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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DCR

  1. Being a funeral director and owning my own funeral home for over 20 years, I agree with Doug, " you can't take it with you". Enjoy life now, life is too short.
  2. Ken, Sounds like you have a bad infection - MMD. Mad Mack Disease. According to the medical profession it can only be cured by buying another Mack. But be careful. It will only be in remission. It will come back again.
  3. I called on this truck. It was a former tandem road tractor and the tandems were cut off and replaced with a single air ride axle. The axle came off of a Mack straight truck and he did not know the weight rating. The frame was fish plated ( 6 feet sections) to join the rails together on the outside of the rails not out and in. The owner did not know too much about engine other than it runs good. He bought it as a cab chassis and had the dump body built for it 5 years ago. Will take 14,000 for it.
  4. So sorry to hear about your Dad. Ruth Ann and I will keep you and your family in our prayers.
  5. Happy birthday Carl. Hope you have a great day. Denny and Ruth Ann
  6. I noticed on a recent post by rhasler that he is listed as moderator. Also, is leversole still a moderator?
  7. DCR

    Oh well!

    Hi Mark. Sent you a PM. Denny
  8. To anyone thinking about using R12A Freon - DON'T. I am no expert and only passing on what has been discuss on POG - Prevost Owners Group - recently. This is a very similar internet forum that I belong to but it is about Prevost buses that have been converted to motorhomes instead of Mack trucks. And yes Prevost is also owned by Volvo. Several experts have said what has been talked about in this topic; it is very flamable and is even capable of exploding and they all say do not use it. There are many buses on the road that are still using the R12 and it is a problem trying to get it. Many have had success in finding it on Ebay and many AC shops have been hoarding it It is costly when it is found but in the long run it is still cheaper than converting the entire system to R134
  9. His name is Ray.
  10. DCR

    As we all know:

    Hate to see you go Rob. I have learned a great deal from you and your wealth of knowledge will be missed. God bless.
  11. Hi Vinny I have the trailer you need also. See my drop deck ad.
  12. 2002 Fontaine Drop Deck with 80,000 rating. New tires, axle dump valve, new straps (not installed), Recent annual inspection. Tractor for sale separate; package deal for both. $17,000 trailer; $15,000 Tractor; 28,000 Both Denny 330-550-6020
  13. 2000 Mack CH613 36" flat top sleeper all Mack components; E7 355-380 engine w/Jake and 472,000 miles, Maxitorque 6 speed transmission and Mack rears (Gold Bulldog). Power windows,& door locks, air suspension, air slide 5th wheel, air dump, heated mirrors, no oil or coolant usage, very good condition. $15,000 obo. Denny 330-550-6020
  14. Hi Ken, Looks great!
  15. Randy, Thanks for your report on the Boy Scout adventures. It made me think back over 50 years ago when I was in Scouting. I did it all except make Eagle Scout. I was only two merit badges short of making Eagle when other activities took over and I left Scouting. As years went by I have always regretted that. It's too bad that more of our young people are not interested in Scouting. I think there would be a better generation of people in the future.
  16. You have what is called MMD - Mad Mack Disease. It is a very contagious disease and the only known cure is to buy a Mack. But be careful, many times it takes many doses of buying Macks to put this disease into remission.
  17. Carl, if leaving from home, 95 to 202 in Wilmington then 100. That's the way I go when I leave my brother's house and go to visit friends in Boyertown, PA which is just south of Macungie. I'm usually driving my bus and towing the Jeep and have no problems.
  18. Congratulations Tom!
  19. Mackmk, I am selling my 2000 CH613. It is a flat top sleeper maxi cruise all Mack components - E7 355 - 380 470,000 miles, maxi torque 6 speed trans and Mack rears. (Gold Bulldog). Air suspension, air ride cab, air slide 5th wheel, power windows, heated mirrors, cruise control, all aluminum wheels, air dump, good condition Denny 330-550-6020 funeraldir@aol.com
  20. Congratulations! Glad everyone is doing well.
  21. DCR


    Thanks for all of the good comments. Jim, Where is the Pitt Ohio terminal in West Middlesex? Only about 5 miles from me.
  22. You are right Carl. Raising two daughters was very trying at times but now it was worth it. Looking forward to Macungie.
  23. Thanks for the help from everyone. I figured it out finally. Graduated from high school, college and mortuary school in the dark ages prior to computers so I am NOT a computer wiz. In fact, my 9 year old grandson was teaching me how to use my iPad. When I connect my iPhone to the computer it asks about downloading photos. In past I said no thinking I would erase them. Since I have a duplicate set on my iPad I said yes, not concerned if they were erased. Microsoft Scan Wizzard set up a new file and downloaded all of them. I used the test site on the BMT forum and posted my B Model. When I get more time I will post pics. Again, thanks for the replies.
  24. DCR


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