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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by umodelnut

  1. All I can help you with is that R means R model, 770 prolly means V8 or long nose R model (R700), ST means tandem tractor, and 1128 means it was the 128th R770ST made. Vinny
  2. We also had to take the front seat apart to get the back panel off. So we figured out how to take it apart. Thanks to your guy's help I also found out what "transmission" was in my U model. (I put transmission cause Olives wife said to".
  3. Had to take the back panel out to take the trailer plug in thing out. Its shot.
  4. Well today I took the air hose holders off, and we took the trailer plug in thing out.
  5. Oh, I get why Olive. Tell your wife I said sorry. I knew it was a Mack "transmission" though.
  6. I feel bad for it.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO6BydSVQx0&feature=g-upl Here you go.
  8. Ok, I found it. Just a little old gas was good to clean off the foot thick greese, dirt, etc. She is a TRL 1076.
  9. I came across one of those oak sticks or kickstand for the U models behind the drivers seat on the floor!!! The factory instruction sticker was still on it which is very rare. It said these exact words: "To be used to fend off all the regular cab drivers, that want to drive your Sidewinder!!" :banana: Sincerly, Vinny and his Papa.
  10. OK, I'll check under there later and right it down and let you guys know. If I dont let you guys know, im prolly squashed underneath the drivers side door.
  11. OK, I thought it would be a TRL 10 something but I didnt know what the rest of the numbers woud be.
  12. I have no clue what kind of tranny is in my U. I know it was gold from the factory and its a strait 5 speed.
  13. I have from the list number 1, 4, 5, and 7. They are great books.
  14. Ha ha. Those are cool. I was thinking SIDEWINDER but I dont think it will fit. OFFSET sounds awesome!!! Thanks again Al.
  15. I never knew that was a Deckelman truck. I like their green B model that they pull with.
  16. That would look good on my U model Uncle Rob. With its flapper flapping and black smoke coming out. It would look great.
  17. I like that "Flinstone" as you guys would call it. The F tanker is kinda cool too.
  18. Coulda been.
  19. Almost Matt!!! The Teals U model is cool. Teals is a local company still going in Watertown, which is not very far from me and Utica which is about 40 minutes away. They use CH's, some Visions, and a couple frieghtshakers.
  20. Awesome!!! Love your licence plat. I wanna make ours sat like 75 MACK or something. Any ideas for me?
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