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Everything posted by chris88

  1. For how long?
  2. Yea, im going to the open house next week and to take the scholarship test. I'll see what its all about when im out there before i make up my mind on anything. Its somewhere around 9 hrs from jersey so its a bit of hike but i want to get out of jersey for a while.
  3. Where about in ohio are you freightrain? I'm headed out to lima, ohio next thursday to look at northwestern tech. Ive never been to ohio before so i dont know the layout of the state but I'll be out there next week, and for a year and half in about a year and half.
  4. Do you have any pics of B's with sun visors? Im sure they look great with a visor.
  5. Nice truck, I cant belive how long jimmy ran that B for. He said he stopped running it like 10 years ago. If you talk to him tell him everythings going well, shes running great and I've already started gathering parts. There are people that complain about driving an RD or an older pete and here you are using a 61 B model. there arent many people like that out here.
  6. Was the pennsyvania tech site or something along those lines, that truck looked awesome. Search for penn tech on google im sure it will come up
  7. How much free play in the clutch pedel do you have on the truck now?
  8. 44k rears? If i remeber right we pay somewhere around 1500 for junk yard rears. Dont quote me on that though.
  9. My truck got delivered yesturday morning so now that shes home i can really start ripping into it. Everything went good, now all i have to do is go and buy 2 batteries so i can fire the truck up because i have nothing to pull start it. The only question i have is with the clutch, when i have the pedal down it squeals. Would that be the throwout bearing or the pilot bearing. I'll throw some grease in the throwout bearing before i start it next but i was just wondering about the noise. I figure i'll have to pull down the trans to put a new rear main in with how long its been sitting. I'll probably be chasing oil leaks on that for a long time.
  10. Im intrested in learnin a little about that big ole gasser. All ive heard about it were a few stories, no real information on it. Its over a thousand cubes right? Inline or a v configuration? what kind of power could be expected from on of these beasts? What kind of trucks were they in? I'm just lookin for some stories and information on these. thanks Chris
  11. If you want to put maxis on all you need to do is plumb in an airline going to a park brake knob then back to the spring side of your chambers. I plan on doing that on at least one axle on my mack before she sees the road.
  12. ATF has a lot of solvents in it i know that. So not only adding lubricity to the fuel your cleaning everything. I guess i should put a new fuel filter in it, put a gallon of atf in it and run it for a while then put another new filter in.
  13. I didnt even think about atf. Sometimes at work we fill up fuel filter with it but i wasnt even thinking about it on my truck, once i get her home ill have to run it for a couple hours after i go through it with some atf in the fuel. Thanks for all the good ideas and help gettin it going.
  14. That shirt is beautiful. I wish i had a credit card or somethin so icould order one. My 3 all time favorite trucks on one shirt. I'll see what i can do to order one.
  15. My father was doin a job out in the pines of newjersey and saw the Bmodel sittin there everyday when he went to lunch for a year or so, then one day i said that i would like to buy a bmodel so we went out there and talked to the guy who owned it and he wasnt sure if he wanted to get rid of it, so he told us to come back in a couple weeks. We went back there and he said that he would sell it for 1200. So i went and picked it up soonafter and now i own a 1964 B 61. The first vehicle i ever bought at 16 is a mack.
  16. I sprayed almost a full can of PB blaster in it so hopefully that lubed it up pretty good. HK thats a good idea with the emergency shutoff. I just cant belive how good the thing ran after sitting for 8 or so years. All i did after i freed up the rack was open the injector lines to see if i was getting fuel then tightened them and she popped right off. Once i get the truck home, hopefully in a week or so, i can really run the truck and get it hot. The guy i bought it from said i should retorque the heads before i put the engine under anysort of a load because of the 711 headgasket so i figure i'll get her nice and hot and then go and re torque and re adjust everything. Thanks again for the help.
  17. What do you think it is with that throttle? Just some junk left in the pump jammin it up again? I dont want the throttle to stick at full throttle and blow the thing up. I would imagine if the throttles stickin in the pump the governor wouldnt do anything.
  18. How is that comfortable?
  19. Went and got my 64 fired up today. I did what you guys said and took the covers off the pump and the fuel shut off was in the no fuel position. So i sprayed everything down with PB and worked it back and forth till i could do it easily and put it back together and she fired right up. The only problem i had was that the throttle stuck and wouldnt go back to idle so i took the cover back off and sprayed it down again and worked it back and forth again and it seemed to be alright. She ran great. Ran real smooth and sounded good. Very little smoke too. The trans felt good with the little bit of playing i did with it. The highest i got it in was 2nd high so i didnt really get a chance to drive it. Every sounded good and worked good. The only thing is that the throwout bearing makes noise when the clutch is in so hopefully it will stop if i put some grease in it. Everything felt good, with no power steering it steered really easy. The trans shifted good too. Thanks for the help everyone Chris
  20. Why dont you just get your CDL?
  21. I dont really know the history on the truck too well. It looks factory. I always thought RD's were mechanical right till 98. A buddy of mine drove an 1998 RD that was mechanical too. The tag on the valve cover says compliant with the model year 1998. I'm pretty sure it does anyway, i'll check next time I'm working on it.
  22. E-7 Mechanicals were availible in RD's till 98 as far as i know. We have a 98 RD with a mechanical E7. I think that was the last year for the mechanicals. The only v8 was the E9 and the endt 865 i think it was. All the others are inline.
  23. Your best bet is that air governor, 2 bolts and a couple airlines and you have airpressure again.
  24. Thanks, one of these days it will be.
  25. Not gonna argue with you on that one bit. Thats one thing i gotta give to that volvo suspension, it is real easy to change.
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