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Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by spanky

  1. Still need this done.
  2. I live between Greensboro, & Raleigh, North Carolina, but anywhere on the East Coast, will help. Even close to the East Coast, will do.
  3. Need 1952 GMC 470 series COE, transported from the Portland, Ore. area to the East Coast. The truck is a cab, & chassis, & has a wheelbase of 161"in., & weighs around 7000lb.'s It's alittle more than 8 ft. tall. Contact me at, ehardy1@triad.rr.com
  4. Yep, That's me, with the '52 GMC COE, in the Portland area. It's a cab, & chassis, 161"in. wheelbase, & weighs around 7000lb's. Trying to get it closer to the East Coast.
  5. There was a '58 GMC 860 Wrecker, in my area, up until the early 80's. Had a Stringfellow Wrecker Unit, on it.
  6. The GMC "Big Cab" 900 series Heavy Duty Truck Line, of this body style, was '50-'59. The '49, & earlier 900 series trucks, were the Art Deco" style, with the smaller 2 man cab's. Spanky Hardy....Collector Of Fine Old G.M. COE Trucks & Antique Holmes Wreckers. http://community.webshots.com/user/snubnose4754
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