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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by b61mack

  1. On tipturbine engines i think the water/air will cool the turbo air more than the air/air, but dont know how much, i think the water/air intercooler are getting hard to find, i was looking for one to put on a 350, i found one complete, had to take it off for $200 dont know wheter it was a good deal or not but i bought it.
  2. I was wondering if you guys that have B61s have problem with your accelerator pedal getting hot when you drive for awhile, mine gets hot enought to heat the bottom of feet up, i figgerd it was because the linkage was so close to the back of the engine and above the transmission, i have a 300+ with a 13 speed roadranger. thanks Ron
  3. The water cooler is seperate from the air ,it looks like a heatercore,sets on top of the air cooler, gets water from the water pump, returns to the oilcooler, the housing is the same size as the air to air ,but the air cooler is smaller so both will fit in the housing, you could slip heater hoses over the ends and put a pump and maybe a little heatercore, might cool better than having 180 degree coolant. Ron
  4. On the early 285, 315 hp engines they used air to air , on the later 285, 315 ,350, they used air and water, they called it series cooler, the turbo boost would pass though the water cooler first then the air cooler to cool the air more. Ron
  5. George, you might want to disconect the battery cables ,when you pull the panel back it will short out on your ingniton switch and light switch, been there done that. Ron
  6. Glad a mack won the truckers award , bet the pete guys wasnt to happy a mack won, i guess i should have went, looks like there was some good looking macks, what engine was in that B model that won. thanks for posting the pictures Ron
  7. Steve you might take the short fuel lines to the filters off and see if you can look through them , i have had them where they look good on the outside but closed on the inside , like trent said you might check all the fuel lines, i have a 76 285hp with a 5 speed 3.87 rears ,it will run with a 350hp cummins with 90000 lbs + pulls good Ron
  8. Steve ,check the puff limiter, unhook it see if it runs better, even if is working right if you unhook it it will run better Ron
  9. If you use an airshift 6 speed out of around 1988 it is overdrive, a freind of mine bought an 88 at an aution for $ 1800., 4 valve head 300, 6 speed ,5.55 rears, i drove it home for him , would run 65 mph @ 1800 , you could lug it down 1050, i turned the rpm up to 2200, it might run 75 mph now Ron
  10. b61 fred, are you takeing your truck, Ron
  11. Does any one know about a company in Michigan that made sleepers in the mid 50s, i have a 58 B61LT that has a 24" box sleeper made on the back of the cab, there is a tag on the right side door jam that reads, Built by Automotive Industries INC. Owendale Plant , Owendale, Michigan. didnt know if anyone ever heard of the company. thanks Ron
  12. Milford is about 50 miles straight south of Chicago on highway 1 ,they have a 93 CH613, 350 mack, 9 speed , air ride ,dont think they have B model parts , but dont know. i think it might be R model and newer . ron
  13. Are you useing a 5 speed or a 9 or 10 speed, i dont know wheter the M is for maxidyne or not , you can use 9,10,13 behind the maxidyne, but the E6 might be made for a multi speed, dont know about useing a 5 speed , it might not be good lugging the engine down that low with a 5 speed.
  14. I seen in the newspaper where there is an auction that has alot of mack parts 15-17 mack transmissions,springs,hubs, and more. it is at Reeves Bros. Truck & Trailer Sales, Milford,IL. Sat. July 9 2005@ 8:00 CDT. ron
  15. I have a 72 R model that had stacked springs , i used 3 leaf springs out from a u model and the spacers,and the rear spring hangers , every thing bolted in place, rides alot better , since your R model is a western i dout it would work, but dont know. ron
  16. Do you ever notice that most older petes you see have the longest wheelbase, the biggest sleeper, the biggest stacks, the longest fuel tanks and so much garbage hanging on them ,the only guys that think they look is pete guys, just keep them looking origanl they look better ron
  17. I ask for whatever information available, i got a big package full of helpful information ,i sent a donation it was worth it ron
  18. How many trucks where there last year, i was thinking about taking my truck.
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