Repeating a Previous post: Recently, Farmer 52 (Ken) and I were talking about having a local show for BMT members, and those invited by BMT members, where we can look at the trucks and have plenty of good conversations. A smaller show is much more intimate as opposed to a Macungie or the other large shows. I was at Macungie this June and it was a great show but many times there were so many people around a truck you didn't know who owned it, who to ask questions to or there was no one around. A smaller show would be much more personal and we could all sit around and talk about our trucks and have a great show and tell. We have chosen Saturday, October 29th as the date and rather than having it at a public facility it is going to be held at my home. I have room for about 25 trucks and a large garage where we can sit and talk if the weather is not cooperating. I live about a mile off of I 80 at Exit 234 in Hubbard, OH. This exit is the last/first in Ohio and has a Flying J, Truck World and Loves truck stops. There are also hotels available nearby. The hours would be from 10 to 4 and my wife and I will provide a picnic type lunch and drinks for everyone. Because of the liability involved there will not be any alcohol permitted. At this point, we need to know how many would be interested in attending. Please contact me by any of the following: Private Message on BMT forum E Mail at Phone 330-550-6020 Looking forward to a great time. Further info and directions will be made available as we get closer to the time. Denny