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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by b61mack

  1. Below the Mack for sale it has 1998 CH
  2. Switch the glad hands around, sounds like they are backwards.
  3. OK Kevin Thanks anyway. Ron
  4. What transmission is in it, looks like a Roadranger . if it is I would be interested in it and the frame mounts with the bellhousing and the bracket that the clutch cable goes thru that bolts to the bellhousing. Thanks Ron
  5. There was a lot of nice trucks there. that red 1970 R model had air ride cab and 300 with a 6 speed air shift, he said he uses it everyday.
  6. I am from north central Indiana and thinking about going to pickup parts I bought a while back. are you thinking about driving your F model out there.
  7. My 77 R686 was negative ground from the factory, the 76 R686 we had was positive ground, I switched it over to negative.
  8. Can you put a rear mounted PTO on any Mack transmission that doesn't have one or do you have to install a splined shaft to make it work. maybe some of you guys can shed some light on this subject.
  9. they Didn't loose much, I think they rented buy the day, week , month or year the way that place looked. only stayed at that place one time and that was 1 too many.
  10. Mike I would like the set that has all the studs on them, I will PM you. Thanks Ron
  11. I hope you didn't book one at the Hwy. 501 fleabag north of town, they are cheap.
  12. Looks like a nice clean truck.
  13. Must be for a RB model.
  14. Get the long ones and cut the bottoms off, cutting off the bottom with a tubing cutter is easy before the bend.
  15. I seconded that, they look the best. get the ones that has the two clamps on the bumper like the one used on the R models or the older trucks that used real bumpers. I cut some off the top of mine and tapped the threaded part back in so they wouldn't be so tall, you can get replacement parts just about anywhere.
  16. You may not have a 237 unless someone switch it sometime. a 237 would be a R685, being you have a 86 it might be a 4 valve head and a R688 might be a 350 sense it has a 10 speed. do you have a 4 valve head, I don't think I have seen a 4 valve 237
  17. maybe the on-off valve in the dash.
  18. Anyone know how many Maxidyne , Maxitorque combos were made over the years, seems almost every R and F model had one.
  19. I didn't know weather you used to go this far west or not. I have never been to a drag race there but my friends used to go there every weekend. the guys from Chicago used to come down and bet on the lanes in the bleachers. they used to advertised ( US 30 where the big boys run ) back in there heydays.
  20. 41 chevy I see you were AHRA member, did you ever race at US 30 dragstrip in Hobart, IN. ( just outside Chicago, IL. it was a AHRA track. its been closed for quite a while, I stop by the track last weekend to check it out.
  21. I think if you pull a 300+ down to 1200 rpm with that much fuel the exhaust temp. would be extremely high, I know my 300+ goes up to 1000 degrees when I downshift mine at 1500 rpm.
  22. I have a Page & Page Dial-A-Ride on one of my RS700L but it doesn't look like that but its a twin screw.
  23. Nice pictures.
  24. Mike I will let you know what I plan on doing. one of these days I want to fix up one of the old 73 RS700L,s with one of the 865 I bought last year then see what sleeper I want to use 36" Mercury, 36" Double Eagle with red interior with two cutouts or the 66" Double Eagle. the 66" has real nice blue interior. I would like the room of the big sleeper but I like the looks of the 36" bunk. what do you guys think would look better. if I use the little bunk I don't have to stretch the frame. Thanks Ron
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