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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DCR

  1. What is the per mile rate that an owner operator with his own authority should be charging? I'm sure there are different figures; I'm curious as to the range. Denny
  2. Gumbie, That's the grill that I just bought. I misunderstood what you were looking for; so I can't help. Denny
  3. I just bought a grill from my local Mack dealer, R &R Mack in Youngstown, OH for my 2000 CH613 and it has MACK in the center of the grill. The grill is plastic and MACK is molded into the plastic. Denny
  4. Thanks to everyone for making this a success and for all of the replies! We talked about doing it again in October to close out the truck show season but I don't think I can wait another year. Let's have one in the spring to OPEN the truck show and one in October to CLOSE the season. Denny
  5. Thanks Jay. Glad you were here with your two Macks and for bringing Tim and Dave. Denny
  6. Thanks Ken for the positive thoughts on yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and felt it was a great success. Even though some from the dark side (non Mack owners) were present, they were welcome! We just have to work harder and convince them how wrong they are! It was good to see the different trucks and sit around the table and talk trucks all,day long. This was the start of a local Mack gathering and we will do it again. Thanks to everyone. Denny
  7. Just watched the 11:00 news/weather and Saturday is forecasted to be 50 and sunshine. Rain is moving out! My address is 1469 Hubbard Thomas Rd. Hubbard, OH. Hubbard is on the Ohio/Pennsylvania border located off of I80 Exit 234. The show will be from 10 to 4. Coffee and donuts in the morning and picnic lunch in the afternoon and it is all free. You just need to show up. Call me at 330-550-6020 if you have any questions. Denny
  8. Carl, The next time I'm in Virginia visiting my brother I will contact you. Larry, You are welcome with B model or not. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Denny
  9. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Denny
  10. Just a reminder about the Mack show at my home in Hubbard, OH on October 29. It looks like there will be several trucks present. It will be a time to sit around and talk trucks. Please let me know if you are planning on attending. My address is 1469 Hubbard Thomas Rd, Hubbard, Oh. Contact me at 330 550 6020 or through BMT. Denny
  11. Have you tried using Equal or a like material inside the tires to balance them? Myself, and many other bus owners, use it in all tires. When I put new tires on the B I had it put in all of the tires. I do not have any shimmy or wobble in my truck. Denny
  12. Ken, other than you and 75T, there has been no response. If there is no further interest I will cancel things. Denny
  13. Repeating a Previous post: Recently, Farmer 52 (Ken) and I were talking about having a local show for BMT members, and those invited by BMT members, where we can look at the trucks and have plenty of good conversations. A smaller show is much more intimate as opposed to a Macungie or the other large shows. I was at Macungie this June and it was a great show but many times there were so many people around a truck you didn't know who owned it, who to ask questions to or there was no one around. A smaller show would be much more personal and we could all sit around and talk about our trucks and have a great show and tell. We have chosen Saturday, October 29th as the date and rather than having it at a public facility it is going to be held at my home. I have room for about 25 trucks and a large garage where we can sit and talk if the weather is not cooperating. I live about a mile off of I 80 at Exit 234 in Hubbard, OH. This exit is the last/first in Ohio and has a Flying J, Truck World and Loves truck stops. There are also hotels available nearby. The hours would be from 10 to 4 and my wife and I will provide a picnic type lunch and drinks for everyone. Because of the liability involved there will not be any alcohol permitted. At this point, we need to know how many would be interested in attending. Please contact me by any of the following: Private Message on BMT forum E Mail at funeraldir@aol.com Phone 330-550-6020 Looking forward to a great time. Further info and directions will be made available as we get closer to the time. Denny
  14. A Mack Truck Show for BMT members and those invited by BMT members held at DCR's (Denny) home in Hubbard,OH. Please contact Denny for more info via PM, 330-550-6020 or funeraldir@aol.com More info here:
  15. Growing up in my father's Gulf gas station, we would clean the cement floor by dumping the acid out of a couple of batteries, let it sit for a few minutes and use a broom to work it around. Would then flush it with plenty of water. Did a great job of getting the grease and grime off of the floor and much better than Draino on cleaning the floor drains. Used oil? Dump it in the parking area in back of the building. Kept the dust down and controlled the weeds. Denny
  16. Doug, Have to be at a wedding in Boyertown the same time, will not be at Gerhart's. Denny
  17. Thanks Ken. Saw pictures of your wheels - look great. 75T - Yes, I was at Dick Best's open house. Did we meet? Denny
  18. Recently, Farmer 52 (Ken) and I were talking about having a local show for BMT members, and those invited by BMT members, where we can look at the trucks and have plenty of good conversations. A smaller show is much more intimate as opposed to a Macungie or the other large shows. I was at Macungie this June and it was a great show but many times there were so many people around a truck you didn't know who owned it, who to ask questions to or there was no one around. A smaller show would be much more personal and we could all sit around and talk about our trucks and have a great show and tell. We have chosen Saturday, October 29th as the date and rather than having it at a public facility it is going to be held at my home. I have room for about 25 trucks and a large garage where we can sit and talk if the weather is not cooperating. I live about a mile off of I 80 at Exit 234 in Hubbard, OH. This exit is the last/first in Ohio and has a Flying J, Truck World and Loves truck stops. There are also hotels available nearby. The hours would be from 10 to 4 and my wife and I will provide a picnic type lunch and drinks for everyone. Because of the liability involved there will not be any alcohol permitted. At this point, we need to know how many would be interested in attending. Please contact me by any of the following: Private Message on BMT forum E Mail at funeraldir@aol.com Phone 330-550-6020 Looking forward to a great time. Further info and directions will be made available as we get closer to the time. Denny
  19. DCR

    Relisted Mh-613

    Assuming that the museum is set up as a charity, 501c3, donations made to it are tax deductible. Hopefully the Museum can set up a special account for the purchase of this truck and donations made directly to the Mack Museum. Denny
  20. DCR


    Met him this past June at Macungie and he gave my wife and I a tour of his truck. He was quite proud of it and rightfully so, he did an excellent job on it. Sorry to hear about his health. Will keep him in our prayers. Denny
  21. DCR

    Relisted Mh-613

    Count me in. Denny
  22. Bigen. Sorry to hear about your situation, will keep you in our prayers.
  23. Barry, Thanks for all of your hard work on this site. Denny
  24. Call me when close to Truck World. 330-550-6020. I live only a mile from TW. Denny
  25. I belong to another internet group, Prevost Owners Group, and which is similar to this group except we are interested in Prevost buses that have been converted to motor homes. It cost $100 a year to belong and POG only has about 350 members. I just check here and there are 6944 registered members on BMT. I certainly NOT advocating that everyone pay a hundred bucks to off set costs but how about a 5 or a 10. I think that that would be a great bargin to have a fine group as this is and have access to all of the knowledge that is represented here for such a small price. Denny
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