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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DCR

  1. No, not trucks; automobile brakes. I left the gas station employment in 1970 after graduating from college and a lot has changed since then. I was just commenting that at one time there were primary and secondary brake shoes in response to Burnstransport question.
  2. Not that it is the same today, but when I worked at my father's service station in the 60's there were primary and secondary brake shoes. The primary was the front shoe and the secondary was the back shoe of the two. There was a difference between the two. I think the primary was a bigger heavier brake shoe. My 2 cents worth for what it is worth.
  3. Ken, It's not the good man that can do the work of 6 men but the good man is the one that can keep 6 men working. In this case 1 woman - Ruth Ann. Looking forward to seeing everyone at Macungie. Dessert Saturday at 2:00 pm at my motorhome in the camping area for BMT members. Another chance to meet each other. That's for the nice complements from everyone.
  4. Yup, manscaping is close enough. That's what it is called when a man does it. Since my wife helped me it is also a combination womanscaping.
  5. The mulch is for landscaping.
  6. Put the B to work getting 9 yards of mulch and then spreading it with the help of my wife. Had sore muscles where I didn't know I had muscles
  7. Did the pieces come out of the drain hole or did you drop the pan?
  8. My wife and I will be there
  9. Never looked at a coverall I'm 12'6" to thetop of my stacks with bald tires so I'll need a 13' door. I think I'll price a 40x50 pole barn style shop and see what the bank says about financing later in the summer. When the time comes to build the shop, get a home equity loan (if you own your home). The interest on the home equity loan is tax deductable where as the interest on a loan for the building is not. I apologize if you are aware of this; I have talked to many people who are not.
  10. Looks real good Ken. Makes a great combination.
  11. Glad to hear that Mike. It sure is a good looking rig.
  12. Mike, How is the new Mack working out for your son?
  13. My wife and I will be there camped in the camping area. I felt the same after my first year at Macungie; who are the BMT people and where are they. We meet for the group photo at noon on Saturday and everyone left. Last year we had a dessert and refreshments time at our bus in the camping area and several members showed up. We are doing the same thing this year on Saturday at 2:00 at our bus in the camping area. All BMT members are invited. It's after lunch so don't have dessert with lunch. It's a time for all of us to meet at one place and get to know one another. If you have a nonBMT member with you they are welcome also. Saturday at 2:00 in the camping area. Look for the bus and a red Jeep Wrangler. See you then
  14. Larry, I had my physical in November and it was done by a chiropractor who advertises DOT Physical. He is located on the TruckWorld complex in Hubbard. I then went to the License Bureau to register it with the state. You can mail or fax it in but I wanted a receipt showing that I had registered it with he state. Think the charge was $3.50 or less but that was cheap insurance to be certain Ohio had it. I was recently in an Urgent Care and they advertised DOT physicals.
  15. Look how filthy the interior is. Does not match the nice exterior.
  16. Mike, Ken is correct; I live about a mile from Truck World, Flying J and Loves. Call when in area - 330-550-6020. Would be glad to meet up. This is for any BMT member in the area.
  17. Ray, Did you sell your CH?
  18. Congratulations!
  19. Happy birthday Trent. We spent last week at the Grand Plaza Hotel, round building next to you. They have a revolving restaurant on the top floor that gives a great elevated view or the area..
  20. Ken, to answer your question on a fuel sticker for a motor home I do not need one for my bus. If fact, because it is an recreational vehicle, I don't even need a CDL in Ohio to drive it. It is 45 feet long, Detroit Series 60 engine, air brakes and when I tow my Jeep it is nearly 65 ft long and all that is required is a regular operators license.
  21. Not sure if this any help, but on my 2000 460 the block connection is located on the back side of the block below the valve cover. Mine was disconnected and it took a skinny guy, not me, to get between the frame and engine on the passenger side to reconnect.
  22. That is all the more reason to get a CDL. Remember, they are the law even if they do not understand or know what the law is. They are the gods of the highway and you are at their mercy. The CDL is the insurance policy against their lack of knowledge and makes you the professional.
  23. I don't mean to be argumentative but all of the major trucking companies play a very important role that is needed for the trucking industry to continue. I am referring to JBHunt, Werner, Swift, CR England and the other negative image companies that exist and are referred to in this forum. I don't have a dog in this fight but am looking at it from the perspective of a young person wanting to become a professional truck driver. I am looking at it thru the eyes of my 22 year old grandson who is going to a local trade school for heavy equipment operator and class A CDL. He is going on weekends because he does have an other job. When he finishes school and if he decides to go into trucking who is going to hire him? I am certain none of you would because of lack of experience, age, etc. Most companies want some experience if only 6 months. His other choice is to buy a used truck, get his own authority, insurance etc, and be hired as a power only unit. Or get a trailer and start his own company. When I sold my business and retired I did just that. I bought a 2000 Mack Vision ($17,000), put another $10,000 into it, got my own authority, insurance at $5,200, incorporated and went to CDL school ($4,000), all for a hobby trucker. My financial position is different from my grandson's and I was able pay for all of this. He could not do it nor have the credit rating to finance it. This is the status that most young people fall into. When he finishes school, he will have the opportunity to be hired by many of the hated companies I listed above. Yes, he will be lied to by the company recruiters and promised the world and receive more lies. BUT, he will have a job, get reimbursed for school expenses, and gain experience and a paycheck until he is in the position to better himself. Yes, we don't like what they did to the rates and many other things, but they play a very important role in the trucking industry.
  24. Leslie, You talked about pulling a trailer with your Superliner. If you do that and get stopped, you are going to have a difficult time telling a creeper cop it is a hobby truck. Get your CDL and you won't have to worry. Unfortunately, if you get caught without one and are ticked, even if you do not need a CDL, you are guilty until proven innocent. Not worth the risk. I got mine and do not have to worry.
  25. Many times when it happens the body is misidentified by the coroner's office, hospital or large volume funeral home. The family wants immediate cremation in place of calling hours and funeral so there is no viewing of the deceased to discover the mistake. Although I'm retired, I still maintain my funeral director's license and have to take continuing education classes to so. This past fall I attended a seminar on cremation and that figure was stated. It is very rare when it happens but unfortunately it does.
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