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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by b61mack

  1. Thanks Mike I must have forgot that I put it there, until i reread it just now.
  2. That's a real clean truck you have there, I bought a nice R model cab out in PA when I went to Gearharts. its a 96 RD cab with 157000 miles, looks like brand new inside and out.
  3. Don't know what happened to my original post but its gone now.
  4. My woodgrain panels dont have any clearcoat on them and still looks great.
  5. Looks good Mike I must have a custom dash in my 72 R685 it has the three wood grain panels with the bulldog, didn't know they called it that.
  6. Terry I saw that truck and trailer at the Ducktail Run in Gas City, IN. a few years back, nice looking outfit.
  7. Can you still get a ReMack top cover for a 1070 10 speed, if so how much.
  8. I don't think enough Americans fly the flag way they should. people must take our freedom for granite, sad to say.
  9. I second that Doug & fxfymn
  10. Gregg have you been on that by-pass lately, that road will beat you to death. I took it when I went to Litiz, made sure I didn't take it on the way back.
  11. Buy the Pete and keep the Mack, if you get rid of the Mack you will wish you had it back. put air ride on it when you have time.
  12. My dad had a 69 F model wit a 335 13 speed Roadranger , the company put a new cab and new engine before dad bought it in 73. it was black with chrome grille, bumper, and mirrors, wish I had that truck back.
  13. Mike what engine was in a 763.
  14. I saw those pictures too while at Joe and Mikes truck show. Carry had some nice looking R models, bet they wish they still made trucks like that today.
  15. I don't think that's the original speedometer, doesn't have a bulldog on it,
  16. Gregg you do have the best of the old original unrestored F model that I have ever seen. the one that Erick has is super nice, and that interior is nice and clean too. wish I had some extra cash laying around I would buy it.
  17. Looks like it already has the bellhousing you need.
  18. Watts sells the new roof vent and the rubber seal, saw one at Litiz over the weekend.
  19. John Chalmers 717 334- 8709 8-10 rings
  20. The grey R model had 2 people in it, I just thought it was you. they waved when they went by.
  21. Yes that was me Ken, I ran over to US 15 up thru Harrisburg that was a mistake. sorry I didn't get to talk to you, it looked like you were busy.
  22. Thanks were you in that grey R model that blew my doors off. that was the only R model that I saw on my way out there and back. that's a nice R model you have there, wish I would got to meet you. maybe next year. Ron
  23. Did anyone of you guys get a picture of the yellow Granite motorhome, never seen it before. that truck was nice,
  24. Even in the rain and driving 700 miles I still had a good time, didn't make it to the dinner Fri. but dried out at the motel and got ready for Sat. met a few guys, it was worth it. drove 1500 miles round trip and made it home safe.
  25. Its a V8 you can see the turbo on back of the engine.
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