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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DCR

  1. Recently had two computer problems. Someone hacked my address book and sent junk mail out to everyone on it and the other one I had an Email from "FedEx" that I opened and it totally corrupted all my files. Took my computer guy 6 hours @ $65/hr to correct it and I still am finding problems. As others have said get someone who knows computers to fix it
  2. You cannot compare business insurance to truck insurance. When I owned my business, ( funeral home, cemetery monument company and burial vault company) my business insurance was about half of what I pay for one truck. These are not low risk businesses either. The average jury award for cremating the wrong person is over 10 million dollars.
  3. I'm not an insurance agent or even associated with insurance in any way other than paying the premiums but a lot of factors are involved with the cost. Location of the vehicle, driving record, DUI, age of driver and credit score to name a few critical factors. I am 65, have had my CDL for only two years, have had my authority for less than two years, an impeccable driving record and a credit score of 800 plus. My insurance costs $5400 per year. This is for a 2000 Mack Vision with million dollar coverage, load coverage and trailer interchange insurance to meet the requirements of a major Trucking company. This is thru Artisan Insurance which is part of Progressive. It should have been $6500 but I paid for it with one payment rather than several payments and saved $1000. All factors have to be applied to determine the rate.
  4. That's awesome I plan to be doing a bit of sight seeing with my Superliner soon. Have to toss a coin this summer Take the Mack Superliner or the Harley Superglide out for my sunday mornig ride. Please, take the Superliner out instead of the bike; it is much safer. Being a funeral director, i have had to put too many bodies back together from bike crashes.
  5. Happy Birthday Vinny
  6. Nothing less than 4/32 of tread and no caps on front tires.
  7. Boyertown Body Works another great company from Boyertown no longer in existence. I worked for Boyertown Casket Company for over 11 years until they were closed down in 1987.
  8. Thanks Barry.
  9. Last year at Macungie my wife and I had an "Open House" at our bus in the camping area. We are planning to have it again this year. Most likely it will be Saturday afternoon. All BMT members and friends are invited to partake in refreshments and friendship. More info as we get closer to the date.
  10. Ken, Check out Northern Tool and Equipment. They have a lot of security equipment. I have an ADT security system and am very happy with them. When I am gone I know the property is protected from theft, storms (a tree coming throught the roof), fire, etc. When I owned the funeral home we always published the calling hours in the newspaper and online. I always felt that I should hang a big sign out front saying "I AM NOT HOME I AM AT WORK, HELP YOURSELVES". With a securtiy system my fears were eliminated. You are familiar with my house and how far off the road it is, I have a driveway alert, that I bought from Northern, and it sounds if someone is coming down the drive. In case of an emergency I back up the security system with a 1911 .45 and a Remington 12 gauge.
  11. Sent the reservation in and will be at the campground again. Look forward to the show.
  12. My two cents worth. I think everyone involved with trucks, even if it is a hobby, should have a Class A CDL. That will avoid all of the questions we hear on BMT about if a CDL is required. It protects us from law enforcement officials. I am on I 80 in Pennsylvania a lot and I see DOT have just as many pickup trucks pulling small trailers stopped as big rigs. I too went through this several years ago when I bought a trailer to pull behind my one ton pickup. In fact, the dealer derated the trailer so that I would be under the 26,000 lbs. and not have to get a CDL. Since then the laws have changed and there are new trailer regulations. I retired at 62 selling my business and got involved with trucks when I bought a B Model Mack dump. At this point I went thru the same thing about getting a CDL. I bit the bullet and took a one week course at a local driving school and got my Class A CDL. This was at age 63 and it is very difficult to teach an old dog new tricks. But I did it and have had my CDL for two years. I have since bought a 2000 Mack Vision and am driving part time. I have always enjoyed trucks since I was a kid growing up and working at my Dad's gas station but pursued a different career. I am a funeral director and had my own funeral home for many years prior to retirement. Again, get your CDL and you won't have to keep looking in the mirrors for police.
  13. Wholely owned subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway.
  14. Thanks for the memories Ken. Sitting here thinking about growing up in my Dad's Gulf station. I worked there through junior high, high school and five years of college. Left in 1970 when I started mortuary school. The true service station - pumped the gas, washed the windshield, checked the oil, etc. None of this pump your own stuff we have today. The focus was on service. The cheapest price I remember was 23.9 a gallon.
  15. Prior to buying my 2000 CX613, E7-460,I had the truck checked out by a Mack dealer in Oregon where the truck was located. One of the problems was the fan running all the time. Service said they replaced a fuse and that stopped it. Now, 6 months later it is still operating properly. I do not know which fuse it was but I hope this is of some help.
  16. Thanks and Merry Chrismas to everyone. Christ is the reason for the season. God Bless.
  17. The trailer is along side the road and the tractor trailer is a couple hundred feet off the road up towards the house. This is one of those situations where I see equipment or an abandoned house and ask myself why. Thanks
  18. Leslie, There is an R Model with dualstacks onRoute 54 south of Danville before Elysburg. It is attached to a vintage freight box trailer and an old Georgia Pacific pup trailer is sitting out front near the road. I have been going by this for the past year and am wondering what the story is. They have not moved in that time frame. Just wondering if you, or anyone else, knows the story behind this. Nice looking vehicles. Too bad they are just sitting there wasting away.
  19. Ken, There are several pup trailers for sale at donavansusedcars.com in Harrisonburg, va. They are not as new as the one you are looking at, they are not drop decks BUT they are a lot closer and less in cost. I have talked to him about trucks and he is usually open to negotiation.
  20. FWD Congratulations on the weight loss and improved health. Keep up the good work.
  21. DCR


    We need a Federal license that is valid in all states and Washington D C. That would eliminate all of the different state requirements and hopefully allow carry in a commercial vehicle.
  22. Consider it done.
  23. Sent you a PM (private message)
  24. Thanks Mackpro. I have the primary and secondary spin on filters.
  25. That is interesting about using Mack fuel filters. I have a 2000 Vision with an E7 460. Does the Mack fuel filter apply to this engine also? Thanks
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