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Everything posted by mack31

  1. Please send a few more picture to fireantiques@yahoo.com or 6107450280 Thank you Ryan
  2. Hi Steve where are you located. I am in Avondale PA
  3. Thank you
  4. Called last night and bought this morning a 1970 CF686F-10-1200. Original to Norristown Borough PA. My first diesel 5 speed. Runs great. The compartments have rust so i will try to find a donor truck.
  5. Will a Detroit diesel 6v92 fit in a B or L model?
  6. Yes they are little harder to find. Will definitely need a tandem rear. This will be for moving antique fire apparatus. Was the 80s R a tandem? I am continually looking every day. Auctions, truck paper, Facebook etc. Prefer a Mack that a reasonable price.
  7. I was wondering why the forums have been a lot less active over the past few years.
  8. I tried the wanted area but I will see if I can grab more views here. I am ISO 28’-30’ Rollback Truck Thank you Ryan
  9. Hi I am looking to get some paint for my hubs and I am trying to cross reference the paint code. Please see the attached file. green enamel #3-353
  10. We just purchased a 1959 Mack C model. It’s from the Center Square Fire Co in Pennsylvania. Purchased from St. Louis area after sitting in a barn for 10 years. ISO BUMPER and cab trim at this time.
  11. Yes thank you please send his information
  12. mack31

    1959 H67T

    Ok thank you. I am Bringing in a truck from St. Louis next week I will see if there is room. Approximate length and height
  13. mack31

    1959 H67T

    Ok great do you have his info?
  14. mack31

    1959 H67T

    Thank you. Is this a diesel too?
  15. mack31

    1961 H67T

    Can you post a few pictures of the 59?
  16. Looking for quotes to move a 1959 Mack fire truck from St. Louis to Philadelphia. 25’ L, 8.5’ H, 8’ W 15,500 pounds
  17. Hi I assume you never made a deal. I know where the truck is. I just bought the two L models for parts. Ryan
  18. Hi I am in Pennsylvania. Going to see what it will take to get it back here
  19. My Great Grandfather sold Mack’s for 31 years in the tri state area. Started in 1938.
  20. Yes it is. I am in Avondale. The truck is in Philly in storage being tuned up.
  21. I have one that you could gets re-chromed
  22. In search of a radiator for a 1949 Autocar fire truck.
  23. If you search enf464 a few other threads come up. I reached out to another guy that has worked on these I will let you know.
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