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Diesel Brad

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Everything posted by Diesel Brad

  1. Freightrain - nice looking B. Looks like it lead a much easier life then the old B series mixers/dump trucks I used to see working in the old quarry in the early 80s. You run a FE in that Ford ?
  2. If fuel hits the rumored $4.00/gal. you'll be one of the few cruising around. Hard to hate a car that can do 50 mpg.
  3. Used to be a old IH cabover in a field nearby - had a 12V-71 Detroit. I always wanted to rescue it, but it was too far gone. The engine was longer then the cab, back in the day this thing musta been a real powerhouse.
  4. $2.689 for gas In Cuba, Mo - right off I-44 (Gotta love how they add a "9" after the 8 so it doesnt look like its really 2.69/gal. what greed !) Diesel is roughly 2.90/gal
  5. Unreal; made of Legos ! I have a old unbuilt AMT 1/25th R model Mack made in the late 80s called the "Junkyard Dog" the kit is supposed to be a beat up model (the doors / hood are dented) Anyone ever see this kit, always wondered if it was rare -
  6. Even to this day theres still some not so good diesels out there; Detroits always had the advantage of inexpensive parts when GM owned 'em.
  7. I have a 6V-92 never hear nothing bad about the 92's - except they used the same bearings as the 71s - so they were a little hard on 'em. What issues did they have ?
  8. Thats bad - FORD F series is the best seller and 75 % of the F250/350s are diesels. The 6.0 gave Ford a black eye, and now the new 6.4 looks to be off to a bad start. Shame emissions killed the 7.3 - that was a good engine.
  9. I found a 1988 R686 that is claimed to have 150,000 miles. The pic in the ad looks like its a very nice truck. Its equiped with a 350 hp Mack, double frame, 8 sp LL trans, 80 % tires, wet kit. The ad says super nice & clean. Im going to try to have a look at it by next week. My question is if its what the seller says is $14,000 a reasonble price ? If I dont get it & anyones interested I'll pass the info on.
  10. Memories is my reason. In the early 80s as a kid I saw many Macks working hard at the cement place across from my parents house. They still had plenty of old B models (even in the late 80s) During the summer of '82 & '83 sitting on the front porch in 100 deg weather with my friends, I would see the cement & dump trucks going beyond the call of duty. I started admiring how they kept going. The only other trucks they had were a couple of short International Loadstar dumps, and old Loadstars are pretty tough old trucks also. My friends & I would sometimes tresspass/cut across the quarry as a shortcut. One time while cutting across I met a friendly guy who was one of their mechanics/maintanance guys. I asked him about the ole Macks and he was suprised at my interest, but took time out for a conversation about them. He told me he had worked on trucks for years and Macks were one of the few that could handle the hard work of a quarry truck day in and day out. He was rebuilding what he called a "237" and "that was one of the best" He also mentioned some of the B models were "comming up on being 30 years old" and his only beef with them was the small cabs. I told him about my uncles old Loadstar on the farm, he said those were among the best medium duty trucks, that didnt have no "car motor" in them. Later that week I bought a 1/25th scale R model Mack. Thats why I like 'em - I had a front row seat to witness their legendary reputation.
  11. At one time I heard Movie studio/sound engineers loved the sound of Detroits , and it was common to dub the sound of a 2 stroke in if it didnt already have one.
  12. I have some questions regarding this subject : - Did Renault help/hurt Mack when they owned them ? - Would Mack have sunk if it werent for Volvo ?
  13. Sheetmetal has a much easier life down there !
  14. I dunno if this has already been posted, but thought 'yall might enjoy this: (Theres other Mack stuff there as well)
  15. To anyone here who has the history channel; keep an eye out for the history of trucks episode. They show a fair amount of footage from the Mack factory & show new models at work. They usually play this back & back with the history of ice trucking, well worth a look. If you havent seen these episodes; A & E always repeats keep a eye out !
  16. I like the B model; even though the cab is way to small.
  17. Ive heard adding Marvel Mystery Oil will help - I bought a new bottle last night; it even had a new sticker on there refering to helping lube diesels with this new '07 low sulphur fuel. Does anyone know if POWER SERVICES or HOWES will prevent this ? I have three diesel powered vehicles to consider, kinda concerned.
  18. Sweet ! The NH220 wasnt that a non turbo 743 cid Cummins ? I suffer from CRS.
  19. Im looking at trucks now to pull a 3 wedge style hauler. Many use Ford or Dodges with the Cummins or Powerstroke. However, my thinking is a used medium duty truck would be much more up to the task. Can anyone reccomend a later model Mack model & engine combo ? Fuel economy/reliability will be big factors.
  20. I was wondering if anyone on the forum knew anything (driving/stories/experience) with the Allis Chalmers "Big Al" purple diesel produced in the late 60s 'til mid 70s. Very little information on it , so anything would be helpful. All I know is it was a modified BUDA design, 844 cid. Thanks
  21. LOL, I can relate. I used to drive my uncles 1970 IH Loadstar Stake on the farm. That little V304 was sure a tough little brute. Now its mine and it still works hard. Timothy, is that Jimmy a 302 inliner ?
  22. My wife & have located a 2yr old motorhome at a very good price. Its a 8.3 Cummins pusher, with a Allison automatic - can anyone tell me anything about the Cummins 8.3 , or this combo ?
  23. Are all Mack B models the same light green interior ? Every one Ive seen is. Wonder why they did that ?
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