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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by DCR

  1. The last email I had was robsautoaffair@gmail.com
  2. My 2000 Vision 460 showed a lightning bolt and when checking the code (8-3) it shows a #3 EUP. Local Mack dealer is swamped and can't get in right away. What does this normally mean? Is the EUP bad? Could it be something else connected with the EUP? I am mechanically inclined but far from a mechanic. Can I change this myself meaning is it simply unbold the old and bolt on the new? Thanks in advance for the help.
  3. There was plenty of warning. I was at my daughters in Newnan, GA, southwest of Atlanta, and kept watching the weather, since I was planning on leaving Tuesday morning. There was a watch then went to a warning with snow to begin anywhere from 10:00 am to 1:00 PM on Tuesday. We left at 8:00 am and were ahead of everything. I did not see any type of snow equipment pretreating or salting the roads going thru Atlanta.
  4. Truck World is located in Hubbard, OH exit 234 on I80.
  5. R&J Trucking, Boardman, OH ???????
  6. Call Brayden Tucker at 330-429-4601. He owns Tucker Equipment.
  7. Great testimony Bulldog Man. I need to keep reading it so as to become motivated to get moving and knock off a few pounds. At one point in my life I was running about 30 miles a week and it does become a GOOD drug. Keep it up.
  8. DCR

    Trucker's GPS

    I have the Rand McNally truckers GPS for the truck and a Rand McNally RV one for the bus. I like them both but they are not 100 % accurate. I wanted to get one for my grandson who recently started driving a truck and wanted opinions on the different ones available. I decided to go with the Rand McNally one. I agree with everyone. The map and a GPS are a great combination. I map out my route and then see if the GPS agrees. I use the GPS basically for the non routing information it provides - ETA, miles to destination, steep grade ahead, speed and warning if 5 miles over limit. I also like the fact it tracks the miles per state for the IFTA tax. Ken as for Ruth Ann reading the map that won't work. Years ago we were in a motorhome towing a Jeep and she was navigating us through some back roads when we came upon a dead end on a back road. Had to unhook the Jeep and back up the motorhome to get out of the situation. When I looked at the map I saw there was a gap on the road in the map clearing showing the road ended exactly where we were. Her explanation " I thought the map had a misprint". I still let her read the map but only after I know where I am going.
  9. DCR


    Sorry to hear about your problem Mike. Cellulitis is nothing to mess with. A very nasty infection that can spread if you don't follow the doctors instruction and take the meds. My son-in-law recently had it and he was in the hospital for nearly a week and off work for several weeks. Will keep you on our prayers.
  10. I want to get a new trucker's GPS. Which one do you recommend - Rand McNally, Garmin, etc. Thanks.
  11. It will turn out good. God will honor you for your decision to go and worship him. God Bless and Merry Christmas.
  12. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone
  13. Congratulations keep up the good work.
  14. Oops, I posted this in the wrong area. It has been several years since I have watched this and forgot about all of the funny lines. It was a nice quiet day. Tomorrow it is snow removal time.
  15. It is cold out and snowing and I'm sitting in my lazy chair watching Smokey and the Bandit on AMC. Life is great! At least for now.
  16. Thanks Ken. And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family and to all of our BMT family. Jesus Christ is the reason for the season so keep Christ in Christmas.
  17. Beautiful Truck. Congratulations.
  18. I'm trying it on my desktop and it is working. But..... Not to steal the thread but many times on my iPad when I hit the reverse arrow at the top of the page to return to the next topic it will send me to a totally different BMT from a day or two prior. Have to X out of everything and start all over again and the current forum appears correctly.
  19. This was sent to me by a minister who was our grief counselor when I owned the funeral home
  20. It works for me on my iPad
  21. I do not need a $1,600 harness. I have already changed a lot of wiring behind the dash and it does not need replaced with a new harness. I am far from an electrical expert and like the challenge of tracing wires and repair and replace. I will run new wires to the junction block and out of the junction block to the switch and to the lights. Will also replace the lights when doing this. The low pressure buzzer does not work so I will rebuild it when I replace the switch.
  22. Thanks for all of the help. As soon as I get a chance I will get both parts and rewire the system and see what happens. I emailed the same photos to a well known Mack dealer parts department and they said they have never seen the switches and had no idea what they were. I asked about the wiring since it was slightly different from the B model diagram on this site and this person suggested I buy a $1,600 wire harness to be sure everything is wired correctly. Since the truck was a road tractor and converted to a dump there have been several changes from the original truck and this would correct everything or so he thinks. Again, thanks for all of the help. I'll let you know the outcome when I finish this project
  23. That truck needs more than love; it needs total reconstructive surgery. It did not get that way from just sitting. Some pig or pigs had to be driving it and neglecting it. How can someone drive a truck and allow it to become such a piece of trash? Where is their pride? Doesn't say much for the company or its drivers. I wonder what kind of a pigs pen, i mean house, they live in.
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