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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DCR

  1. Can photos be posted from an IPad? I have several on my iPhone and iPad that i would like to post but when following the above steps I do not have the browse option. The iPad shows choose but nothing happens when I touch it. I can email and send as a text but cannot post here. Thanks.
  2. There is a camping area on the show grounds. It is dry camping but very convenient to everything. We stayed there last year and will be there again this year.
  3. Hi Carl, The gold looks great.
  4. Chassis batteries are not designed for the prolonged use they are getting. Their purpose is to provide a sudden burst of power to turn the engine and then be recharged. You are using them as a recreation vehicle battery and they will not perform. My Prevost bus, which is a motorhome, has four group 31 batteries just for chassis use. For the house batteries, there are six huge 8D batteries. Most motorhomes are set up this way - batteries for the chassis and a separate set for the house. You are using the chassis batteries for house use, tv, coffee pot, printer, chargers, inverters, etc and they will not last. You might try reducing the charge intervals from 12 hours to 3 to 4 hours. Just my 2 cents worth.
  5. I plan on being there. Any time and location set?
  6. My deepest sympathy to you and your family It always hurts to lose such an important person in our lives and only time will help heal the void.
  7. Saw this oversize rig parked in the closed "welcome center" on the west bound side of I80 at the Ohio line. Just the trailer no tractor.
  8. A friend of mine was in the septic tank business and would say "it may be shit to you but its bread and butter to me".
  9. That trailer is only a few miles off of I81 exit 116. 901 west for about 7 miles then 54 west for 21 miles and you are at I80 exit 224 Danville, PA. This is a big truck route but there are several 8 to 11percent grades. Saves about 45 minutes as opposed to taking I 81 to I 80. I passed it on Monday and Saturday of this week.
  10. That rig has been sitting there for about a week. Strange place to stop and certainly not much in the area. Maybe going to a local coal mine. I hope they weren't using 901 and 54 as a shortcut to I80!!
  11. Do not have any pictures of any of their Macks. A couple of the drivers knew I was a truck/Mack nut and would let me pull the truck in to unload or back out after but never took any pics. Now, many years later I wished I had.
  12. Vinny Thanks for posting the picture of the Boyertown Burial Casket Co. Macks. I work for them for almost 12 years until they were bought out and closed down in 1987. I started as a salesman, then regional manager in Cleveland and Detroit and finally marketing manager working out of the home office in Boyertown,,PA where that photo was taken. They were only 20 miles south of Macungie and had a fleet of U and R Macks. When I was transferred back to the Boyertown in 1986, they still had a B Model that was used for yard and local work. I often wondered what happened to those Macks.
  13. We will be in the bus staying in the camping area. Look forward to seeing the both of you and your fire truck.
  14. Hi Carl. Will you and Bonnie be in the camping area at Macungie?
  15. Close to Blue Ball and Intercourse there is also Paradise.
  16. Jaird, I hope the negative comments haven't chased you away. There are many great people on this site including those who made condescending remarks to you. I understand your feelings about profanity. Every other word out of my fathers mouth was a cuss word until he died in 2002 at the age of 78. I tried to change him but that never happened. Hence, I too have a dislike for it. Take this site for the good and overlook the bad. When traveling with my wife, who wouldn't say crap even if she had a mouth full, I always have the CB on channel 19 the truckers channel. When things get really down and dirty I have to remind her of the many times it has helped us and the many benefits of knowing what is going on down the road There is a great deal of knowledge here and I learn something every time I'm on it which is generally several times a day. You just have to tune out the bad and concentrate on the good. And there is a vast mount of good.
  17. Happy Birthday
  18. Last October I had a Mack show at my house and there were several trucks from NE Ohio. Check on this forum under "Shows and Events" then "Mack Show October 29?" for info on this show. Under profile info I think everyone should post city along with state of location. Until I had my show I had no idea there were so many Mack enthusiasts in NE Ohio and Western PA. It would be great if there was a state by state listing of members in addition to the alphabetical listing so we could see who is near us. Barry, monitors, are you listening? I think this would make the Mack world a little smaller.
  19. DCR

    Those Italians:

    Ernie, Good post. I too am proud of my Italian heritage.
  20. I was there from 5 till 6:30. Let me know of the next meeting and I will try to be there
  21. I'll be there waiting.
  22. What time is this impromptu meeting on tuesday? I live a mile from truck world and would like to meet up with all of you.
  23. Tom That type of behavior affects everyone, employees and customers alike. It starts at the top and goes all the way down the line and ultimately the customer is affected. It did affect you or you would not have said anything about it.
  24. A little service goes a long way. Rob, you have very little invested in plastic protectors as compared to what it would cost if you lost a customer who told his friend who told his friend, etc. When I owned my funeral home we stressed service. Amongst ourselves we joked that "we would service you to death" . I know sick funeral jokes. We all had buildings and blacktop parking lots but what separated us from the man down the street was SERVICE. I was always looking to reach the next step on the service ladder. I am totally intolerant of businesses that try to get by with giving as little service as they can get away with and still charge the big price. Today, that seems to be the golden rule of business. Give a little and take a lot.
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