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blue rd

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    truckin worlds best made truck=mack

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  1. Hello finally had the time to get it done! The problem was I used a latch that was from PAI, being aftermarket was not allowing it to latch because the spring is to stiff. Bought original parts from Mack dealer. Good as new. Thanks have a great and safe drive Mack friends.
  2. The door closed but the striker was worn out so wouldn't fully stay closed. It would open while driving.
  3. Yes on 88 Rd. Any idea why the door won't close? Replaced everything tried aligning the latch. Found that the nits in the door frame are loose. Are they like that from factory? 

  4. Tried everything. Was wondering if the post nuts in the cab that the latch screw into should be loose as they are now or do they have to be welded tight, so when the latch is screwed in there wouldn't be any play. I replaced the door hinges thinking they were worn and aligned it up but no the door still doesn't close.
  5. Hello! Issues with door not striking latch. Installed new latch and striker but still will not close. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. Hello! Any info on the drivers side door. Installed new hinges and door frame weather strip along with the latch and door jam striker but it still won't close.
  7. Hello! Anyone know of air bags I can add to the front suspension to help with load and road comfort?
  8. Yes I do get good boost now. Before I replaced the puff limiters I was getting loss of power on top end when driving on highway. After the fix with proper amount of shims and proper amount of linkage travel it's driving great. Just having an issue with blow by and less boost on take off until fuel is opened up when the rack allows it to do so.
  9. Ok! Haven't checked timing. Going to change supply pump first just in case it's not worn out. How do I check the timing? It's an Ambac fuel injection pump mechanical on an e6 350.
  10. Hey Mack friends! Just finished replacing the transmission. Had a 12 speed maxitorque( what a huge heavy piece of metal). It ended up separating and cracking at the bell housing. I replaced it with a eaton fuller 8LL. Much lighter and much better to drive. New pto, pump, extended driveshaft. New electronic speedo. I wouldn't give up this truck for a new one. $ maker for a owner operator and it works full time in and outta the city and handles awesome in the pit.
  11. Have an issue with idle! Starts perfect, accelerates well, but after a few hours of haulin' the fuel flow feels erratic. Idle seems higher and often gets more blow by from the breather tube. Oil also drips but seems like a mixture of oil and fuel. Any feedback? Replaced puff limiter on intake and on the pump, new fuel lines, and filters. Don't get any smoke out of exhaust.
  12. Blue Rd Have an issue with idle! Starts perfect, accelerates well, but after a few hours of haulin' the fuel flow feels erratic. Idle seems higher and often gets more blow by from the breather tube. Oil also drips but seems like a mixture of oil and fuel. Any feedback? Replaced puff limiter on intake and on the pump, new fuel lines, and filters. Don't get any smoke out of exhaust. Author blue rd Category Antique & Classic Mack Info Submitted 04/03/2016 08:32 PM
  13. Have an issue with idle! Starts perfect, accelerates well, but after a few hours of haulin' the fuel flow feels erratic. Idle seems higher and often gets more blow by from the breather tube. Oil also drips but seems like a mixture of oil and fuel. Any feedback? Replaced puff limiter on intake and on the pump, new fuel lines, and filters. Don't get any smoke out of exhaust.
  14. i purchased the selectair kit and am wondering what the green and white tubes are used for??
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