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j hancock

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j hancock last won the day on August 18 2020

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About j hancock


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    new hampshire

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Community Answers

  1. Do you have two?
  2. Sounds like you got all the bells and whistles. Nice!
  3. I am not in the dump truck trade but your idea about swapping cylinders and leaving the box down sounds like a good idea to me!
  4. The masks mandates have increased my success rate at robbing Circle K's and 7/11 stores.
  5. Heard on the news last night that Death Valley, CA was 130F. Probably one reason why condo sales never took off...
  6. Sorry that you have had an issue. Appreciate your posting a solution even if it really only helps the parts manufacturer.
  7. Parts for tip turbines will have to come from a dismantler or truck scrap yard. PAI might have gaskets/seals? Quite a few tips, including mine, have a pretty good whistle when your foot is on the floor.
  8. re·spect /rəˈspekt/ a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Excellent David! As always, respect is earned and not granted.
  9. Appreciate the heads up on a scam.
  10. Here is a link to an OEM wiring harness that may help you? Click on the pdf.
  11. Have fun with your new project. 1-5-4-8-6-3-7-2 Cold intake .016 Cold exhaust .026
  12. Holy Cow! I hadn't thought about Harry Pappas in forever! The Peterbilt dealer was down the hill from the fairgrounds on 12 and Harry had another shop off of California St. All done by 1980? There was a local fellow that wrecked his Cadillac. A friend and I threw it on a trailer and hauled it from NH to Harry's Krystal Cadillac in Gettysburg, PA because the owner of the wreck was friendly with him. We were heading to Hershey for the car show and might as well have someone pay for our trip. We unloaded the wreck behind the dealership where there was a half dozen Petes lined up some still with NH tags on them. Probably 1989 or 90. Harry was always cutting deals!
  13. Looks like a very clean Peterman. Should be able to make some coin with it. I'm partial to the dark brown front fenders but you didn't send the bill to me so carry on!
  14. You may want to contact the folks at the Mahan Collection Foundation via the link or through their facebook page. http://www.themahancollection.org/index.html
  15. You can check out this thread. The builder used a DT466/Allison combination. I don't have an answer on the bell. DT466 are definitely plentiful. The thread has some good info but is "bombed" because of Photobucket changing their rules.
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