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Everything posted by chris88

  1. I hate seeing pictures like that because i want to hear a story behind that. Its no fun looking at the picture with no story(well i guess it is kinda fun but you know what i mean). That really sucks for the driver, hope he was ok.
  2. We have two volvos at work with that style suspension and both trucks have come in with broken springs. The one is only a year old and has already broken a spring on one side and the other truck broke all 3 on one side. I do have to say they are nice and easy to change. The 3 springs are somewhere in the neighboorhood of 500 bucks if i can remeber right, when an 11 stack camelback is like 440 dollars in my area so the price isnt far off.
  3. Thanks a lot everyone. I'll check all of that next time i see the truck. So just pull the covers I can get at and I should see the fuel rack? IP's are one thing i dont really have any experiance with yet.
  4. What would it take to check the rack? Just pull the side cover? Im hopin its something simple, the trucks not at my house yet but once i get it here i can really dig into it. Id rather have it running before i got it here but the way it looks it may not happen. I'm not sure which pump i have on the truck, I'll take down the info next time i see the truck Thanks Chris
  5. Ok well to start its a 64 B61 with a 711. Im not getting fuel to the injectors. Im getting fuel right to the injection pump but nothin past the IP. It hasnt run in about 8 years. The only things i could think of is either the pump is gummed up or the fuel shut off isnt working. Does anyone have any suggestions? Everythings turning over smooth and the truck is building oil pressure so thats all good. It fires on ether. Chris
  6. I went there and talked to him one day and he told me to come back in a couple weeks so he could make up his mind, and he decided to sell it. Hes one hell of a nice guy. I just picked it up 2 weeks ago from him. I guess it really is a small world. Hes got some nice trucks sitting over there. Well if you see him tell em i say thank you again. Chris
  7. Thanks for all the help. Rick what do you mean about the 22.5 needs an 8.25 and the 20 needs a 7.50? I would have to buy new rims for 22.5s so the width of a 22.5 rim should be standard and have nothing to do with a 20 rim. I tryed followin the cables but they all(4 cables, 2 from each side) run up under the cab. It will be a couple weeks before i see the truck again since its not at my house yet but next time I'll see if i can follow them all the way up. As soon as i get rolling on the project I'll go buy a 12 volt starter. There are pictures in my gallery, I'll get more next time i go see the truck. I hate to bother you guys but i have another question on the truck. The trunnion is one cast piece on the truck and at the bottom its cracked on both sides, its been welded before but its still cracked in places. Is it safe to weld it? I would imagine it would be if it was welded right. The truck will never move a lot of weight so it should be fine.
  8. I hate to say it but these days id rather have a cummins then a mack engine, we have had nothing but problems and complaints with granites with that new mack engine.
  9. So all i need is one 12 volt on each side to make 24 for the starter. I just have to find out which cable is positive and which is negative. The truck should be positive ground right? Both cables are running towards the front of the truck by the cab so im not sure which is ground. How should i find the ground? Also I was wondering does anyone know an online tire site? I tryed searching on google but i couldnt find anything for truck tires, just cars. Thanks Chris
  10. Forget the tire question, I just read around a bit and found out that i can put a 22.5 tubeless on. Another question i have is about that oil bath air filter. I see watts mack has a replacement dry type but its a little pricey. Are there any cheaper alternitives or is that about it for a dry filter housing. I deffinatly want to get rid of the oil bath.
  11. Hi, I just picked up my B this weekend and have a few questions. First lets start with that 12-24 volt series parallel switch thing. How exactly does it work. How are the batteries wired? Im guessing that each bank of batteries is seperate and wired for 12 volts then put together at the switch to make 24 but i dont know. I would like to put a 12 volt starter on and get rid of that whole contraption. What would i have to do? Just put a new starter on and run the battery cables to it right? Should be no big deal. My other question is to do with tires. Its got 10x20 on it right now. Only 5 spoke rear hubs. Ive heard that 22.5 tubeless rims will fit on a 20 inch hub. Is this true? I'm sure I'll come up with more questions soon but thats all i can think of now. Thanks Chris
  12. I cant think of any new mack that i like the look of, I like RDs but theyre not around anymore. The granites dont look terrible but the older trucks look better in my opinion. Those aussie trucks look real heavy duty. Wish i could read that brochure thing but the print is too small. What suspension would they use for a tri drive setup?
  13. I cant wait to see it done either. Right now I'm 16 and ive been looking for a B for a couple months now. I found it in south jersey, My dad was working out by where it is now and one day we stopped in and talked to the guy and he said he'll think about selling it so we came back a couple weeks later and he said he'd sell it to me. I cant wait to get the project underway, I'll post more pics once i get it home and start rippin into it. Mechanically it should be sound so hopefully this is just a cosmetic restoration. I have a question about tires, its got 10X20 tube type. Ive read that you can put 22.5 tubeless rims on the same hub, is this true?
  14. Thats a superliner in the background on the first pic. The guys has a good taste in trucks. He ran that B for years, hes got a 70's R model and then that superliner. Dont get much better then that, if i were to pick three trucks to have those three would be it.
  15. Hell id get a bigger smile on my face when i see a beat up old DM with the big steel nose then i do when i see a pete or any other new truck. That is a good lookin superliner but i dont like all the chrome and fancy stuff I like the way superdogs truck looks more then the fancy one.
  16. Finally got some pictures of the truck im getting, Its a 64 B 61. 711 with a triplex behind it. Tandem axle i belive 36 k rears. Engine was rebuilt before it was parked and the trans is new before it was parked Thats me on the right
  17. Remanufactured, Pretty much a complete rebuilt engine that you drop right in.
  18. As far as I know 90 wt gear oil and 50 wt engine oil are the same visosity
  19. In all the transmissions that i deal with we use 50 wt synthetic and rears are either 80-140 synthetic or 85 140 dyno oil. I would NOT use an 85 140 in a trans because there are needle bearings and the 85 140 is too thick to lube them properly.
  20. Ive probably seen your trucks before, whats the name of your company? I'm up in Wayne but i go to newark every so often when a truck breaks down and we have to fix it on the road. Well good luck finding the right Mack.
  21. Low gear, a creeper gear or a granny low.
  22. I dont know much about the gas engines either, im sorry to get off topic but nice post count freightrain "237"
  23. Did you check the B model store? I think theres a link for it on this site. If you havent you should check it out, theres just about everything you could need on there.
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