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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DCR

  1. I would send the letter. How is management going to know unless they hear from the customer? They may be aware of this behavior and allowing it to happen so the letter may be a wake up call. I recently had my CH in at R&R Mack in Youngstown for a switch to be added to the dash to drop the air on the trailer. Things started downhill when I was told I could not stay with the truck while it was being serviced. When my hour job turned into a three hour job and I was finished and went to leave I found greasy boot prints on the newly scrubbed carpet, my IPad was on the floor and had been stepped on, yes more greasy boot prints, and I had to take the dash apart to correctly reset the switch labels which were not aligned properly. I was furious! In a couple of days I had calmed down and received a customer follow up survey from Mack. Yes, I did fill it out and did not rate service very high. I may not be welcomed back next time but at least Mack was made aware of this inferior service. This tech has over 30 years of service and this should not have happened. The opposite of this happens at W W Williams in Hubbard, OH when I take my bus RV in for service. They immediately cover the seat with plastic and put plastic all over the floor. They won't even get inside so of it. I stay with it so they ask me to start it and drive it in and out. Why should a truck be treated any different? Go for it.
  2. Mowerman, I like that photo. It was taken at my house October 29 when the "Mack Pack" first met.
  3. Pit bull dogs now are one of the most feared breeds today but I think media hype and Michael Vick contributed greatly to that. But way back when, the Buster Brown dog was a pit bull terrior as was the Little Rascals dog and the RCA Victor phonograph mascot. How things change over a period time.
  4. Congratulations. The night I met my wife I said I wanted to marry her. We were married 8 months later and in April it will be 34 years for us.
  5. Thanks Rob. I do keep it plugged in in cold weather. Sounds like I was given some erroneous info.
  6. When I changed my starting system to 12 volt negative ground I used a 39 series starter. This was suggested by local Mack dealer since it was less in weight and cost, they were on sale at the time. It too is a starter solenoid combination and position can be rotated to fit better.
  7. Paul, Glad you are still on here. You have so much to contribute and we all benefit from it.
  8. Mike, If nothing works out for you please let me know. I live SE of Cleveland (Hubbard) and just bought a drop deck trailer (looking for ramps) to go with my hobby truck CH. Sent me a PM if needed.
  9. Looking for aluminum ramps for my Fontaine drop deck trailer. Please contact me at 330-550-6020, funeraldir@aol.com or PM on this site. Thanks.
  10. I am in need of a set of aluminum ramps for a drop deck trailer. Please call at 330-550-6020; email at funeraldir@aol.com or PM via BMT. Thanks.
  11. Watts Mack, our sponsor, has new plastic type defroster ducts. Much better than the original heavy paper ones.
  12. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.
  13. I believe 45 ft since that is the maximum length of a non-articulated bus.
  14. Rob, I received a negative in the topic of drom boxes when I was trying to help you. Maybe the guy doesn't like you and didn't want me giving you any ideas.
  15. I put a Bulldog on the hood of my Jeep Rubicon. It is amazing the number of people that notice it and make positive comments.
  16. DCR

    34 years today:

    Congratulations Rob!
  17. Thanks Rob, just what I was hoping I would hear. Keep up the good work.
  18. This site is going the way of our country - the minority rules. In the survey at the top of this topic less than 15 percent objected. That means 85 percent approved or were not offended. I do not drink alcohol That doesn't mean I don't go into a restaurant that serves alcohol. I simply do not to order a drink. If someone is offended then they can skip over that section. We can't stop the birds from flying over our heads but we certainly can stop them from building a nest on our head The more rules we have now only means there will be more rules in the future. The last I knew in a democratic society the majority rules.
  19. Great videos! What about shocks on the front? Bad or no shocks can cause a hop.
  20. It worked
  21. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone
  22. Got my Double Clutch today Jay and first thing I read was your article. Great article! This truck was at the show I had at my house on October 29 and the photos do not do it justice. Jay did a great job of restoring it to a pristine condition.
  23. Thanks Mark. I knew it would not be a "one size fits all" answer with so many variables involved. I'm curious and I appreciate you response.
  24. Swishy, The reps were tire engineers not sales people that addressed a group of Prevost bus owners at at Prevost Owners Group rally. I'll stay with what they advised. Thanks for your input.
  25. Be very careful running tires under inflated. I have heard both Goodyear and Michelin tire reps state that a 20 percent under inflation will damage the side walls in just a few miles. If running 100 psi anything under 80 psi is going to cause future problems.
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