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About rd866sx

  • Birthday 08/28/1970


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    Monroe Michigan

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  1. Name: mack CL 713 (1995) Date Added: 17 February 2009 - 05:05 PM Owner: chip Short Description: Mich spcl specs View Vehicle
  2. Name: mack CL 713 (1995) Date Added: 17 February 2009 - 05:00 PM Owner: chip Short Description: Mich spcl all mack View Vehicle
  3. Name: Mack RW 753 (1989) Date Added: 17 February 2009 - 04:57 PM Owner: chip Short Description: Mich Spcl specs hvy haul View Vehicle
  4. Name: Mack RW 733 (1987) Date Added: 17 February 2009 - 04:55 PM Owner: chip Short Description: Mich road train bought new fall 87 one diber since new over 3.5 million on this baby and she besides deserving some imron paint is cherry. she hauls 150k all day every day, hauls just as much as all tose fancy KW's and evey one alwys asks about our superliner View Vehicle
  5. Name: Mack RD 866s (1988) Date Added: 17 February 2009 - 04:49 PM Owner: chip Short Description: 159k on rebld This is a hog Diamond plate fndrs gull wing hood, this truck means buisness. View Vehicle
  6. Name: Mack R 766s (1981) Date Added: 17 February 2009 - 04:41 PM Owner: chip Short Description: Michigan spcl specs 20k frt axle 44k Mack rears on camelback,400 BC cummings, this truck was bought fall 1981 and stored in a climate ctrl barn started regularly never been put into service, fifth wheel never mounted this truck is museum quality 93 orig miles. View Vehicle
  7. Tonight on ABC News they interviewed a Women firefighter looking at a possible layoff situation and the interview took place in front of a beautiful CF couldn't tell if it was a pumper or tower it was in Mass I belive Brockton Mass, bulldog was standing tall in front line service after all these years. I saw a E one calender and the new trucks are goofy looking but that CF looked like a REAL firetruck.
  8. Let's see those pics, welcome.
  9. Thank you I'll be at the yard today I'll let you know what I find thanks again.
  10. Ihave a 95 E 7454 from time to time the oil cap will be blown off its strange because thecap was replaced atie strapped in place so it wouldnt be lost. i'll be driving get out to tarp and see the spray tighten back up sometimes again in same day sometimes weeks later what would be pressurizing and what do i look for???
  11. Made by Americans Owned by Americans the hell with free trade let's start taking care of the RED WHITE and the BLUE, Lets start a BMT fundraiser and buy the damn thing back. Barry can be the CFO
  12. Like the gentlemaen refered to earlier it's all about return on investemnet. The bean counters and as I call them Educated Fools have made decisions in the offices and consequences aren't kept in mind. This is now a Country of non serviceable parts and has a throw away mentality. Pride in your job? Shit, this has become every man for himself. I am just glad my 89 year old grandfather and my parents raised me not to be a sheep.What is going on is unacceptable and the granite faces on Rushmore would be apauld. Loyalty, besides for a select few is also a thing of the past. Wal Mart mentality Bigger Cheaper and Faster the hell with longevity!
  13. Welcome Home, pictures Please.
  14. Every Co they buy they slowly suck the life out of it Autocar is a perfect example I was told by a mack rep the over the road trucks will be the first to go look at UPS and other large carriers who had majority Mack are all being replaced with volvo Unfortunatley by the time they are done the only Mack made will be a LE or MR refuse truck and that sickens me. My family bought our first Mack in 1921 and to think it is a true possibility volvo will slowly eliminate product lines sucks.
  15. the RD 800's like the one under my gallery have the longest steel nose to my knowledge,
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