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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by b61mack

  1. I think 75 was the last year for the 285 with a hood scoop, i have a 76 285 it has the 2 pipes going to the aircleaner. Ron
  2. They make 2 differnt size chambers 24 and 30, the 24 is smaller than the 30, as for wedge brakes i would stay away those or switch over to S cam, wedge brakes are junk, when they are working they are all right but the S cam is alot better.
  3. I was just wandering what the bar is for acrossed the windsheild,nice looking you have there. Ron
  4. Didnt they sell one of those at the auction at Aulburn,IN at the truck show last year, dont know what price it sold for, i know it was a supercharged cummins dont know what model it was.
  5. We have an old Bucyrus-Erie cable crane it has a 271 detroit diesel, when you got it wound out under a load it sounds like a bunch of bees,with only 2 clyinders,i dont know wheter they make a 1 clyinder or not .
  6. Today i was looking at at some engine blocks that i bought awile back and found out that i have a 1981 350, it has a tag on it E6 350, i was wandering if 81 was the first year for the 350 ,i think it came out of a criuseliner.
  7. I think the EM6 is a maxidyne the E6 is set up to use more than 5 speeds, the engines are basicly the same, if you go to mack and buy a basic engine whatever pump, injectors,turbo,intercooler,you can have a 237,285,300,315,350 HP.
  8. Trent in IL do you have to take the test every time the CDL is due, in IN you just take it once and you are done, in IN farmers and there hired hands dont have to have them, the way i look at it is it is the same truck same load no mater who drives it,and dont have to have a physical.
  9. The top picture looks like air-air, the bottom looks like it has cooler lines going to the intercooler,it is a series intercooler, i have a late 1983 titled 1984 MH and it has the 2VH 350hp with charge air cooler, the intercooler fits great in the B model, i have a 300+, 13 speed roadranger in my 63 B model. Ron
  10. You can get a rebuilt oil cooler from your mack dealer, i had the same problem on a 300, there is O rings in there, you get the cooler and housing together just bolt it on. Ron
  11. I have a 97 superduty with a 7.3 on a rollback carhauler, put rebuilt injectors in $ 350.00 each, stock the power is allright it pulls good but not great, with power mods it would pull good,stick tranys are junk and cost too much.
  12. A DT466 International would be good to put in a pickup if it would fit.
  13. Unbolt the govenor and take the middle plug out, screw the fitting back in bolt it back on. Ron
  14. Man that F-900 looks like a workhorse, i didnt know Mack made a F-900, only thing i have seen is the F-600,F-700. Ron
  15. Those early S model internationals would get the ugly truck award, i saw one with a sleeper, short wheelbase, it looked about as wide as it was long.
  16. Brad i cannot figger out my email, do you want to call me or post it on here, where are you located, it is on 10 hole budds, dont know what type of budds, one hanger is broke but he said he would throw one in on the deal, thanks let me know. Ron
  17. Sounds like you have a 300+ witch is a 315HP, the ETAZ673 is a 300+, does it have a robert bosh fuel pump or an american bosh.
  18. Storkmack, i bought that airride put it under my B61 , i found another one out of a newer CH, it has Mack stamped on the hangers, the guy said he wanted $1500 and cut the frame were i wanted it without the diff. Ron
  19. Fred it might be a little late but there is a Page&Page Sups. in the "oldmacksrus" classifieds, dont know long its been in there, i think it is in Minn. thought i would let you know. Ron
  20. I was in a truck salvage yard in IN. and came acrossed a U model that had a small raidator, raised the hood and it had a END673 with no turbo, the engine tag read it was a 2/75, i thought all 673s where turboed that late, would it be 170-180 hp, it had a robert bosh fuel pump. Ron
  21. Superdog did they make Page&Page with airride, i thought my dad told me he saw a pre 73 RS700L with a 318/13 speed with Page&Page airride, i think it had a dial you ajust to the ride you want. Ron
  22. there is an ENDT865 for sale at a truck salvage yard in Grand Rapids, MI. the website is www.frontiertruckparts.com. does not say how much they are asking. Ron
  23. I have a 72 R model back about 85 i installed the inner and outer back panel, roof panel on it , every thing went right on, got about 3" more room, i wanted to stay with the metal dash cab, so i just changed the panels. Ron
  24. I have a B61 with a 24" sleeper, was on the truck when i bought it , looks good on a tandem axle,i have a picture of it in the gallery but it is more of the front view, cannot see the side view very well, it is in "rons trucks" thanks Ron
  25. You might look at a F model it looks like the same cab just lower on the frame. Ron
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