name of the truck repair is but they did a nice job on it.
  14. The blue LT is sitting on an older Superliner or Cruiseliner chassis, you can see the two center steering rods.
  15. That's what the sleeper still looks like, I wouldn't have taken the sleeper off if it was mine. but they turned it into a farm truck, that is what they said.
  16. Thanks Mike for posting the sleeper on here that I bought, it is in real good shape. and Thanks Al for posting the pictures, I would have like to see that truck when it still had a sleeper on it. Al did you say that it had an air shift 6 speed behind that e9. Thanks again guys have a safe weekend. Ron
  17. That's one sharp west coast F model.
  18. Trucker's Prayer, One More Mile, Keep On Truckin', Me And Ole CB. all by Dave Dudley
  19. Little Pink Mack ( Kay Adams ) Roll ON Big Mama ( Joe Stampley )
  20. Looking at the world thru a windshield ( Del Reeves )
  21. It is all about money, it is sad about all the American companys that get bought out.
  22. Nice looking fleet of Macks, have you ever made it to Macungie, PA. for the truck show over Fathers Day weekend. that's a must see show sense you live so close. I drive 700 miles just to attend.
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