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Everything posted by bigmack73

  1. Im here in ny guys thanks for the info
  2. No info guys
  3. Someone told me i can get them without having a corporation. Can someone guide me through the steps i will need to go through and how much it would be roughly. Thanks guys
  4. Thanks alot i have no where to park them i may need them for mayb three days at most at a time
  5. Just curious to if anyones ever rented a lowboy. I have my own tractor just sometimes need a lowboy once in a blue moon
  6. Im in ny
  7. Looking for a nice project let me know Thanks guys
  8. I need it but think it might be too long. Need it for a dm800
  9. Those rears are single or tandem
  10. http://boston.craigslist.org/gbs/grd/3836307735.html Who ever wants it
  11. Need more pics of rears and how much are you looking for
  12. Where are those rears from
  13. First off inwould like to say thank you to everyone who put their two cents in and i really appreciate this. Im 23yrs old and always wanted to get into the trucking game. That is my greatest dream. I tried working for some companies but no luck im young and i dont have enough experience which i think is bull, i can drive any truck with my eyes closed. Tried cement, triaxle dumps, and trailers they all said the same shit. How can you really gt experience if no one wants to hire and train or see what you can do. I even went to school to become a diesel technician that way i can fix my own truck one day . As of right now i currently work for the post office and driver thier commercial trucks transporting mail sometimes box trucks or trailers i do it all and even when i told companies this they jus told me to stay where i am. I went to another company and ask for info on how they statted and how would i start they just fucking ignored me its jus a dod eat dog buisness it seems to me. I bought a nice clean 87 mack from a nice man in lancaster pa and he was running 6 mack rd triaxles and his personal peterbilt didnt move out of the garage. All his trucks are ran by his closests friends and i asked whats his income for the year he told lets jus say im a millionaire. Now hes ready to retire and wants to pass the buisness to his sons and none of them want it i was so shocked. He has three sons one is in stock markets and he other two are lazy fucks. Its jus broke my heart that i want to do this so bad and these guys have it and dont want it. Like the saying goes "one mans garbage is another mans treasure". Im just going to keep trying and see o a door opens up.
  14. Always wanted to become a owner operator out here in nyc but scared to buy a truck and cant find the work. Looking to get into the rri axle dump game any feedback will be appreciated
  15. Check this out found this today jus wish these bills would give me a break. http://cnj.craigslist.org/cto/3796427776.html
  16. Hey thomas what exactly do u need i got a r model in. Da yard
  17. http://hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/grd/3753983310.html jake brake fits mack - $1100 (chester) jake brake fits 350 mack 4 valve engine was a take off $1100.00 o/b/o call 845-551-9164 don't see them to much i bought to put on truck sold truck
  18. Mack rears for a single axle
  19. Its stamped Ratio then 6 6 7
  20. The owner said that it goes 60mph but thats all i need ill be carrying a heavy load up hills
  21. Hey mack bros i want to swap the rears on my single axle truck with rears from a b61. The rears say 667 ratio will it work on my. 1984 mack r model dump. Serial number on rears Cr62L30
  22. Dont want any recaps where are you
  23. Mack r model doesnt matter im in nyc area just tell me what you got
  24. Still need the springs
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